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Day-by-day exactly what to eat to ease period symptoms throughout your cycle – from bloating to cramps


THE average woman will have a staggering 480 periods over the course of her lifetime, according to the NHS.

While most of us are familiar with the craving for chocolate and ice cream when a period nears, we can in fact eat to support the cycle all month.

Experts say what you eat throughout your cycle can impact your symptoms[/caption]
Phases of the menstrual cycle to be aware of

Changing hormones are behind the various changes that you’ll experience throughout your cycle – from the bleed to PMS and ovulation.

Nutritionist Cara Shaw says that a healthy menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days or up to 45 days if you are a teenager.

A typical cycle can be broken down into:

  • The menstrual cycle, which is the period itself
  • Proliferative phase, in the lead up to ovulation
  • Ovulation, when the ovaries release an egg halfway through the cycle and you are most fertile
  • The luteal phase, after ovulation and before the period.

With fluctuating hormones triggering symptoms from fatigue to cramps over the month, you can support the body by eating certain foods filled with hormone-loving nutrients, says Cara.

WEEK 1 (days 1 to 7): Menstruation  

Day one of the cycle is the first day of your period.

Cara says: “Progesterone production drops off, triggering the shedding of the uterine lining aka the bleed.”

The week of your bleed can be a tough one; you might be feeling particularly tired, bloated and generally lethargic. But there are foods that can help you. 

Meat for lost nutrients 

Cara says: “Iron and zinc are important minerals that can be lost during menstruation, particularly if someone has heavy periods.”

Whilst meat is a good source of these minerals, Cara says that seafood and sea-based vegetables like wakame, nori, kombu and kelp will also help to remineralise your body with zinc and iron, to help maintain energy, overcome fatigue and support your immune system. 

Berries to ease water retention 

Water retention can be a problem during menstruation week, in the tummy, around the hips, legs and even arms. 

Cara says: “Berries are a water-rich fruit so they can help with retention by acting as a diuretic and helping to support the kidneys.

“I’d also add in nettle tea during the menstrual cycle as this is particularly useful as a natural diuretic to help with water retention.”

Beetroot, black beans and kidney beans are “rich in potassium which helps to manage the fluid balance in the body,” says Cara.

Just go easy on the beans if you’re not used to eating them as their high fibre content could make bloating worse.  

WEEK 2 (days 7 to 14): Proliferative phase 

The proliferative phase occurs from day seven to roughly day 14 (based on an average 28-day cycle).

It is sometimes called the ‘follicular phase’, but this includes the period (day one to seven).

There is an increase of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to prepare the ovaries for an egg release and oestrogen to to thicken the uterine lining to host an egg. 

As oestrogen levels rise, you’re likely feeling your best; strong, energetic, social and upbeat. 

But over time, too much oestrogen can lead to heavy periods, weight gain and fatigue, says Cara, whilst too little can lead to missing periods, dry skin and even weak bones. 

You may like more fresh, vibrant and light foods to help whilst hormone levels are at their lowest

Cara ShawNutritionist

Cara says: “Both high and low levels of oestrogen are common.  

“An example of where low oestrogen is common is during menopause as the hormones are naturally declining. 

“In perimenopause, the dips and peaks can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride of oestrogen and progesterone which is why symptoms are so prevalent during this time; progesterone can tank relatively quickly, hence symptoms like low mood and poor sleep during this life stage.

“During the follicular phase it’s important to support oestrogen in case of either too much or too little.”

Edamame beans to support oestrogen 

Cara recommends eating phytoestrogen-rich foods such as flaxseed, edamame, beans and legumes, organic and fermented soy products. 

She says: “Phytoestrogen-rich foods can work both ways to modulate levels – either increasing in times of need or helping to regulate too much.

“You may like more fresh, vibrant and light foods (think salads with pulses and lean meats) to help whilst hormone levels are at their lowest.”

WEEK 3 (days 14 to 17): Ovulation

Ovulation occurs on one day of the cycle (up to three). This marks the fertile window.

Cara says: “A sharp rise in FSH occurs followed by an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates one follicle to swell and eventually burst, resulting in the egg release into a fallopian tube.

“Oestrogen levels increase further to thicken the lining and testosterone has its moment. You may notice an increase in sex drive.”

For some women, ovulation can come with symptoms such as cramps and tender boobs.

Cara says: “Some people can be more sensitive to changes in hormones than others. 

“Mild cramping is totally normal during ovulation. Anything debilitating however should be checked out by a medical professional.”

Eat broccoli to detoxify 

Cara says: “Oestrogen levels will peak at this time so ensure there are lots of fibres and nutrients to support healthy detoxification. 

“In order to support oestrogen clearance, we need enough fibre to ensure we are passing enough bowel movements. 

“If someone is constipated, the oestrogen has the potential to recirculate and contribute to higher levels.

“Think lots of steamed vegetables with a focus on cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage.”

Beat cramps with oily fish 

Cara says: “Cramping during this period can be eased by having both omega 3 and magnesium in the diet. 

“Omega 3 helps to fight inflammation and magnesium helps to relax smooth muscle, easing pain.”

Get magnesium from dark green leafy vegetables, hemp seeds, almonds, and delicious dark chocolate. 

Salmon, mackerel, sardines,  herring and anchovies are some of the oily fish that provide omega-3.

Cara says: “Omega 3 has been shown to support ovulation via various mechanisms including the health and structure of ovarian follicles, increasing blood uterine blood flow,  and the production of cervical mucus. 

“Oily fish are an excellent source of healthy fats that act as the foundation of our hormones – they are literally made from fats.”

Eat cod to relieve tender breasts 

Do you get tender breasts sometime around the middle of your cycle?

