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I made Ina Garten's shepherd's pie, and the easy recipe made enough to feed a whole family and still have leftovers


Ina Garten's recipe for shepherd's pie was easy to prepare and a hearty, filling meal perfect for St. Patrick's Day.

ina garten the finished shepherds pie and author holding a plate of the pie side by side
Ina Garten's recipe for shepherd's pie was easy to prepare and a hearty, filling meal for the fall and winter.

I'm an Irish-American, but I didn't grow up eating shepherd's pie.

This traditional Irish dish has its origins in the late 1700s, when rural women made it using ingredients from their Sunday roast dinner as a means of repurposing leftover food, according to Britannica.

However, shepherd's pie has become a favorite in the US, as well. While Irish versions typically use lamb, many American versions of the recipe use ground beef or turkey instead, and celebrity chefs like Ina Garten have published their own unique spins on the comfort food

Garten is one of the most beloved celebrity chefs — with a reported net worth in the millions, 13 cookbooks under her belt, and a devoted fan following — so her shepherd's pie seemed a good place for me to start. Her recipe calls for ingredients like carrots, celery, white button mushrooms, ground turkey, and homemade mashed potatoes.

Here's how it turned out.

I started by peeling my Yukon gold potatoes.
peeled russet potatoes
Peeled potatoes.

A bag of potatoes typically weighs around 5 pounds, but the recipe only called for 3 pounds of potatoes. I found, in the end, that this was the perfect amount to fully cover the pie.

I then chopped the potatoes into 1-inch cubes and placed them in a pot with water.
peeled and chopped russet potatoes
Peeled and chopped potatoes.

I then simmered the potatoes until they were tender. This took about 20 minutes.

I used a time-saving hack to prepare my vegetables.
chopped vegetables in a small bowl
Chopped vegetables.

The recipe called for finely diced carrots, celery, and white button mushrooms. I decided to use a food processor to easily chop up my vegetables. I liked the end result and found this was the simplest way to prepare all the vegetables in seconds.

I also hand-chopped some mushrooms to add more texture.
chopped vegetables in a small bowl

After my vegetables were chopped, I set them aside in a small bowl and turned my attention towards cooking the meat.

The recipe calls for 1.5 pounds of ground turkey meat, but you can get creative if you don't want to use turkey.
cooked ground turkey meat in a large saute pan
Cooked ground turkey meat.

You can use practically any kind of ground meat you would like, or even plant-based ground meat if you're vegetarian. I ended up liking the choice of ground turkey since it made the very stick-to-your-bones meal a little bit lighter than if I had used meat with higher fat content.

I ended up using a package and a half of ground turkey.

While the turkey cooked, I crumbled it into small pieces with a wooden spoon. Once the meat was fully cooked, I removed it from the pan with a slotted metal spoon and left behind the fat in the pan.

The recipe also called for diced onion.
diced onion in a food processor
Diced onion.

I chopped it using the food processor again and added it to the pan.

I started to sauté the onion, and it filled my kitchen with a delicious aroma. There should be enough fat in the pan from the turkey to sauté the onion, but you can also add olive oil or butter if you don't have enough liquid.

I then added the other vegetables and cooked them down until they were perfectly combined and soft.
shepherds pie filling in a large saute pan
Shepherd's pie filling.

I also added flour to the pan, which created a paste-like combination. 

I then added chicken broth and cooked the mixture until it was fully combined and some of the liquid had evaporated.
shepherds pie filling in a large saute pan
Shepherd's pie filling.

I also added in tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, and frozen peas to the pan and continued cooking the filling until it reached a simmer.

After stirring in the turkey, the mixture was really starting to resemble what I knew as the filling of shepherd's pie.
shepherds pie filling in a large saute pan
Shepherd's pie filling.

I removed the bay leaves and herb sprigs before seasoning the mixture to taste and setting it aside.

After I had finished the pie filling, I started getting my potatoes ready for baking.
hand mashing potatoes in a black pot
Hand-mashing potatoes.

After draining the potatoes, I hand-mashed them in the same pot I cooked them in. The recipe called for using a hand mixer, but I found a potato masher to be just as effective at making creamy mashed potatoes, especially after adding in a mixture of whole milk, almost a stick of Kerry Gold butter, and sour cream.

The potatoes turned out perfectly creamy.
mashed potatoes and a wooden spoon
Mashed potatoes.

I seasoned them to taste and set them aside. I then preheated my oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

I added the pie filling to a large casserole dish and used a spoon to create an even layer of the meat and vegetables.
ina garten shepherd's pie without mashed potatoes
Shepherd's pie without the mashed potatoes.

There was a perfect amount of filling to create a thick layer.

I then spread the creamy mashed potatoes over the filling, making sure to get it up to the edges of the pan.
ina garten shepherd's pie
Ina Garten's shepherd's pie.

Despite never having made this dish before, I found the process easy to follow and not overwhelming at all. I also had a spoonful of mashed potatoes left over to taste and thought they were delicious.

I wanted to have a deep-golden crust on the mashed potatoes, so I let the pie cook a bit longer than the recipe suggested.
ina garten shepherd's pie
Ina Garten's shepherd's pie.

I cooked the pie in the oven for about half an hour, although the recipe suggested it would be done after 20 minutes.

All ovens can vary slightly different with cook time, so I would suggest checking on the dish until you're happy with the result.

When I served the pie, it was piping hot and delicious. I would definitely make this recipe again during the fall or winter.
ina garten shepherd's pie on a plate
Ina Garten's shepherd's pie.

It didn't quite hold its shape, but I imagine it would have if I had let the pie sit for a minute or two before I served it. However, I simply couldn't resist diving in. 

The mashed potatoes were creamy, the filling was perfectly seasoned, and the vegetables all came through in a medley of flavors. It was simple enough to be convenient for a fall or winter weeknight meal, yet impressive enough for a dinner party or even game day

The recipe also made enough to feed at least four people, with plenty of leftovers, so it also seemed a cost-effective option to feed a family or to prep meals for the week.

In my book, this traditional recipe got a thumbs up.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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