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Chat log from R17 of 2024: Western Sydney vs Carlton


Chat log for Western Sydney vs Carlton, R17 of 2024

Manowar: Carlton
thommoae: I see your Carlton and raise you Giants.
carl: Blue’s by 10 goals. (in my dreams)
Swoop35: Go giants
beerent11: No Sam Taylor let?s go Charlie
Noxious: Evening all
Noxious: Bedford tagging Walsh I hear?
OffaStep: Yep, Nox. And Cincotta on Whitfield, I think.
Roarix: Green fumbling already.. wowee
Noxious: Lovely, just have the taggers tag eachother
cammo92: Cincotta tagging Coniglio by the looks. Expected him on Whitfield honestly
Swoop35: Selfish curnow
thommoae: TdeK must be positively lopsided with all that Tape on his leg!
Roarix: Buys Curnow last week.. McKay becomes the #1.. icant with this bs
OffaStep: Alright, Harry, it’s Charlie’s turn now.
NewFreoFan: I hate that this new trend of crap music after goals is growing
OffaStep: Could have had Caldwell, too, Roar. Really regretting the trade ATM.
Noxious: Geez Fonti looks good from what I’ve seen so far
Roarix: Surely you have other things in life to worry about than caring about that FreoFan..
Cascadian: Oppo has TDK as captain and Walsh so I need them both to stay down
Roarix: Yep Offa.. I had Caldwell for Sexton lined up but didnt with oppo still having Sexton..
Hazza09: I overlooked caldwell for curnow, what an absolute butchered trade this was
NewFreoFan: They can wait till later, this is #1 while I’m watching the game Roarix
DaMeatloaf: Traded Fisher for Caldwell and very please about it seeing as Mckercher will surely have that role back
bhg26: Did the same roarix but thought sexton would do well enough against norf and saved the trade
Roarix: But classic to see McKay completely take over after buying Curnow
beerent11: Same here dameatloaf. Also nice not having to watch fisher.
Roarix: How does Peatling get stuck as the sub also.. This guy is better than some of the players running around out there..
Cascadian: Tom Green starts every game with 5 or 6 touches in the first ten minutes and only 9-12 points for them
OffaStep: Curnow was looking good. Pushing up high, taking contested marks, soft run… Didn’t trust Caldwell. Bad call, I think.
Silz90: How does selwood have a job. Learn how to pronounce cogs name right
beerent11: Team is flying this weekend. Might be the end of it with green curnow and a tagged Walsh here.
BRAZZERS: could the umpiring be anymore one sided, bizarre
Hazza09: Typical of how this year has gone Offa, bring curnow in and he shits the bed
BRAZZERS: back at the brown paper bags like before lol
Silz90: Newman should be strongly considered for aa this year
Cascadian: What is everyone?s projected at the moment, mine is 2392
Silz90: Be patient with curnow, normally explodes in third quarter and scores quickly
clay007: Newman continues to rack em up. I agree silz. He’s been good for weeks
Roarix: Yep Hazza.. like Rowell for me.. bring him in and has been beyond fkn pathetic
Hazza09: Now Williams taking the piss, seen enough already
beerent11: 2556 here cascadian.
beerent11: Although this game hasn?t started well for me
Roarix: Yep trade Williams and within 2 weeks, he started going nuts and is still doing so.. sc is the most frustrating thing
Silz90: Huge beer, I’m project for 2400 with fisher missing
beerent11: The two port boys and sheezel, Merrett and Caldwell all went ok.
Cascadian: Fucking hell De Koning looks like he?s in for another massive match
clay007: Good predicted score beer, I’m 2425, way off you.
beerent11: This game might kill it though.
Roarix: 8 goals in the first and Curnow hasnt kicked a single one.. fk off
clay007: who you got beer? I’ve only got Crippa
TheLegend6: Brought in TDK last week but had to change to Nank after his late out. Pain.
clay007: I hear your pain roarix. Time for a little nap I think
Roarix: I think so. Get today over with I say
Raspel31: Hovering 2550 but Green my weak link.
beerent11: Curnow, Walsh, green clay. Crippas flying.
beerent11: Buckleys a very good defender.
clay007: I hear your pain also. Get a milk and lay down for a bit. lol
Silz90: Was going to bring in cripps for Rowell but fisher wrecked my plans
beerent11: Gonna go watch captain serong. Hopefully Charlie kicks a lazy six.
soup: Curnow you curly haired loser I need some coin for caldwell
Raspel31: Gulden for me beer but Seromg temting- good luck.
