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The 13 reasons you’re NOT losing weight & how to shift those stubborn ‘plateau’ pounds – some are easier than you think


IF you have ever tried dieting, then the chances are you have hit the dreaded weight-loss plateau.

You’ve lost weight but despite your best efforts the scales just won’t budge any further in the right direction. But why?

Experts share tips on pushing past the diet plateau when trying to lose weight[/caption]
Personal trainer and lifestyle and nutrition coach Chloe Thomas explains why you are finding it hard to shift those last few pounds[/caption]

Chloe Thomas, a personal trainer and lifestyle and nutrition coach, tells Sun Health, that if you are struggling to shift those last few pounds, it may well be down to two key factors. One is, “Metabolic adaptation” where extended periods of calorie restriction start to take effect.

Chloe explains: “Your metabolism slows down in response to decreased caloric intake. This adaptation can make it difficult to keep losing weight or maintain weight loss.”

Meanwhile, we all have a weight “set point” — and your body might resist veering too far from it. Chloe adds: “It represents the weight at which your body functions optimally and maintains physiological stability without the need for extreme dietary measures or excessive exercise.”

Your set point is influenced by all sorts of factors, including your body composition, metabolic rate, appetite regulation, and genetic predisposition.

Chloe says: “While your set-point weight can fluctuate slightly in response to changes in lifestyle habits or environmental factors, the body typically defends this weight range through mechanisms that regulate hunger, energy expenditure, and fat storage.”

If you’re struggling to beat the plateau, we take a look at 13 things that might be getting in your way — and how to overcome them.


Products labelled as ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’, could actually be making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight[/caption]

YOU could be forgiven for thinking that diet foods will help aid weight loss.

But Claire Hitchen, a BANT registered nutritionist specialising in hormone health, tells Sun Health that products labelled as ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’, could actually be making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

She says: “That’s because when the fat is taken out of these food products, it’s usually replaced with added sugar or other additives to make up for the flavour lost.”

Claire explains that good-quality fat is a crucial part of a healthy diet.

“We need fats for essential fatty acids and also to absorb a number of important vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K, known as fat-soluble vitamins.

“Eating a low fat diet can also impact hormone production, which isn’t good news for our hormones, weight management or overall health.”

On top of this, Claire says that studies have also found a link between additives and emulsifiers – which are often in processed, diet food products – and weight gain, as well as other health problems.

Claire adds: “Ditch the ‘diet’ labels and focus on enjoying whole, minimally processed, nutrient-rich foods. For example, go for whole (full fat) yoghurt and milk, rather than low fat, nought per cent or skimmed. They are more nutrient-dense and make you feel more satisfied for longer.”


HOW often do you race through meals, barely noticing what’s on your fork?

“Mindful eating has been shown to help reduce food cravings and significantly benefit weight control,” says Claire.

She warns mindless eating, which is often the result of living a busy life, can lead to overeating.

Eating while watching TV at night or grabbing food on the go means we’re less likely to register what we’ve eaten or recognise when we’re full.

“You can start mindful eating by trying to make time for more relaxed mealtimes, don’t rush,” she adds.

“Limit distractions and focus on what you’re eating and notice how the food smells and tastes, be totally present so you can enjoy your meal to the fullest.”

Short on time? Try doing this for just one meal a day to get you started.


FIBRE is the lowest calorie nutrient, with just two calories per gramme. That’s compared to fat, which contains nine calories per gramme.

Despite this, research by General Mills found that fewer than a quarter of Brits prioritised eating more fibre, focusing on eating less sugar or fat.

But fibre can help to keep us full (and stop us snacking later in the day), it can help with blood sugar control and promote “good” bacteria in the gut.

Dietitian, Dr Carrie Ruxton says: “Fibre is simply natural plant material that our bodies can’t digest. Commonly available sources include wholegrain cereals, beans and pulses, fruits and vegetables, skin-on potatoes, nuts and seeds.”


Our expert recommends a Mediterranean-style diet, rich in colourful, high-fibre and anti-inflammatory foods, that supports optimal hormone health[/caption]

WHEN your hormones are imbalanced, it can affect many areas, including weight management.

Claire explains: “Hormones, from our sex hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) and thyroid hormones, to stress hormones (cortisol) and appetite hormones, can all affect your progress towards your weight goals.

“These hormones play a key role in body fat production, how we experience stress and hunger and our metabolism, which is how we turn calories from food into energy.” She recommends a Mediterranean-style diet, rich in colourful, high-fibre and anti-inflammatory foods, that supports optimal hormone health.

“This means enjoying plenty of protein, vegetables and fruit, as well as wholegrains and healthy fats to nourish both your gut health and your hormone health.”

Claire also recommends limiting hormone-disrupting chemicals, also known as ‘endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as BPA, PFAS and phthalates.

“These are often found in plastics, cleaning products and beauty products,” says Claire: “Studies show exposure to these hormone-disrupting chemicals can affect metabolism, how we store fat and our body weight regulation.

