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Can’t resist biscuits? The 9 healthiest versions to add to your shopping basket – and 5 to dodge if you’re on a diet


ARE you a sucker for a custard cream? A ginger nut junkie? Or do you crumble at the sight of a shortbread?

Wherever you stand on the great biscuit debate, there’s no doubt about it – you truly can’t beat a good bickie.

Some of our favourite biscuits are pretty high in calories, as well as sugar and fat[/caption]
They include Jaffa Cakes, custard creams and bourbons

Crisp or chewy, jam-filled or chocolate-covered, plain or studded with chocolate chips and raisins, it’s hard to think of a better snack or afternoon pick-me up.

We Brits are certainly known for our biscuits, with custard creams, bourbons, shortbread, digestives and ginger nuts among our faves.

Though the perfect accompaniment to a good cuppa, sadly many of our nation’s favourite treats aren’t the healthiest.

A single biscuit isn’t really a threat to your health or waistline, but they certainly are moreish and once you open a packet, it’s pretty hard to practise restraint.

Plus, it’s likely your go-to sweet treat is high in sugar and saturated fat, as well as packing a calorific punch.

That doesn’t mean you need to say bye-bye to biscuits for good – there are some ‘healthier’ versions to add to your shopping basket, you just need to know how to find them.

Lucy Diamond, registered dietitian and clinical director for Innovation at NHS weight management provider Oviva, told Sun Health: “It’s often a go-to snack, so when reaching for a biscuit to accompany your cuppa, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the nutritional value.

“Choosing healthier biscuits doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or the simple pleasure of dunking a biscuit in your tea.

“By opting for whole grain options, keeping an eye on sugar content, and even trying your hand at baking, you can enjoy your biscuit break without the guilt.”

Lucy and Jess Hillard – a sports nutritionist at Warrior – shared nine healthier biscuits to opt for.

But even if you’re opting for more nutritious versions, that doesn’t quite give you license for a biscuit free-for-all.

As Lucy put it: “Even ‘healthier’ biscuits should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.”


Each chocolate oat biscuit is 45kcal per and has about 1.9g sugar

Both Jess and Lucy named Nairn’s oat biscuits as their first healthier choice.

Lucy said: “These biscuits are made primarily from whole grain oats, which are naturally high in fibre and nutrients, organic and lower in sugar compared to many conventional biscuits.”

Now, an oat biscuit might not sound particularly exciting – but these cookies are jazzed up with chocolate chips, orange flavourings or coconut and chia seeds.

You can grab a pack of Nairn’s bickies with chocolate chips for £1.60 at Sainsbury’s.

According to Jess, each chocolate oat biscuit is 45kcal per and has about 1.9g sugar.

“These are less than 3 per cent sugar than usual chocolate biscuits but still pretty high in sugar so limit how many you are having,” she advised.


Rich teas are low in sugar and calories – and perfectly dunk-able

Next on both Jess and Lucy’s lists were rich tea biscuits.

“These are your best option for lowest calorie and sugar biscuit options if wanting one or two to dunk into a cup of tea,” Jess said.

And if you’re a chocolate digestive lover, these are a good replacement, she added.

While Jess suggested you go for a light version of the biscuit – which adds up to 38 calories and 1.1g sugar – Lucy said normal rich teas are fine too.

What makes biscuits 'healthier'?

LUCY outlined some key things to look out for when on the hunt for ‘healthier’ biscuits:

  • Whole grains: Biscuits made with whole wheat, oats, or other whole grains are generally higher in fibre and nutrients than those made with refined white flour
  • Lower sugar content: Check the nutritional information and opt for biscuits with less sugar per serving. Some naturally sweet ingredients like dried fruit can provide sweetness with added nutrients. On food labels to be classed ‘low sugar’, it must be 5grams or less per 100grams
  • Healthy fats: Look for biscuits that use healthier fats like those from nuts or seeds, rather than saturated or trans fats. Less than 1.5grams per 100grams is considered low in saturated fat
  • Portion control: Some brands offer smaller portions or ‘thin’ versions of popular biscuits, which can help with calorie control.
  • Added nutrients: Some biscuits are fortified with vitamins and minerals, which can be a bonus – though it’s not a substitute for a balanced diet.
  • Minimal processing: Biscuits with shorter ingredients lists and recognisable components are often a better choice than heavily processed options. These recognisable ingredients are ones you would use in your own kitchen, such as butter, wholewheat flour, sugar and vanilla extract. Whereas ultra processed ingredients include high fructose corn syrup, enriched flour and artificial colours.
  • Protein content: Biscuits with added protein from nuts, seeds, or other sources can help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Though about the same in calories and fat, normal rich tea biscuits are slightly higher in sugar, about 1.5g per biscuit.

