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Hypocrites Harry & Meghan whinge about security but next ‘faux royal tour’ is to gangland Colombia, slams Royal expert


PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle complaining about a lack of security in Britain but going on “faux royal tour” in Colombia seems hypocritical, an expert says.

Richard Fitzwilliams told The Sun the “optics” of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex going to the dangerous South American country – which has a reputation for terrible crime – were not good.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are set to visit Columbia this summer[/caption]
Harry and Meghan during their visit to Nigeria in May

Harry and Meghan have now confirmed a new “royal” tour, just months after their “memorable” Nigeria visit.

The Duke and Duchess were personally invited to spend a few days in Colombia by the country’s Vice President Francia Márquez.

It is understood they will jet over this summer in November when their schedule will include trips to capital Bogotá, and Pacific regions Cartagena and Cali.

But the country has a reputation for being unsafe, with official British channels warning that it is plagued by kidnapping, drugs, organised crime and terrorism.

Harry has previously said he was unable to return to Britain with MeghanArchie and Lilibet “because it is too dangerous” as a result of his security being downgraded.

While Harry’s gripe UK safety revolves around a lack of police protection, his visit to Colombia will likely see him guarded by a full security detail alongside the nation’s Vice President.

Royal expert Mr Fitzwilliams said it appeared “hypocritical” that the couple were prepared to tour Colombia following claims that Britain was too dangerous.

He told The Sun: “I think first what people will think when they see this, Harry’s been sounding off about how dangerous it is to his family, and he needs automatic police protection.

“I was having lot of sympathy for that argument simply because he was haunted by the death of his mother. We know what happened there.

“And there is always a threat of right-wing extremism, or indeed, since he’s listed these numbers of Taliban he took out on a second tour of duty in Afghanistan, possibly, Islamist extremism.

“But the problem so obviously is that if you choose Nigeria and Colombia, which are countries that have pretty appalling reputations when it comes to crime, it does sound weird.”

He added: “If Harry hadn’t made the comments about Britain being dangerous or words to that effect, since he has, the optics are very weird.”

Mr Fitzwilliams also said there are “double standards when the Sussexes are concerned”, and it reminds him of how comedy cartoon South Park parodied the couple doing a ‘Worldwide Privacy Tour’.

According to the British Government website, terrorists are “very likely” to attempt attacks in Colombia, and many “armed groups remain active throughout” the country.

And kidnapping rates “remain high in Colombia”, with illegal armed groups taking hostages for both ransom and political purposes, according to Gov.uk.

“Drugs, organised crime and terrorism are inextricably linked in Colombia,” the official site warns.

It adds: “Pickpocketing, mugging and armed robbery are a problem, especially in major cities, including Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and the Caribbean coast.

“British nationals have been robbed at gunpoint in the Candelaria area of Bogotá and across many cities in Colombia.”

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against all but essential travel to parts of Colombia.

The Duke of Sussex’s round-the-clock royal protection was downgraded in the wake of Megxit.

Long Visual Press/Universal Imag
Colombia’s police and military take part at the aftermath of a grenade attack against a police station in Poterito, Jamundi, Colombia on May 12, 2024[/caption]
Harry and Meghan arrive at the Lagos airport for Official State Welcome on May 12, 2024 in Lagos, Nigeria[/caption]
Duke of Sussex Prince Harry his wife Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, visit the Lightway Academy in Abuja, Nigeria[/caption]

He and Meghan are set to “experience the rich heritage of Colombia” in a meaningful visit shortly before a conference on ending violence against children is held there.

Francia Márquez previously said of the planned trip: “I am pleased to announce that Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have kindly accepted my invitation to visit our beautiful country.

“During their trip, The Duke and Duchess will join me in visiting Bogotá, as well as the Caribbean and Pacific regions of Cartagena and Cali.

“In these vibrant locations, they will have the exceptional opportunity to engage with leaders, youth, and women who embody the aspirations and voices of Colombians committed to progress.

“Their visit comes at a particularly significant time, as it precedes the first Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, to be held in Colombia this November.

“The Archewell Foundation, founded by The Duke and Duchess, is renowned for its global leadership in fostering a safer online environment.

Prison guards patrol the perimeters of the Modelo prison, in Bogota, Colombia
Police officers and civilians look at the scene next to a damaged police van after the explosion of a device left on a motorcycle in Jamundi, Valle del Cauca province, Colombia, on June 12[/caption]

“The forthcoming conference will unveil a comprehensive framework for creating safer physical and digital spaces, tackling issues such as cyberbullying, online exploitation, and the mental health impacts of these threats.

“It will offer actionable solutions and commitments for countries around the world.”

Vice President Márquez added she is “confident” the Sussexes’ visit will “illuminate Colombia’s role as a beacon of culture and innovation”.

It will be Harry and Meghan’s second “faux royal tour” after visiting Nigeria in May.

The couple spent three days in the West African country, meeting with locals and leaders.

While there, they unveiled a partnership between their Archewell Foundation and the non-profit Giants of Africa, which aims to empower young people through sport.

The couple soon jetted back to the United States after they watched a charity exhibition match at Lagos Polo Club.

Prior to that, Harry, 39, had enjoyed a game of basketball with a group of Nigerian youngsters.

The Sun has contacted representatives of Harry and Meghan for comment.

Prince Harry and Meghan attend the 2024 ESPY Awards at Dolby Theatre on July 11, 2024 in Hollywood, California[/caption]

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