Should the U.S. end our ‘special relationship’ with U.K.?
This is the second in a series of articles about the changing global order that began with “Let’s talk Turkey about Islam.”
“The U.K. boasts more civil servants per capita than China, more DEI employees per capita than anywhere else in the world, the highest tax burden since 1948, a national debt which equals 100 percent of GDP, record annual net migration of net-tax-recipients, and a capital city in which at least 1 in 12 is an illegal immigrant,” writes Connor Tomlinson.
I suggest that if this trend does not rapidly reverse course to fully align with the U.S. MAGA agenda, we should switch sides in the centuries-long Britain vs. Russia clash of empires.
A year ago this month, I read a long but utterly fascinating article by Richard Poe, “How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews): The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution.” And the next day I read an excellent piece by Alex Krainer, titled “France under attack,” almost like an addendum to the Poe piece on the (still churning) chaos in France, also explaining behind-the-scenes geopolitics that point blame at the “Anglo-American Imperial Establishment.”
These articles, which remain timely and worth reading, offer a somewhat pro-Russian but still objective and scholarly perspective of the centuries-long rivalry of the British and Russian empires that you will never find among Western sources.
I offered constructive criticism to Mr. Poe in a private (unacknowledged) email to him, pointing out that the British government he blames for scapegoating the Jews was itself in part a product of an Anglo-Jewish partnership going even back to before the Glorious Revolution, manifesting most clearly in the Christian doctrine/political philosophy of British Israelism. BI peaked during the reign of Queen Victoria (whose genealogical chart claimed succession from the Judean kings) when Benjamin Disraeli was prime Minister. Disraeli’s Jewish father had been convinced by top BI advocate and historian Sharon Turner to baptize his son as a Christian (becoming the child’s godfather). BI persisted among select elites until the liberation of the Holy Land from the Ottoman Turks in 1917 and the formal restoration of the Jews there per the Balfour Declaration.
Indeed, I suggested to Poe that the hostility (he documents) Winston Churchill displayed toward “International Jewry” may have been in part a consequence of the breakdown of the “British Israelism” partnership after almost 500 years of Messianic Christian/Jewish shared dreams of a two-house reunification in a restored Israel, which I have summarized in three articles here. When that shared vision of two-house “Zionism” was supplanted in the unfolding Marxist era by exclusively “one-house” Jewish nationalism (formalized as a political movement in 1897), it presumably fostered bitterness and resentment among Christians. It must have seemed to many (not to me) that British Israelism had never been anything more than a cynical scam to manipulate the British monarchy and Church of England. It didn’t help that once the nationalist Jews’ goal of legal/physical restoration to the Holy Land was achieved, the entire 5-century-long BI campaign was dropped and memory-holed so thoroughly that the average Christian today knows literally nothing about it.
I cite those articles in support of the premise that Anglo-Zionism was and is the driving force of the British Empire – a force that was once benign but is now malignant due to infection by Marxism. Two weeks ago I read another phenomenal article by Krainer that goes to the question of how this force has steered America.
“When the United States declared independence from the British Empire, the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were not just a bunch of belligerent rebels with nothing to lose. In many ways, they were similar to the people flanking Donald Trump today,” writes Krainer. “They were all educated men of means and privileged members of society.
“Of the 56 signatories, 24 were lawyers and jurists; 11 were wealthy merchants; nine were farmers and large plantation owners. In signing the Declaration of Independence they provoked the wrath of the empire, knowing for sure that if they were captured their penalty would be death. Five of them were in fact captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons and another two had their sons captured and imprisoned.
“Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships in the revolutionary war. … The home and properties of Francis Lewis were destroyed and his wife was jailed. She died within a few months. … The properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton were vandalized and destroyed by British troops or their proxy terror squads. British Gen. Cornwallis took over Thomas Nelson’s home for his headquarters. It was destroyed during the battle of Yorktown, and Nelson died bankrupt. John Hart had to flee his homestead. … When he returned home, his wife was dead and their 13 children all vanished. The grief and distress killed him within a few weeks. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.
“When the imperial cabal decided to break up the United States, which precipitated the Civil War, they were confronted by President Abraham Lincoln [who evaded the Rothschild banking cartel’s grossly usurious debt trap by issuing interest-free Greenbacks to fund Union war efforts]. In 1863, Russian Czar Alexander II came to Lincoln’s aid by dispatching his Baltic fleet to New York and his Pacific fleet to San Francisco. The move blocked the Empire’s intervention on the side of the Confederation, which was planned by the British with the support of France and the Vatican. The U.S.-Russian alliance ultimately prevailed, and the United States was preserved.
“But to exact their revenge, the cabal dispatched assassins. Abraham Lincoln was killed in 1865, shortly after the end of the Civil War, and Alexander II was assassinated in St. Petersburg in 1881. In 1917 the whole family of the Czar Nicholas II was killed by the Bolsheviks on the orders of the New York banker Jacob Schiff. Arguably, the low-life expectancy among the Kennedy family men is also likely due to their propensity to irritate the imperial cabal.”
If all this is true, has continued apace till today, and the U.K. decides not to repent and return to biblical values in the near future, perhaps we should consider partnering instead with conservative Christian Russia and the current religiously and socially conservative Israeli government that is so deeply hated by the Synagogue of Satan in London and New York. In my next article, “A vision for a U.S./Russia/Israel global order,” I will explore what this might look like.