“While they’re not a health food, these classic biscuits do have some characteristics that might make them a better choice than many other sweet biscuits,” Lucy explained.

“They have 35-40 calories per biscuit and are lower in fat.”

McVities Rich Tea The Light One Biscuits are offer at Morrisons for £1.25, or you can nab a pack at Sainsbury’s for £1.80.

Fancy a cheaper option? Grab a pack of own rich tea biscuits 45p at Sainsbury’s – they’re just 35 calories per biscuit but are slightly higher in sugar, at 1.3g.


Malted milks have 43 calories per biscuit and 1.5g sugar

Another comforting classic, Jess suggested you go for malted milk biscuits for a healthier cookie option.

At just 43 calories per biscuit with 1.5g sugar, they’re “a good lower calorie and lower sugar option,” according to the nutritionist.

 Nab a pack for £0.49 at Tesco and Asda.


It says it in the name – Warrior cookies contain a whole 15g of protein

Healthier biscuits don’t all have to be plain.

If you don’t want to miss our on flavourings like chocolate or caramel – and fancy a post workout pick me up – the Warrior protein cookies might be the ones for you.

They contain 15g protein, 3g sugar and 223 calories per cookie.

Jess – the nutritionist for the brand – said: “Though higher calorie, these are a good snack option after a workout and still low in sugar.

“This high protein cookie will help to build and repair muscles but also keep you fuller for longer.”

Choose from flavours like double chocolate, raspberry and white chocolate, and salted caramel and buy a box of 12 for £14.99 via the Warrior website.


Pick a slimmer version of your usual Biscoffs for a lower calorie treat

Batty for Biscoffs?

You can enjoy this crunchy, caramelly cookie in thinned down form, according to Lucy.

“While not exactly a health food, these thinner versions of the popular biscuit have fewer calories per serving than the originals,” she said.

“Their strong flavour can satisfy a sweet craving with just one or two biscuits.”


This British classic is usually lower in fat than other biscuits

We’re back to British classics with Lucy’s next suggestion of ginger nuts.

“These spicy biscuits are often lower in fat than many other sweet options,” the dietitian noted.

“The strong ginger flavour can be satisfying, potentially leading to eating fewer biscuits overall.”

You can get a pack of McVitie’s ginger nuts £1.50 at Sainsbury’s, or go for Tesco’s own brand version for £0.65.


A thinned down digestive contains just 31 calories and 1.9g of sugar

If you simply can’t face the idea of giving up chocolate digestives – you don’t have to.

Simply opt for a slimmer version of the iconic bickie.

“Another ‘thin’ option, these provide the classic digestive taste with fewer calories,” Lucy said.

At 31 calories and 1.9g of sugar, they’re certainly a far cry from the 83 calories and 4.8g of sugar a normal chocolate coated digestive provides.

“They’re also made with whole wheat and are a good source of fibre,” she added.

But don’t go finishing the whole pack.

“With these ‘thin’ varieties, it’s important not to be tricked into eating more as they’re smaller!” the dietitian noted.

Though they’re currently out of stock, a pack of digestive thins usually retails for £1.60 at Sainsbury’s.


These chocolate covered rice cakes will satisfy your chocolate cravings without the calories

Craving something chocolate covered? Lucy recommended you go for Kallo Organic Dark Chocolate Ricecakes.

“I appreciate this isn’t technically a biscuit, but for those craving a chocolatey hit, these rice cakes offer a lighter alternative to fully-coated chocolate biscuits.

“The dark chocolate provides antioxidants, and rice cakes are naturally low in calories.”

Grab a pack for £2.25 at Tesco.


Go for Ryvita Thins if you love a savoury biscuit

Finally, if you’re more a sucker for a savoury snack, Ryvita Thins might take the biscuit when it comes to making healthier choices.

Lucy said: “These crispy rye biscuits pack a nutritional punch. Low in calories but high in fibre, they’re great for those looking to manage their weight.

“Try topping them with hummus, avocado, or cottage cheese for a satisfying snack.”

Take your pick of sour cream and chive, sea salt and vinegar, rosemary and sweet chilli for £2.20 at Sainsbury’s.


Since we’ve compiled a list of healthier bickies to add to your basket, it’s also worth delving into some biscuit options to be a little warier of.

According to Lucy: “When it comes to biscuits to avoid, a general rule is the more decadent they appear, the worse for you they likely are!

“This could include cream filled biscuits, biscuits with coatings, very chocolatey biscuits and ‘chunkier’ biscuits.”