FreeHughsy: its amazing, ive had only 3 scores below 130, and managed to put my C and VC on 2 of those 3
soup: Sounds like you went daicos into Bont hughsy
FreeHughsy: correct soup, although i didn’t mean to put the C on bont, that will teach for not going onto SC on a Sat Morning
piesfan420: same here hughsy
Silz90: We are in trouble if Jacob is subbed out fml
soup: Curnows decided to turn into current day tom Hawkins since the day I traded him in
thommoae: Mark to Jesse, umps? 12 point turnaround there.
Roarix: Alright.. Curnow this is beyond cringe.. fk this shite
clay007: Crippa a champion
sfenda1: another 3 votes cripps me thinks
clay007: 18 point turnaround thommo
OffaStep: Curnow, you fraud. I demand that you return to the promising form which convinced me to select you over Caldwell.
Malaka: Dillon: Umpiring is the best it’s ever been.
Silz90: 1 sec mark
Silz90: Get off the bike Jacob
Roarix: Rule 1.. dont listen to people when they say go a key forward in sc.. I know better, I know better, I know better.. kms
RooBoyStu: Carlton Bigger chokers than Monica Lewinsky
Raspel31: Come on England v Switzerland- sorry, that slipped in. Step up Green.
clay007: What would bigchief say rasp?
Silz90: What happened to big chief is he ok
OffaStep: Exactly, Roar. Curnow my only exception to that rule and it is costing me big time.
Raspel31: I would be severely chastised clay.
Hazza09: fucken prick curnow
thommoae: Mark to Jesse. Great Scott!
Silz90: Lol he actually marked it this time
Roarix: Im that mad that I might do a Bart and write the same sentence on a chalkboard..
Roarix: “I will never buy a key forward in SuperCoach ever again” till it sinks in
pcaman2003: And to think I traded Williams for the Gov this week. Lol!
soup: Few frauds getting exposed in my team this week.
Hazza09: seriously how can you be on 6 SC from 86% tog
Hazza09: such a fraud curnow
Roarix: So this is how Green gets treated by CD every week now.. make people hate sc even more you clowns
Roarix: “I will never buy a key forward in SuperCoach ever again”
Raspel31: -Not sure who remembers Bestcoast- the funniest and wittiest of us all- Vale Best.
Roarix: It might be sinking in now.. “I will never buy a key forward in SuperCoach ever again”
Silz90: We get it roar its frustating
RgngShnBnr: Looped Curnow off for Mannagh. Feeling real big balls right now
clay007: Roarix…I think it is time for bed. Go grab a milk and I’ll read you a story and rub your back. lol
beerent11: Oh SuperCoach, you are a cruel mistress.
Raspel31: Come on England! Wgoops, he’s already played.
beerent11: All these struggling guys are reasonably highly owned though I think.
DaMeatloaf: The raging shinboner has been bricked up all day
RgngShnBnr: Can confirm DaMeatloaf
pcaman2003: Remember him well Rasp. Old school and very respectful.
LuvIt74: SC was looking huge this week until now… OMG why oh why… :o(
Raspel31: Best was the best pcaman- we were going to catch up but his ticker gave out. Oneards abd upwards.
Legix: Isn?t studs in the back a free against?
clay007: What is happening, the blues poor in defense.
Silz90: Jacob came off let gws back in the game. We are getting destroyed.
Legix: Beford looks to be running with Cripps now
Social: Hadn’t seen Weiyering flinch like that for a while
original: hopeless on the line, i=even if it should have been a free
Raspel31: I am in the unusl situation of winning all 4 leagues unless my players commit seppuku.
soup: Ask weiters about his financial situation and he will flinch harder social
McSquire: Commentators saying how dominant Green has been – mustn?t have spoken to CD 😂
Roarix: Imagine being the Carlton coaching staff and deciding not to find a way to get Curnow into the game and now 5 goals down
Roarix: clowns
pcaman2003: My opponent has Curnow. Phew! What a relief that is.
pluggerpig: if not Curnow, then Curwhen?
clay007: Curnextweek…pluggerpig
original: good one plugger
FoopyTime: orange team showing the fake orange team how to kick ball
LuvIt74: lmao thats quite funny
soup: Curnow about as useful as a Muslim at a pig market tonight
clay007: Hilarious soup! lol
pcaman2003: Curnow curtailed!
LuvIt74: Walsh absolute disgraceful
Number 8: Carlton talls seem to find ways to injure themselves
Social: Curnow superfluous
Hazza09: curnow is useless
OffaStep: Muslim jokes are just Saad, soup.
