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Threatening signs emerge demanding holidaying Brits ‘DRESS properly’ in Costa del Sol resort amid anti-tourist crackdown


THREATENING signs demanding Brit holidaymakers to “dress properly” have emerged in a top Spanish holiday hotspot amid rising anti-tourist sentiments.

Billboard posters have been put up around Malaga asking visitors to wear full clothes while touring the city.

Jam Press
City of Malaga poster demanding Brits to dress properly in public[/caption]
Young Brit tourists covered in foam while enjoying a holiday in Spain[/caption]
Topless British holidaymakers drinking at a bar in Costa Blanca, Spain
A tourist was seen walking in Majorca wearing only a pair of swimming trunks
A group of tourists was seen walking around in Palma wearing just bikinis

With pictures of a man and a woman wearing t-shirts, the instructions on the posters read: “Both on the street and in public places always wear an upper garment for respect and hygiene.”

Such posters have sprung up all over the Spanish resort – and are understood to be part of a campaign kicked off by local authorities.

There is even a small British flag on the posters, suggesting the instructions are meant for English holidaymakers.

The campaign comes as fed-up locals take snaps of topless tourists on city streets and post them in anti-tourism groups on social media.

Walking topless or in just underwear around Málaga was made illegal in 2023 – and people found guilty can be charged up to £645 in fines.

However, locals worry that the law is not being rigorously enforced.

Last month, a foreigner was spotted cycling around Lanzarote completely naked.

The middle-aged man was filmed pedalling completely naked on Saturday in the northeastern part of the holiday island.

All he was wearing was a pair of trainers and a hat while carrying a bum bag around his waist.

The naked bike rider was filmed in action less than a month after a mystery tourist was spotted walking through the centre of the Majorcan capital Palma with just green Speedos on.

He strolled down a busy street surrounded by others, all fully dressed.

It is in fact illegal to only wear a bikini or swimming shorts in some public parts of Spain – including the Balearic Islands.

Brits can be hit with a fine of up to £500 in the popular holiday destination for wearing swimwear or going shirtless anywhere but the beach.

However, tourists visiting the Balearic Islands are either unaware of the rules or don’t seem to care.

Just a few days ago, a group of nearly-naked tourists left locals stunned as they strolled around Majorca wearing very little.

The holidaymakers were filmed walking around Palma wearing only their bikinis after getting off one of the party boats in the area.

Footage showed a group of five women brazenly strolling along the promenade in their swimsuits.

They appear unfazed by the locals’ stares and casually cross the road wearing next to nothing.


A wave of anti-tourism protests has erupted across multiple European holiday hotspots as locals call for an end to “low quality” tourism.

Residents complain of shameful acts by tourists such as the display of nudity and frequent violent brawls after getting drunk.

Just days ago, hateful graffiti urging locals to “kill a tourist” emerged on a wall in Majorca.

Politicians in the Spanish holiday island condemned the bitter act by anti-tourist vandals, calling the behaviour “totally unjustified”.

Hostile messages against foreigners and tourists written on public walls have been on the rise – sparking fears that anti-tourist movements could become more hateful.

Thousands of locals have so far taken part in various anti-tourism protests across the holiday hotspots.

Just a few days ago, anti-tourist fanatics in Majorca mocked Brit holidaymakers over Euros defeat during hate-filled protest.

They carried placards showing Man City and England defender Kyle Walker and the words: “The only thing coming home is you.”

More than 10,000 protesters packing into capital Palma complained about hard-drinking revellers and soaring rents.

Banners demanded: “Take back your drunks — give back our homes” and “Your paradise, our nightmare.”

The hateful graffiti that caused massive outrage in Majorca
Hostile messages against foreigners can be found on the walls across various Spanish holiday spots
Thousands of people demonstrate against tourism policies on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Some tourists have reported being booed and jeered as they ate their evening meals on terraces in Palma’s Weyler Square.

Meanwhile, anti-tourist zealots chillingly warned of a summer of “surprise actions” as they prepared to launch protests in Ibiza.

Protestors said many demonstrations and mass campaigns will be carried out “without warning” – something that could spark chaos in the Spanish holiday hotspot.

The mainland Spanish city of Barcelona has been hit by rallies too, with tourists being sprayed with water pistols.

Spain’s tourism minister condemned protesters who soaked tourists with water pistols during a protest on July 6 in Barcelona city centre.

Now regional officials on the Balearic Islands have made it clear to the mob that there must be no repeat of Barcelona and locals must show tourists “respect”.

In April, thousands of anti-tourist protesters took to the streets in Tenerife and demanded a freeze on holidaymakers.

The anti-tourist hordes filled a square in the capital brandishing banners including some that read “You enjoy we suffer” in English.

More than 15,000 people waved Canary Islands’ flags and blew horns to make a deafening noise in the capital Santa Cruz.

Protests also took place at the same time in other popular Canary Islands including Lanzarote and Gran Canaria.

However, these campaigners have tried to distance themselves from anti-tourist graffiti which has appeared on walls and benches in and around southern Tenerife.

Anti-tourist measures sweeping hotspots

A WAVE of anti-tourist measures are being implemented across Europe to curb mass tourism in popular holiday hotspots.

Overcrowding has become the main problem in many sunny destinations, with authorities trying to find a solution to keep tourists and locals happy.

Officials have attempted to reduce the impact of holidaymakers by implementing additional taxes on tourists, or banning new hotels.

Earlier this year Venice became the first city in the world to charge an entry fee for holidaymakers after it started charging day-trippers €5 (£4.30) if visiting the historical Italian centre.

It was followed by an area in Barcelona which resorted to removing a well-used bus route from Apple and Google Maps to stop crowds of tourists from using the bus.

 Meanwhile, San Sebastián in the north of Spain, limited the maximum number of people on guided visits to 25 to avoid congestion, noise, nuisance and overcrowding.

The city has already banned the construction of new hotels.

The Spanish government has allowed restaurants to charge customers more for sitting in the shade in Andalucia.

Benidorm has introduced time restrictions, as swimming in the sea between midnight and 7am could cost a whopping £1,000.

The Canary Islands are also considering adopting measures to regulate the number of visitors – and charge tourists a daily tax.

Greece has already enforced a tourist tax during the high season (from March to October) with visitors expected to pay from €1 (£0.86) to €4 (£3.45) per night, depending on the booked accommodation.

Officials in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia want to introduce a fee for travellers to remind people to be courteous during their trips.

Anti-tourism zealots squirted water at diners in popular tourist areas in Barcelona
As many as 10,000 people demanded limits on the number of visitors allowed in Majorca[/caption]

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