Meanwhile, Jess said she’d never advise people to avoid certain foods, but she suggested enjoying some biscuits “occasionally and within limits”.

Lucy outlined what to watch out for when buying biscuits.

  • High sugar content: Many biscuits are loaded with added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, and blood sugar spikes. Watch out for biscuits where sugar (or its many aliases like corn syrup or dextrose) appears high on the ingredients list. 
  • Saturated and trans fats: These unhealthy fats are often found in cream-filled or chocolate-coated biscuits 
  • Artificial additives: Long lists of unpronounceable ingredients often signal highly processed biscuits. These may include artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives.
  • Hidden salt: While we often focus on sugar, some biscuits contain more salt than you might expect.

Lucy said: “By being aware of these factors, you can make more informed choices about which biscuits to enjoy as occasional treats.

“Remember, no food is inherently ‘bad’, but some are best enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet,” she added.

Based on these guidelines, here are some biscuits to consider limiting or swapping out for something healthier.


Their small size can make it easy to overindulge in Jaffa Cakes

“The eternal question of whether they’re cakes or biscuits aside, these treats are high in sugar,” Lucy stated.

“Their small size can make it easy to eat more than you intend, so it’s best to enjoy them sparingly.”


Custard creams sadly come high on the sugar and saturated fat scale

This British classic of a biscuit made both Lucy and Jess’s lists of biscuits you may want to be more wary of.

“A classic tea-time favourite, but one that’s high in saturated fat and sugar,” Lucy explained.

“The creamy filling and sweet taste can make them particularly moreish, so they’re best saved for occasional treats rather than everyday snacking.”


The double chocolate element can make these cookies calorie-dense

A nostalgic childhood favourite, chocolate chip cookies with a thick chocolate coating are sadly another one to limit.

“These, such as Fox’s Half-Coated Chocolate Chip Cookies, are often high in sugar and saturated fat from the chocolate chips and cookie base,” Lucy said.

“The double chocolate hit makes them particularly tempting, but also calorie-dense.”


Though not very sweet, shortbread tends to be extra buttery

Crumbly, rich and often not too sweet, you might be surprised to see shortbread on this list.

But the high butter content that makes them oh-so-delicious is the culprit here.

As Lucy explained: “You might think that as shortbread is plain without any chocolatey additions, it could be on the healthier side.

“However, traditional shortbread is typically high in butter content, making it rich in saturated fat and calories.”


Cereal bars aren’t always a healthier alternative to biscuits[/caption]

Yes, cereal bars aren’t a biscuit.

But you might reach for one when you’re craving a biscuit, think it’s a better choice.

“Often people reach for these when aiming to make a healthier choice, when in fact they can be worse than some biscuits,” Lucy cautioned.

“They are often high in sugar and ultra-processed, so should be a considered a sweet snack rather than a health food.”

Also on Jess’s list for biscuits lying in the “higher calorie region so best to have less often” were caramel digestives, chocolate hobnobs, and bourbons.

Make your own biscuits

IF these healthier biscuits don't quite tickle your fancy, why not try your hand at making your own?

For Jess, homemade oat biscuits are a personal favourite.

“Sweeten with raisins or mashed banana, you can add some dates in too if desired,” she said.

“Though still high in sugar with dried fruit, you can choose how much you put in.

“Cookies made with oats and dried fruits also mean higher fibre which is great for the gut, bowels and keeping you fuller for longer.

“These can also make a great breakfast option. These cookies are a lovely richer biscuit and a lovely option for a homemade lower sugar chocolate fix.”

Lucy offered both a savoury and a sweet option: banana oat cookies and cheese and seed crackers.

For the sweet, she said: “These couldn’t be simpler to make.

“Mash two ripe bananas and mix with about 100g of oats. Add a tablespoon of honey for extra sweetness if desired, and a teaspoon of cinnamon for flavour.

“Shape into cookies and bake at 180°C for about 15 minutes or until golden. They’re naturally sweet, full of fibre, and a great way to use up overripe bananas.”

As for the savoury crackers, Lucy said: “Combine 100g whole wheat flour, 50g grated hard cheese (like cheddar), and a mix of seeds (try two tablespoons each of pumpkin and sunflower seeds).

“Add a pinch of salt and enough water to form a dough. Roll out thinly, cut into shapes, and bake at 180°C for about 15 minutes or until crisp.

“These crackers are protein-packed, satisfying, and perfect for toppings or as a standalone snack.”

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Первым стал «Добрый»: как лошади в Ессентуках помогают больным детям и бойцам СВО