LuvIt74: Bedford doing well on Walsh bloody hell
FoopyTime: carlton has to have someone better than fantasia to play his roll
Devero_D: This is why Pitto is on the team.
Number 8: Walsh has got to do some serious work this off season on beating a tag. It’s becoming a real problem for him
clay007: Is the fat lady clearing her throat? Can you even say that now in this pc world? I hope so.
Roarix: Move Curnow to get him involved for ffs Carlton you useless bunch of coaches
Silz90: Flog toby
original: you’re right there umpire
Roarix: omg.. was that #30 getting a kick.. ????
slydon: wheres walsh? ive been out tonight
OffaStep: He got a kick! Curnow got a kick!
soup: Nice one curnow you gimp
slydon: nvm im blind
Hazza09: you absolute hack curnow, gone on Sunday night
clay007: Fonti has been impressive. Great wheels
beerent11: Oh no Charlie. Bad Charlie. Bad, bad Charlie.
Social: Dillon’s made a call
pcaman2003: Hazza. Have you got a team left?
Silz90: No love for cripps in the goal square
OffaStep: Yeah, he isn’t listening to us either, beer. We’ve been telling him to get the ball, kick goals etc. Nothing.
pcaman2003: Curnow giving me a win and I don’t even have him. Thanks Charlie!
Raspel31: One dreams of a perfect workld where Green is accurate- nobody’s perfect.
shancrows: FFS Curnow
FoopyTime: crippa doin everything to try and get his team to do something
Silz90: Just write the game off for us especially curnow wowza
nbartos: crips with the bont tax
Apachecats: Curnows on fire.
clay007: He comes Curnow
Silz90: You watching the game bartos lol you got no idea champ
soup: Carlscum and Richmond lose, Australia wins
pcaman2003: Rasp. Green doing Green things. The lad is something of an enigma
LuvIt74: Does anyone know the severity of Touk’s injury?
Silz90: Stfu soup Ur a broken record
nbartos: watched the important 3rd qtr silz – he cant ruck and he cant kick
soup: Oooh struck a nerve
Raspel31: Very loyal to ythe Green pcaman.
Silz90: Can’t kick but has a bronwlow bud
nbartos: he should go back tom WA play for freo
FoopyTime: why yew haf 2 b mahd is onle gaem
clay007: what is wif the spelln foupy?
runners47: Get back in the game, Whitfield!
pcaman2003: So am I Rasp. I’ve held him through thick n thin. Wondered why at times.
FoopyTime: im kinda retarded
clay007: Cripps a champion. Been huge tonight, end of story
Raspel31: Me too pcaman- but heck.
DaMeatloaf: How many lines has Roarix written on that whiteboard now?
DukeNewc: The streak is alive and kicking once again!
clay007: Curnow keeps the streak alive
FoopyTime: wtf that is not a dangerous tackle
FreeHughsy: Bs dangerous tackle my ah
Apachecats: Green -that was a perfect tackle.
clay007: No it wasn’t apache, cos my oppo has him.
FoopyTime: lol clay fair call then
Apachecats: Fair enough then Clay.
DukeNewc: Green’s statline looks nearly, if not the most deserving of a ton, until you scroll further right
DukeNewc: 9 clangers is cooked
clay007: To clarify, if I had Green, it was definitely not a dangerous tackle. If my oppo next week has him, suspend him
original: not sure how briggs hasnt given away more frees (have him in draft)
Social: owchies
Apachecats: De Koning in my team from the getgo next year along with Xerri.
original: apache he will be too pricy
Social: Ache Blakers!
FoopyTime: uh oh
FreeHughsy: they couldnt… could they?
soup: Oh boy
clay007: Hold on, here come the blues.
DukeNewc: Surely not fellas? Right? … Right?
Apachecats: Yes original but with plenty of upside.
original: not after the shocking 2nd and third qtr
Apachecats: This game same scenario as Coll v Ess .Can giants hang on.?
bhg26: Also like Giants vs Saints earlier this year apache
Raspel31: I think most people on this site din;t really care about thhis result- they j ust wanr England to whip Swuitzerland.
soup: Cadman trying his best to throw the game
pcaman2003: Good win GWS. Just too good on the night.
beerent11: It?s a shame Darcy jones did a hammy earlier on in the season.
BRAZZERS: navy where are you ya peanut lol
soup: I think he’s gone to watch your bottom of the table rabble get pumped Brazzers ya donut
Social: hehe
Silz90: Well played giants

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Андрей Рублёв

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