Hey, Big Pharma, childhood is not a mental illness
We are to believe the narrative that there is an explosion of mental disease in America. It is not hard to get that idea. At last count over 75 million Americans were taking at least one psychiatric drug with many taking two or more. That means one out of every four people you meet is taking mind-altering medication.
The worst scenario lies with the minor population. Six million minors are taking mind-altering prescription drugs. Over half a million are under the age of 6. These are not adults choosing medication after an educated study of risks and benefits. They are children forced onto a regimen of potentially brain-damaging drugs long before they have fully developed brains or can give valid consent. A widespread downturn in mental illness, a sharp downtrend in teen suicides and fewer school shootings might justify drugging our youth. But the opposite is true. More mental and emotional problems are on display, teen suicides are epidemic, and once unheard-of school shootings are now weekly occurrences we barely notice.
The question is whether this is an epidemic of actual mental illness or a manufactured epidemic of profit and mental destruction.
The explosion of mental health diagnoses of the young is done with a smoke-and-mirrors operation called spectrum diagnosis. The spectrum diagnosis model has already proven highly lucrative for the diabetes industry. Here’s how it works. Rather than a threshold approach to diagnosis that only labels someone with a disease when the specified threshold is reached, using a broad range of symptoms produces a much more inclusive group of patients for any given disease. Patients with various mild symptoms can be labeled with the early onset of an illness, creating a large patient group to treat. Diagnosing on a spectrum also provides a new range of precursor patients who don’t have any disease or symptoms, but have what are designated as indicators of future potential risk. Doctors are advocating and prescribing medication for patients with no actual disease. This expansion of sickness is especially effective with mental illnesses that are subjective and have no proven physical test in the first place.
The epidemic of medicating our youth that began more than two decades ago with Attention Deficit Disorder and Ritalin has morphed into dozens of invented conditions like math, spelling, writing, or listening disorders and exploded with dozens more drugs like Adderall and Concerta. Some children end up taking three or more drugs. These strong central nervous system stimulants have documented long-term side effects like frequent colds and flu, anxiety and paranoia, depression, heart problems, stroke, addiction and abuse, not to mention they all come with a warning of potential suicidal thoughts. A significant and growing percentage of America’s 140 million under 30 population have taken mind and brain-altering drugs while still in the early developing stages of life. Altering brain chemistry at early ages has an amplified, cascading effect far into the future. The full extent of potential damage is not known. This is one reason we exercise more caution to protect children from harm.
The explosion of mental health problems among our youth is punctuated by suicides and gender confusion. Schools and mental health professionals pretend that medication is not the likely outcome, but if you ask parents, you’ll find that drugs are offered or recommended nearly 100% of the time. The resultant over-medication happens in 75% of those diagnosed.
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The narrative is always that we need more testing and more diagnoses and therefore more medication to curb the mental health outbreak. As is often the case with the Big Pharma-controlled medical industry, the truth is completely the opposite. The medications alter brain chemistry, cause suicidal ideation and contribute to the outbreak of other mental troubles. To say this is criminal is not hyperbole. Giving powerful mind-altering drugs to children is like pouring gasoline on an already blazing fire.
Instead of investigating the obvious connections between the drugs and the increase in mental health problems, the psychs push for more drugs. Every time there is a school shooting, the shrinks push for increased diagnoses. Using mental health questionnaires designed in vague and general terms puts nearly any child in the crosshairs for medication. For example, signs of disability for 3 to 5-year-old preschoolers include difficulties with spelling, reading aloud, handwriting, rhyming, or inability to sit still, listen and obey.
It bears repeating that none of these medications cure anything. They address symptoms only and result in permanent patients and a steady revenue stream for the medical industry. Some medications cause known permanent negative side effects requiring other medications to treat those. If you are getting the idea this is a scam and money-making racket, you would be correct.
The last thing you should do is let someone give mind-altering drugs to your child. But be warned. If you already have, make sure you ask a doctor to supervise getting them off the medicine. These can be addictive drugs with withdrawal symptoms, just like heroin or alcohol.
Growing up can be challenging and sometimes overwhelming for both kids and parents. However, it is also one of the most richly rewarding parts of life. We should help and love children, teach and guide them toward success in life, not treat childhood as a mental illness.