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The 5 best PT-approved exercises to build upper body strength when you’re short on time


WITH warmer weather on the horizon, no doubt you’re thinking about shedding your layers to expose your arms.

If you’re short on time, you might might find yourself tacking on upper body exercises as an afterthought to your leg or ab day.

With summer ahead, many of us will be thinking of bearing our arms for the first time in months[/caption]
Personal trainer Will Duru shares five exercises to to tone your upper body if you don’t have much time at the gym

But it’s possible to give your arms and shoulders a good workout even if you don’t have oodles of time at the gym.

Working on your upper body strength isn’t just about having jacked biceps or your arms looking good in sleeveless top.

According to London-based personal trainer Will Duru, of Will Power Fitness, “building upper body strength is crucial for several reasons”.

“Firstly, it significantly influences your posture,” he tells Sun Health.

“Strong core and back muscles work together to maintain upright posture and prevent the development of a hunched back.

“Secondly, better upper body strength helps avoid neck and back stiffness, which often results from stress, tension, or prolonged periods of sitting and staring at a screen.”

So, where to begin in your quest toned triceps in time for summer?

Will suggests you train your upper body once or twice a week, depending on how often you’re hitting the gym.

If you’ve only got one gym day to dedicate to your arms, he recommends you dedicate that session to a full upper body workout.

But if you can fit in a second training session, you could focus on your chest and back during the first session and work your shoulders and arms in the second.

Making sure you’re following the proper technique of upper body exercises if important so you don’t injure yourself, Will notes.

And pay attention to the tempo of your exercises too – you might be tempted whizz through them when you’re using heavy weights, but take a moment to ensure you’re controlling your speed.

“A typical workout should last between 45 minutes to an hour,” the PT adds.

But this might be different for days when you when you focus on leg workouts involving heavy compound movements.

In these cases, Will suggests extending the workout to 90 minutes, as these exercises require longer rest periods in between.

Now you’ve got an idea of the of the basics, Will shares five exercises to build upper body strength when you’re short on time at the gym.

“Grab two pairs of kettlebell weights and three pairs of dumbbells and you’re all set to go,” he says.

He recommends resting for 30 seconds in between each set.

1. Press-ups

Will Duru
Start off in a plank position and bend your elbows to lower your body[/caption]

Press-ups are a classic when it comes to upper body strength as they’ll leave your chest, arms and shoulders burning, but it’s important to get your form right.

Start off in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your bum tucked in, before slowly lowering your chest towards the floor.

Slowly push yourself up to your staring position and repeat.

Make sure to tuck your elbows into your waist rather than flaring them out wide.

If this seems a bit too challenging, Will suggests knee press-ups as an alternative.

Modify your plank position so your knees are down, checking that your body is straight and at a 45 degree angle from the ground.

Do four sets of press ups, with 10 repetitions in each.

2. Kettlebell gorilla rows

Grab your kettlebells and row your arms up to your waist
Will Duru
You can also give TRX rows a go[/caption]

Grab your kettlebells for this exercise and place them on the floor in front of you.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hinge your hips forward as if you’re about to do a deadlift.

Grasp your kettlebells and – keeping your core engaged – and bend your elbows to lift them up.

Do four sets of 10 reps.

You can give TRX rows a go as an alternative.

Set up the TRX so the handles are about chest height and take a step back to the straps are pulled taut.

Extend your arms, lean back and pull yourself up to handles.

3. Standing dumbbell shoulder press

Hold your dumbbells above your shoulders and press them into the air

Grab a dumbbell in each hand, stand upright and keep your back straight.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand above your shoulders and raise your hands above your head with control.

Pause briefly and the top before returning the dumbbells to your shoulders and repeating the motion.

Complete four sets with 10 reps each.

4. Dumbbell single-arm row

Brace your arm and knee against a bench and pull your dumbbell to your chest

Find yourself a bench, place the dumbbell next to it and then place a hand and knee on the bench.

Flatten your back and brace your core before reaching down to grab the dumbbell.

Row your elbow up to your waist 10 times, doing four sets.

5. Dumbbell snatch

Squat down to pick up the dumbbell with one arm, then straighten your body and legs and lift the dumbbell up till the arm is extended

Place the dumbbell on the floor and stand over it with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Squat down to pick it up with one arm, then straighten your body and legs and lift the dumbbell up till the arm is extended above your head.

Place the dumbbell down and repeat with the other arm.

Do four sets with 10 reps each.


Knowing what weight to go for can be tricky, but Will has a few tips to get it right.

“You’re using the right weight if you can complete 8-10 repetitions per set,” he explains.

“If you can do more, consider increasing the weight slightly, ideally by 2-5 kg.

“Push yourself by challenging your limits while still managing to complete your sets with proper form.”

Don’t hesitate to lift heavy, as long as it’s adjusted to your strength level, Will adds.

But make not to rush your repetitions and keep your tempo steady.

Aim for four sets per exercise with repetitions ranging from eight to 15, the PT suggests.

Will has seen his fare share of mistakes when it comes to upper body exercises.

“The most frequent errors include lifting heavy weights too quickly, without controlling to a tempo of two seconds up and three seconds down,” he says.

“Additionally, many fail to show a mind-muscle connection during their workouts, which is important for effectively targeting and feeling the muscles being worked.”

This means focusing your mind on the specific muscle your contracting during each exercise.

While you shouldn’t be scared to challenge yourself, you can also sway to the opposite end of the spectrum with what Will calls “ego lifting”.

“Ego lifting, which, while potentially beneficial, can be dangerous if not performed with proper technique or tempo,” he says.

“This can lead to muscle strains or pulls, and in severe cases, injuries such as a slipped disc.

“This risk is especially high with exercises like deadlifts, pull-ups, and rows with barbells or dumbbells.”

How much exercise should you do and when?

There are guidelines issued by the NHS and the Government regarding how much exercise people should do each day.

People should be active daily, and avoid sitting for long periods.

The NHS recommends an adults – those aged 19 to 64 – should aim for 150 minutes of “moderate intensity activity” a week.

This works out to 21 minutes a day, or 30 minutes five days a week.

Or, they could do 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, which could be less than 11 minutes per day or 25 minutes three days a week.

Adults should also aim to do strength exercises twice a week, at least.

Examples of moderate-intensity activities include brisk walking, water aerobics, riding a bike, dancing, doubles tennis, pushing a lawn mower, hiking or rollerblading.

Examples of vigorous activities include running, swimming, riding a bike fast or on hills, walking up the stairs, sports, like football, rugby, netball and hockey, skipping, aerobics, gymnastics or martial arts.

Things like lifting heavy weights, sprinting up hills, spin classes or circuit training are considered very vigorous.

What time should you exercise?

Getting exercise into your day, no matter what time is a good idea.

But you may want to be more selective depending on your goal.

A 2023 US study on 5,285 middle-aged adults showed exercising between 7 and 9 am was the best time if you’re looking to lose weight.

Researchers found that early-bird gym goers had a lower body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference than those working out later.

A 2022 study led by Prof Paul J Arciero, Skidmore College, New York, found that the optimal time of day to get your kit on might differ according to your gender.

Prof Arciero said women wanting to lose fat around their belly and hips would do better to hit the gym in the morning, but those seeking to gain upper body strength or simply improve their mood might see more results from evening exercise.

The results were the opposite for men.

If you struggle to get to sleep, it’s been found that exercise in the morning may help, but exercise in the evening may help you to stay asleep.

Exercise, generally, can improve sleep quality.

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