1 of many reasons we need RFK Jr. at HHS
It is reported between 400 and 17,000 doctors are calling on the Senate to reject President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Remember that many of these same doctors were jabbing people with the COVID-19 RNA-changing vaccine, causing blood clots and being part of the largest “gene therapy” research project in history, according to the head of Bayer. Of course, fact checkers said the Bayer executive’s comments were “misinterpreted,” and a Bayer spokesperson stated this comment was an “obvious slip of the tongue.” Would that be like a Freudian slip, when the mouth reveals truth from the subconscious?
Recall that the FDA gave the COVID vaccine Emergency Use Authorization, meaning it did not follow the normal vaccine protocols. So, would I suggest listening to these doctors about anything? You decide, but you also might want to consider the fact that Breitbart also recently reported that the doctors’ “committee” opposing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an organization accepting fake signatures. Breitbart News added to the list the name, Dr. Donald Duck, OG, of Disney World, FL, specializing in podiatry. Also, remember that it took five years for the CIA to “reveal” that the virus came from Wuhan, China.
Next, consider the Senate to which these supposed doctors are writing. According to Statista Research Department’s report of Sept. 17, 2024, the latest approval rating for Congress went up – to 19% approval, with a 76% disapproval rate, implying 76% of Americans would fire Congress.
Concerning “the way the U.S. is run,” a a Fox News voter-analysis shows that 27% of Americans want “total upheaval” and 56% want a “substantial change.” That means 83% of America think we at least need a “substantial change” in the way the U.S. is run.
We need to keep track of any “Republican” not supporting Trump’s voter-given mandate, for they need to be voted out in the next primary elections and replaced with real Republicans who listen to people they represent.
Now let’s look at just one of the major issues RFK Jr. plans to address: high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Why would RFK Jr. want to remove HFCS from foods in America? Does he just not want us to satisfy our sweet tooth? No, not at all.
Don’t miss WND’s latest Whistleblower edition, a comprehensive report on the poor health of the average American and the need to “Make America Healthy Again.”
I first read of the problem with HFCS in the 1990s. After that, my family and I have strived to exclude HFCS products from the items we purchase. Back then, I went back to find the papers I had read on the internet, and they had been removed. It was weird, but I never forgot what I read. Now I have found references again.
What evil could possibly be hiding in the cheap sweetener found in a huge variety of foods, some of which you wouldn’t even think contained something sweet and may not even have a sweet taste? HFCS is at least 55% fructose. Fructose blocks the receptors in your brain that tell your body that it is full. It also releases dopamine, producing a pleasure response, which can lead to food addiction and binge eating.
So, when you think that eating that cookie with HFCS is going to satisfy your craving, it’s not. Instead, it’s going to increase your craving so you will eat that whole box of cookies. Think about how happy this makes the cookie makers, because they want to sell you another box of cookies. The problem is that this is not just in cookies, but HFCS is in soft drinks, baked goods, cereals, canned fruits, jellies, dairy desserts, pickles, flavored yogurts and even chowders and processed meats such as sausage and ham, and the list goes on. It’s hard to find products that don’t contain HFCS. Think about it. You purchase those French fries and obtain a packet of ketchup. You eat the fries, but boy, you could still eat some more. Well, that little packet of ketchup contained HFCS. It is a wickedly brilliant sales plan.
In one of numerous studies, scientists used MRI scans to track the blood flow in the brain of 20 young, normal-weight people. These people were given drinks with either glucose or fructose. Scans showed that drinking glucose “turns off or suppresses the activity of areas of the brain that are critical for reward and desire for food,” according to Yale University endocrinologist Dr. Robert Sherwin. With fructose, “we don’t see those changes. … As a result, the desire to eat continues – it isn’t turned off.”
According to Dr. Richard Johnson, author of “The Fat Switch,” when glucose is metabolized, cells remain healthy and sugar is burned to produce energy. When fructose is metabolized, it takes more energy, thus there is actually a decrease in the net energy provided to the body. Dr. Johnson states that fructose stimulates appetite and fat accumulation not found with the metabolism of other sugars. He states that HFCS creates metabolic chaos in every aspect of appetite and weight management, leading to leptin resistance, desensitizing leptin receptors. Leptin is a hormone very important for weight control and regulating the balance between energy expenditure and food intake. Leptin tells the body how much fat to store. With leptin receptors desensitized, the person has no desire to stop eating, finds it difficult to control cravings and thus gains weight.
It is going to take guts to stand up to nearly every cookie company, most pickle companies, most ketchup companies, soft drink makers and a world of others. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is such a man, for he went against the Democratic Party and the long-time Democrats of his family to endorse Donald Trump for president and then accepted a nomination under a Republican president. We need a man like RFK Jr. to Make America Healthy Again.