“Instead, go for non-plastic food containers and choose non-toxic personal care and household products where possible.”


The stress hormone cortisol could in fact cause fat to accumulate around the lower belly – a concept known as stress belly[/caption]

STRESS can often trigger emotional eating and this may sabotage your weight loss goals.

Plus, the stress hormone cortisol could in fact cause fat to accumulate around the lower belly – a concept known as stress belly.

Chloe suggests finding healthy ways to manage stress.

She says: “Try exercise, meditation, breathwork or spending time with loved ones.”

Even opening up about your stress to friends or family members can help.


A lack of sleep can increase cravings for high-calorie foods[/caption]

POOR sleep can disrupt hormone levels and increase your cravings for high-calorie foods, making weight loss more challenging.

“It can be harder to exercise when you are too tired to. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to support your weight loss efforts,” says Chloe.

If you’ve tried the usual sleep-boosting strategies such as no tech before bed, a calm sleep environment and making sure you sleep and wake at the same time each day, then consider cognitive behavioural therapy before bed.

This is a type of talking therapy that aims to change the way you think and act. Visit the NHS website to find services near you.


Take any opportunity to walk if you can, and introduce activities at that support your weight loss goals such as bike rides, trying a new gym class with a friend or long walks[/caption]

WHILE food and diet is important when losing weight, movement is also key.

Chloe says: “If you’re not moving enough throughout the day, it can be difficult to create the calorie deficit needed for weight loss.

“You need to try to incorporate more movement into your daily routine, such as walking, biking or taking the stairs.”

Take any opportunity to walk if you can, and introduce activities at the weekend that support your weight loss goals such as family bike rides, trying a new gym class with a friend or long walks.


Keep a bottle with you through the day so you’re never without some H2O[/caption]

WHEN was the last time you drank some water?

Dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating and snacking,” Chloe warns.

“So make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body’s natural functions.”

Keep a bottle with you through the day so you’re never without some H2O.

The NHS recommends aiming for six to eight glasses of fluid at day, with water, milk, sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all counting.


Book in with your GP who can arrange for you to have a blood test to check for any nutrient deficiencies[/caption]

DID you know certain nutrient deficiencies are more common in overweight people than those with normal weight who eat more?

“This is because many vitamins and minerals play key roles in our metabolism and insulin resistance, which affects the regulation of blood sugar levels,” explains Claire.

She adds that low levels of vitamin D and iodine, for example, have both been linked to weight gain.

“In a study looking at magnesium levels, taking magnesium supplements greatly reduced the BMI among people with a magnesium deficiency.”

Book in with your GP who can arrange for you to have a blood test to check for any nutrient deficiencies.

“If you discover you’re lacking in certain nutrients, then consider taking specific supplements, alongside increasing your food sources,” says Claire.


If you think you’re consuming fewer calories than you’re burning, keeping track of what you eat helps you identify patterns, track your progress, and make adjustments[/caption]

A MORSEL of cheese, a biscuit from the tin, a quick wine after work, a few spoonfuls of the kids’ leftover dessert . . . all these extra foods add up, sometimes to several hundred calories per week.

If you think you’re consuming fewer calories than you’re burning, Chloe suggests keeping track of what you eat to help you identify patterns, track your progress, and make adjustments as needed.

 She says: “I’d consider using a food journal on your notes or an app to monitor your food intake.

“Monitor whether you are also eating when you are physically hungry, or it’s just boredom or habit.”


If you want to hit your goals, adding weight training to your weekly routine is key[/caption]

HOURS of cardio each week will help you shift the number on the scales over time.

But if you want to hit your goals, adding weight training to your weekly routine is key, Chloe says.

Not only will it help shape and tone your body, it can also help boost your metabolism.

“Strength training helps build muscle mass, which can boost your metabolism (RMR), lower your set point and aid in weight loss,” she explains.

“Make sure you incorporate strength-training exercises into your workout routine to help burn calories and build lean muscle – don’t just do cardio.”


CUTTING your calories too low could be counterproductive for weight loss.

“Sometimes, drastically cutting calories can slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight,” warns Chloe.

“Make sure you’re eating enough to fuel your body and support your metabolism.”

Not sure how much to eat?

There’s a handy online calculator that helps you work out your total daily energy expenditure to suss out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, and how many to aim for if you want to lose weight.

All you need is your gender, age, height, weight and activity levels.

Visit tdeecalculator.net.


Go for a protein-rich breakfast like Greek yoghurt, berries and seeds to help you feel fuller for longer[/caption]

ARE you swerving breakfast or avoiding lunch?

While this will mean a cut in calories, Chloe explains that it can actually lead to overeating later in the day and disrupt your metabolism.

“Aim to eat regular, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your energy levels stable and support weight loss,” she says.

Go for a protein-rich breakfast like Greek yoghurt, berries and seeds to help you feel fuller for longer.

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