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How not to be a ‘useful idiot’ in this election


Watch Larry’s most recent “Week in Review” video.

Author of the controversial bestseller “Shepherds for Sale,” Megan Basham, says that at the end of his life, Frederick Engels (who coauthored “The Communist Manifesto” with Karl Marx) was asked this question: “Who did you most dislike in your promotion of socialism?”

Engels answered: “Spurgeon.” Engels believed he could use a counterfeit form of Christianity to advance his cause, but C.H. Spurgeon, the “prince of preachers,” could never be manipulated.

In the Bible, Peter and John were disparaged by certain “elite” leaders who smeared them as “common” (Acts 4:13) from the Greek”idiotes,” translated “idiot.” The reference is to someone who is stupid, foolish, easily manipulated.

Russia’s ruthless leaders, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin, both used the phrase “useful idiot” to describe sympathizers who blindly supported their radical socialist ideology.

In the upcoming presidential election, we have the choice between a “progressive” leftist Democrat who supports core principles of socialism and a populist Republican former president who supports free-market capitalism.

So none of us fall prey to being a useful idiot for either party, I offer some insights for a prudent casting of your vote. The Bible directs us to exercise “discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent” (Philippians 1:9-10) not idiotic!

Extraordinary election

This is not a normal presidential election. The stakes could not be higher at this defining moment when progressive secularists advance the “fundamental transformation of America” while patriotic conservatives seek to preserve the traditional ideals of our founders.

Have we reached the point of no return? “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26), so I’m not a pessimist but an optimist. I’m also a realist – and if we continue compromising biblical precepts and sell out, disregarding 2 Chronicles 7:14 conditions for “healing our land,” then God is not obligated to some supernatural sovereign intervention. (See Romans 1, which lays out what happens to those persisting in turning from God and His Word.)

Pastoral alert

God has strict judgment for those misleading people in teaching His Word (James 3:1) and for “watchmen” failing to alert people of impending dangers (Ezekiel 33:6).

Today, leaders, groups and publications (Sojourners ministry; Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church; Southern Baptist Russell Moore; Andy Stanley’s Northpoint Church; some contributors to Christianity Today and others) are justifiably being scrutinized for compromise and “woke” leanings. Investigations are exposing those who are supporting LGBTQ and transgender agendas, “gender-affirming” surgical mutilation, receiving hefty donations from antichrist leftist groups, and identifying with those advancing notions of a white supremacist nation and/or Black Lives Matter propaganda. Be alert, informed and extremely discerning, with the widespread deception increasing at this time.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee calls on pastors to “rise to the occasion and view the spiritual battle as one in which they see themselves as captains on a battleship not simply a love boat keeping people happy and entertained more than the church down the street.”

Sacred duty

Jesus directs us to “render unto Caesar” (Mark 12:17) – honor legitimate citizenship duties while benefiting from privileges/rights, which for us include praying, voting, exercising our freedom of speech, religion, assembly, etc., and, when necessary, appealing to authority (“due process”) like Paul did three times as a Roman citizen.

We have an imperative: Save America from insidious forces seeking to undermine our Judeo-Christian foundations and heritage. This is primarily a battle between good and evil, not Republicans vs. Democrats! The Bible commands us to exercise discernment (Philippians 1:9), so may we vote for candidates not on the basis of emotion, party affiliation, skin color, sex or charisma. Character counts, morality matters and discernment decides for whom we cast our vote.

There simply is no flawless politician enabling us to check all the boxes in our pursuit of perfection! Voting for a president means voting for an administration with accompanying policies, Cabinet positions, appointed department “heads” and judges across the land.

Who best reflects your core beliefs?

The United States of America was established not as a pure democracy (majority rules) but rather as a constitutional republic where our Constitution provides for elected representatives (with checks and balances and three branches of accountable government preventing one party/person rule) where officials serve “we the people” not the reverse as in a monarchy, dictatorship or communist regime.

I personally have supported Donald Trump in the past and plan to do so in 2024 despite his flaws, shortcomings and past sins. My focus is first and foremost on Jesus, my Lord and Savior, but I prayerfully support Trump (not idolize or apologize for him) and vote for him in faith, believing he gives America our best chance to make progress. Christians are called to be “salt” holding back decay!

A truck driver recently told me if he “got in a mess” he’d find the very best attorney, not to “hang out and share a few beers with but to use his skills to get me out of trouble – that’s what I’ll do voting in 2024.” The same logic applies if you needed a skilled surgeon for serious cancer removal. Doctor X has a 95% success rate but is impersonal and blunt, while Doctor Y may be personable and hold your hand before an operation yet he’s a novice with a 20% success rate. Who would you choose for the job?

Useful idiot or discerning disciple?

Prayerfully approach our Good Shepherd for guidance and ask yourself these questions when you go to vote.

Is the candidate: a friend or foe to Christians? Supports policies contrary to Scripture? Promotes taking the life of unborn babies? Supports elimination of private health insurance? Supported a fund to bail out violent protesters during 2020 riots? Stated that America should abolish I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)?

Named “The Most Liberal U.S. Senator” in 2019? Stated that it should not be labeled a crime to enter the United States illegally? Suggested reparation payments to atone for slavery in the past? Dishonors the rule of law and weaponizes government against opponents? Supports surgical mutilation of 12-year-olds confused about gender? Supports “open borders” endangering national security, violating established immigration laws resulting in 100,000 missing children alongside 100,000 cartel-driven fentanyl deaths annually?

Endorses boys/men in girls’ restrooms, changing rooms and sporting activities? Opposes parental rights in schools regarding pornographic books, drag shows and transgender activity without parental notification? Promotes LGBTQ, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI), “Critical Race Theory” (CRT), 1619 Project and sex/transgender educational materials in our schools, government institutions and military?

Vacillates on solidarity with Israel alongside financial support for radical Islamic entities pledged to destroy the Jewish state? Committed to increased taxation of corporations and individuals along with unsustainable spending for Green New Deal scams and entitlement giveaways including those for illegal immigrants? Continues attacks on our “freedom to bear arms” guaranteed in the Second Amendment? Historically and aggressively opposes “fracking” for needed fuel supplies yet conveniently changes course to get votes?

Here’s the deal: You and I have a sacred responsibility and privilege to vote. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15), and I hope you will vote as an informed influencer not a useful idiot!

PS: Go to larrytomczak.com and click “Bullseye” to be equipped free and on demand by 16 key leaders on the 30 hot-button issues of today!

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