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Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs Valentina Shevchenko Back on for UFC 231 - thesportsdaily.com

Sports - Google News (us) 


Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs Valentina Shevchenko Back on for UFC 231
The UFC matchmaking musical chairs continue, as ESPN's Brett Okamoto reports that Valentina Shevchenko and Sijara Eubanks will no longer fight at UFC 230, and instead Shevchenko will once again fight Joanna Jedrzejczyk at UFC 231. Here's what we ...

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Brian Bowen's father says ex-Louisville assistant Kenny Johnson gave him $1300 - ESPN

Sports - Google News (us) 


Brian Bowen's father says ex-Louisville assistant Kenny Johnson gave him $1300
NEW YORK -- Text messages between former Louisville assistant coach Kenny Johnson and Brian Bowen Sr., introduced in court Tuesday, show the two planning to meet up in August 2017 in an exchange Bowen said resulted in a direct $1,300 payment.
Should Louisville basketball get death penalty after latest revelations in college hoops trial?Yahoo Sports
College basketball corruption trial: Brian Bowen Sr. Читать дальше...

Fantasy intel for all 32 NFL teams ahead of Week 6

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Fantasy football, NFL analyst for ESPN.com Member of Pro Football Writers of America Founding director of Pro Football Focus Fantasy 2013 FSTA award winner for most accurate preseason rankings...

ICC charges 3 HK cricketers for corruption

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

The International Cricket Council (ICC) announced Monday it had charged three Hong Kong players, including one who has already served a 30-month ban, with 19 counts of breaching the ICC Anti-Corrup

Match-fixing tennis umpires get life bans

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

THREE tennis umpires from Thailand have been handed life bans for match-fixing and betting offences, including manipulating the official scoring system during matches, the sport's anti-corrupt

This Might Not Be a Great Idea for Women in Soccer

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

(Newser) - A new study suggests that girls and women who play soccer should think twice about going up for that next header. Research out of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that femal

Главным тренером "Монако" может стать Раньери

Newsfiber.com (sport) 

Известный итальянский специалист Клаудио Раньери входит в список кандидатов на пост главного тренера "Монако", информирует источник. Нынешний наставник монегасков Леонарду Жардим в ближайшее время может быть отправлен в отставку...

Весь сюжет (21)
Источник: Soccer.ru
Категории: Спорт

The unique circumstance of Australian racism

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

The media's continual call for Aboriginal people to counteract the most basic forms of racism suggests its vested interest in propagating this racism, writes Celeste Liddle. LAST WEEK, I nearly gave

A little less conversation a little more action please. Saunders stalls again.


There is a lot more waiting involved in boxing these days. A lot more empty hollering. Much more theorising. Greater noise. Less fighting. Fighters have become business men at the expense of their supposed vocation. Many are more familiar to us in tweed tailoring, discussing percentages and the narcissism of their legacy than the blood... Continue Reading →

Футболист "Спортинга" оказал первую помощь одноклубнику во время игры

Sputnik.ru (спорт) 

Встреча, прошедшая на поле "Портимоненсе" в воскресенье, завершилась со счетом 4:2 в пользу хозяев. Голкипер "Спортинга" Ромен Сален, пытаясь отбить мяч, ударился головой о штангу и упал на газон без сознания.

Should the New York Giants trade Odell Beckham Jr.?

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

This isn't the first time Beckham has sounded off about his team coming up short and many feel if he wants to criticize his team, the Giants should ship him out...

Прядкин: "Действия Кокорина и Мамаева не должны оставаться безнаказанными"


Глава РПЛ Сергей Прядкин заявил, что нападающего "Зенита" Александра Кокорина и хавбека "Краснодара" Павла Мамаева нужно серьёзно наказать. Оба игрока стали участниками нападения на водителя ведущей Первого канала Ольги Ушаковой, а затем на чиновника Минпромторга Дениса Пака.

Россияне выиграли эстафету вольным стилем на юношеских Играх

Блог сайта «Спорт-Экспресс» 

Российские пловцы одержали победу в командной эстафете 4х100 метров вольным стилем на юношеских Олимпийских играх. Вторыми стали бразильцы, а замкнули тройку итальянцы.

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