Why the foreign interlopers must go home
For those who bemoan the seeming cruelty of sending the unlawful border crossers back to the other side let’s offer this caveat: They were invited, after all.
But they remain co-conspirators, after the fact, having been offered an open door with welcoming flourishes from the Biden group. The government’s ringleaders of that criminal enterprise should be indicted, having 10-20 million counts as their rightful due. Since the masterminds all imagined themselves to be under a special immunity owed to all Democrats (and we’ll be seeing about that), our visitors figured they should be covered as well. Our citizen suspects should be prosecuted for their open defiance of immigration law – and their invitees should be returned to their real homes, with few exceptions, quickly.
The illegals were brought here in keeping with the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a communist plan to overload the services sector till it broke and caused mass rebellion and revolution. (It was also done in hopes of creating a more reliable voter base.) Those two Columbia University professors proposed a coordinated effort toward the expansion of welfare and entitlements to a point of national bankruptcy. Sound familiar?
The Saul Alinsky plan was intended to guide wannabe communists to go to work within the system, and take control of policy for the purpose of creating chaos, again, leading to mass rebellion and revolution. That process began in the early 1970s. His ideas came to the forefront as the leftists’ hopes for a violent revolution proved themselves to be futile. The only way for a successful communist revolution, according to Alinsky, was to cut you hair, put on a suit and tie, and work to create chaos from within. His book became the Marxists’ bible. Tens of thousands took to his plan, finding places within government, business, church and education.
Google references to Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis on Saul Alinsky. Look up Cloward-Piven and Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Understand these to know what the Clinton-Obama-Biden regimes were doing. The Clintons were both pro-communist, anti-war activists. Obama was a “community organizer” who taught classes on how to implement Alinsky’s communist revolutionary plans. Biden was a moral and mental vacancy of a puppet, whose strings remained in Obama’s hands.
Our friends may say we think there’s a communist under every bed. We should tell them to take a peek. Communists won’t name themselves as such, often not even to themselves. But as Ayn Rand said, check their premises. Ask what they believe and who they admire. Find out how much they hate America and whether change should come “by any means necessary.” Remember that the “party line,” once the ubiquitous center point for communist organizers, has simply taken a new name. Now it’s called the “narrative” or the “talking points.” It still bears no relationship to the truth. Their “truth” remains as whatever can be said that might be useful to their aim of subversion.
Once we understand the underlying purpose of leftist policy, and open borders in particular, we join the new awakening and become elated by so much of what President Trump is doing now with his lighting strikes of executive orders. Near the top of the list are those directed at securing the borders and repatriating the interlopers.
The support for these policy shifts has been growing in leaps and bounds. Resistance to them has become increasingly ridiculous. For some, their ideological arteries have become hopelessly hardened, and all that can be offered is derision. For others, clinging tenuously to the old narratives, we have to peal off their grasping fingers one at a time with common sense, that rare demand offered by Trumpism.
It’s an old trope but always worth restating in this new context.
Let’s say I am a Christian. You break into my house, camp in my living room and start eating the food in my kitchen.
If I am a foolish liberal Christian, I will forgive you for stealing, try to accommodate you, and then boast to my friends of such admirable kindness. You will know I am insane and take my car keys as well. No one in your old country would dream of such behavior. You will keep taking until one of us becomes violent. Most likely that will be you because you cannot possibly feel right in your actions, and I have set the stage, requiring you to strain at pretending an unreal self-righteousness. Neither of us will win, finally.
If I am a faithful Christian, I will bear you no ill will but will insist on your immediate departure. I will do all I can to help make it happen. I might give you a few bucks and some food for the road. I might even offer you a bus ticket home if you haven’t been too abusive. If you still refuse to leave, I will let you know that you are choosing a dangerous and unprofitable road. It may seem to be cruel to some, especially to my neighbors living in well-guarded communities, whose living rooms and kitchens remain inviolate. But I will not be slandered as an agent of Satan for protecting my rights, my family and my country. Not even by my smug, lunatic and liberal quasi-Christian friends.