We’re twins & people think we’re a mirror image – we want the same guy, but people warn there’d be ‘repercussions’
FROM matching clothes to birthday parties, twins often share a lot with each other.
And while many grow out of this as they age, two sisters shared their dream to one day date the same man.
In their viral video, TikTok users April and Amelia Maddison (@onlymaddisontwins) expressed their wish to be in the same romantic relationship.
The 18-year-old Australian twins are so identical that people often mistake them for one person using a mirror effect in their videos.
Both sisters revealed that they “love to match” and share things with each other.
This includes romantic partners, with one of the women even joking that she convinced her sister to break up with her boyfriend so they can “date the same guy.”
They explained that they would rather a man date them both than just one.
“We always stick together,” April and Amelia explained to their audience.
“Always trying to find a guy who wants us both.”
The women pointed out that it would be an enticing relationship for some men.
“I mean, who wouldn’t want us both?” they asked.
And while the twins enjoy dressing the same and looking as similar as possible, they revealed that this isn’t always the case.
They said that if a man could ever finally tell them apart they would make him their boyfriend.
“Every man deserves a girl who can provide double the fun,” the twins said.
However, TikTok users were not sold on the idea of the sisters dating the same man.
“I’m dating a twin. Can confirm one is more then enough to deal with,” wrote one viewer.
“I hate being a twin for this exact reason, everyone wants the other one or both. Just love me for me, bro,” said another follower.
What are the different types of twins?
TWINS are when two children are produced in the same pregnancy.
They can be identical or different, and two boys, two girls, or a girl and a boy.
Twins are quite rare, but are usually born completely healthy
What are the different types of twins?
Monozygotic – identical twins (‘one cell’ twins)
Dizygotic – also known as ‘fraternal’, non identical twins. Babies are no more alike than siblings born at separate times, and they can be the same or different sexes
Conjoined twins – identical twins that are joined together. They are extremely rare, and it’s estimated they range from one in 49,000 to 189,000 births, although around half are stillborn, and one third die within 24 hours.
Can identical twins be two different sexes?
Identical twins are always of the same sex because they form from the same fertilised egg that contains either female or male chromosomes.
The single egg is divided into two separate embryos, and they occur in about three in every 1000 deliveries worldwide.
Therefore, boy/girl twins are always fraternal (or dizygotic), as their chromosomes are either XY (male) or XX (female).
What are Di Di twins?
Di Di stands for Dichronic Diamniotic, and they are the common type of twins.
They have their own amniotic sacs and placenta, so are just sharing the womb of the mother, and are therefore not identical.
There are few complications with Di Di twins, so have a good chance of being born completely healthy without intervention from your doctor.
Di di twins are more likely to be non-identical than identical.
However, another person pointed out an advantage to the unique set-up.
“I guess the pro is the sneak up a** slap doesn’t have negative repercussions,” they wrote.
“What idiot would turn down twins?” asked another TikTok user.
“So, I imagine that convos during ‘family dinner nights’ can get a bit awkward sometimes,” joked one viewer.
Another commenter described the set-up as “every man’s fantasy.”