This could in fact be an indication that you are low in iodine, Cara says, which helps mitigate oestrogen.

Iodine helps counter oestrogen’s tendency to cause inflammation in breast tissue.

Cara says: “Iodine can be sourced from cod, seafood and foods such as kelp, nori, wakame and kombu.”

When heavy periods could be something sinister

WHEN it comes to periods, there is a textbook definition of normal – but then there is also what a normal period looks like for you.

For some (lucky) people, these definitions overlap; for others, they don’t.

The NHS recognises a ‘normal period’ as losing between 30 and 60ml, or six to eight teaspoonfuls, each month. A ‘heavy’ period’ is anything more than 80ml.

Another, arguably simpler, way of working out whether your period is heavy is to count the number of pads or tampons you use.

Having to change a pad or tampon every one to two hours, or emptying a menstrual cup more often than is recommended, is a sign your period is heavy.

An NHS test can also help reveal whether your periods are heavy and if it’s worth seeing your GP.

Dr Fran Yarlett, GP and medical director at The Lowdown, said: “Heavy periods can be normal for some people.

“But if your periods have changed and become heavier, this can signify medical problems.” This could be:

  1. Early-stage cervical cancer
  2. Fibroids (non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb)
  3. Perimenopause (the time during which your body makes the natural transition to menopause)
  4. Hypothyroidism (when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones
  5. Endometriosis (tissue similar to that in the womb grows in other areas of the body)

WEEK 4 (days 17 to 28): Luteal phase 

Post ovulation a woman will enter the luteal phase (sometimes called the secretory phase) which is 10 to 14 days long.

Progesterone levels increase (and oestrogen, though lesser than before ovulation), which keeps the body primed for pregnancy.

But once it’s clear there is no pregnancy, both hormones drop which trigger the period.

Ease bloat with celery 

In order to support PMS symptoms like bloating, Cara says that women need to be including lots of potassium rich foods in their diet, such as celery, swiss chard, beans, parsnips, potatoes and coconut water. 

Eat the RIGHT carbs to stay happy 

Carbs are your friend this week and even though you might be feeling heavier than usual, it’s wise not to neglect carb-rich foods. 

Cara says: “Don’t skip the carbs during this phase as you need them to help support serotonin levels to keep your mood up.

“Think complex carbs like root vegetables, chickpeas, and wholegrain rice.” 

These high-fibre carbs help to curb hunger and avoid sharp spikes and sharp drops in energy that you may get with simple carbs (white bread, pasta, pastries).

To further keep your hormones happy, Cara suggests minimising ultra processed foods.

Instead of the crisps, opt for their less processed counterparts; a cooked potato. 

“This helps to support hormones and nourish the body,” says Cara.

Eat turkey to help beat insomnia 

Insomnia or a general lack of sleep is a common symptom before your period kicks in. 

Cara says: “If you suffer from insomnia at this point in your cycle, up your tryptophan-rich foods like turkey, banana, and dairy-produce to support melatonin production.”

Melatonin is a vital hormone in the sleep-wake cycle and levels of it are naturally higher at night, helping our body to feel sleepy.

Swerve sugar to stop the spots

It’s not uncommon for a sweet tooth to kick in just before the period.

But Cara says that PMS symptoms such as acne, low energy, mood changes and irritability will be made worse by high sugar foods. 

She says: “Generally the demand for sugar and chocolate can be because the body needs more carbohydrates during this time but also to help support the production of serotonin, our feel-good neurotransmitter. 

“Chocolate cravings can also signify a higher need for magnesium and copper. 

“First up, don’t minimise carbs during this time, just make sure they are balanced with protein and fibre. 

“Secondly, where you can, opt for more nutrient dense snacks like 70 per cent dark chocolate. 

“Thirdly, if you really want to indulge in a sugary snack, have after a meal and not on an empty stomach, which will minimise the impact on blood sugar.”

How to choose the best method of contraception

THERE are numerous contraception options available on the NHS and privately, and finding the right one for you can take time.

Things to consider when deciding what contraception to use include how often you need to use it.

Some methods, like the coil, are long acting, while others you need to take every day or use every time you have sex, like the pill and condoms.

Hormonal methods of contraception can also sometimes leave users with side effects like headaches, feeling sick, mood swings, weight gain, sore breasts and acne.

These types can carry a very small risk of health issues like blood clots and breast cancer too, meaning hormonal methods won’t be suitable for everybody.

On top of this, some types will be more effective than others.

The implant and coil are deemed to be 99 per cent effective at preventing pregnancy, as is the pill and patch if used correctly.

But condoms can sometimes break and methods like natural family planning – tracking when you’re most fertile and avoiding sex at those times – tend to be less effective.

Speak to your GP about which of the following might suit you best:

  • Combined pill (contains progestogen and oestrogen)
  • Mini pill (contains progestogen only)
  • Copper coil or intrauterine device (inserted into the womb and doesn’t contain hormones)
  • Hormonal coil or intrauterine system (inserted into the womb and releases progestogen)
  • Implant (inserted under the skin on your arm and releases progestogen)
  • Injection (progestogen)
  • Patch (worn on the skin and releases progestogen and oestrogen)
  • Vaginal ring (put in the vagina and releases progestogen and oestrogen)
  • Condoms (worn on the penis)
  • Internal condoms (put in the vagina before sex)
  • Female sterilisation (permanently stops eggs meeting sperm)
  • Vasectomy or male steralisation (permanently stops sperm being ejaculated)
  • Diaphragm or cap (put inside the vagina before sex to stop sperm getting into the womb)
  • Natural family planning (includes tracking your menstrual cycle to avoid sex when you are most fertile)
  • Morning after pill (to be used in emergency situations three to five days after sex)

Source: NHS

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