Next phase on illegals should lead to self-deportation
“Watch for it” – standard fare in the short-attention-span video binging world. You know someone is about to be heroic, get clobbered, fall flat, be cute, be stupid or scared half to death. Be patient. Don’t hit “next.” Here it comes. Pow!
Surely, to keep “watching for it” is the fate of we who imagine the obvious next shoe to drop in deporting the uninvited guests Biden & Company invited in. When do we start debanking illegals, instead of errant conservatives? When do we finally start starving the newcomers out?
Careful political posturing to engineer a favorable public response and taking wee little steps before putting a wet finger to the wind, doesn’t seem to be President Trump’s modus operandi. He’s more likely to do 10 things in the morning and, before the disloyal opposition find a bone to pick, he makes a joke in the afternoon about water-boarding the previous administration, tapping merrily on one of his detractors dependable emotional buttons – and that becomes all they can talk about the rest of the day. And we who know better all smile at the rogue fools who keep forgetting that Lucy always tricks Charlie Brown into thinking she won’t pull the football … this time.
Still, though political calculus isn’t likely to turn the president from his course, it may come into play in how he achieves his objectives. Normally, he seems most likely to plow straight ahead. (He has such an impressive signature!) But some things need to be made more palatable over time, and we hope that’s how he is seeing the process. Soothing liberal sensitivities may occasionally make life in the Oval Office easier.
Too much information (TMI) is bad for those constantly teetering on the edge of hysteria. To keep it simple (KISS) all that has been presented, so far, regarding the millions of illegals is the plan to start with the bad guys. Round them up and ship them out. Already the Democrats’ screeching has subsided. They only tried briefly, before most were submitting to the obvious. Protecting rapists and killers doesn’t translate easily to votes. Trump’s mission will, for the time, proceed with little effective resistance.
Hopefully, that rationale will have a short shelf life. Once the clearly hardcore threats to life and limb have been shown the door, the threats to national economic health and the more general well-being (especially for conservatives) will include the next 10 to 20 million illegals who must go if we’re serious about America. And Trump is serious.
If Plan A was to arrest and ship out the worst of them, Plan B will need a different model. They were let in to the tune of 250,000 a month, or 3,000,000 a year. To put that process into reverse it should be obvious that we don’t have (or want) enough ICE agents to go around picking them all up one at a time.
Thus, we get back to admitting, grudgingly, that Mittens Romney got one thing right. They will all have to self-deport.
We suspect and hope that when the time comes the president will make his case. The invitations to the Entrance door said, “Step this way for free stuff, housing, cash, special privileges and voting rights. We hate America, so you can only improve us.” The signs to the Exit doors must read, “No more free stuff. No more remittances to home. No more bank accounts. No more jobs or freedom from being detained. No more free hotel rooms. No more safe hospital visits free of cost or arrest. No more ICE-proof arrests, ever. No more arrest-proof traffic stops. No more chances of remaining and surviving unscathed.”
This Exit door sign should also have this notice, in several languages: “Free Plane Tickets Home! Offer Expiring Soon! Free money at boarding if you register here for your 30-day departure extension!”
There’s your stick, and there’s your carrot. And don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.