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AI, drones & snipers… Fears Macron is using Paris Olympics to turn France into China-style Big Brother surveillance hell


PARIS is vying to become a global front-runner in the world of artificial intelligence with the city set to show off the latest technology at the Olympics.

But the ambitious AI goals have proved controversial with tech and security experts fearing the increased surveillance could be an ethical, privacy and safety nightmare at the Games and beyond.

An influx of additional security cameras are in Paris for the Olympics being used to monitor crowds[/caption]
The AI surveillance will be used to help cops detect suspicious activity such as fraud, terror threats or violence[/caption]
Surveillance drones will also be used across the city[/caption]
French President Emmanuel Macron has been vocal about trying to make his country the ‘champions of AI’ with Paris aiming to be the world’s AI capital[/caption]

French President Emmanuel Macron has been vocal about trying to make his country the “champions of AI” with Paris aiming to be the world’s AI capital.

As the Games get underway concerns are growing for digital rights activists that Macron may use his home Olympics to turn France into a China-style Big Brother surveillance hell in the years to come.

For the Olympics, increased AI surveillance cameras and technology has already been deployed across Paris to monitor the millions of visitors expected in the coming weeks.

An influx of additional security cameras are stationed across Paris with organisers using AI to scan through the streets to ensure safety and security.

A huge number of drones are also set to take part in one of the most closely monitored sporting events of all time.

Digital rights activists have already become embroiled in a battle with tech companies over the new technologies.

With one saying it has the potential to be “just as scary as what is happening in China”, with their tight-knit surveillance laws.

In April 2023, French Parliament passed legislation introducing an artificial intelligence-powered security system designed to identify threats at the Games.

The algorithmic video surveillance [AVS] has been specially set up to monitor groups consisting of 300 or more people.

The law allows for up to eight different scenarios to be looked at from crowds, abandoned objects, weapons, fires and even traffic control.

Cops will be running the “intelligent and algorithm-based technology” through the cameras to help identify any safety breaches. 

They will also be able to scan devices and objects deemed as suspicious with a number of snipers placed across the city ready to react at a moments notice.

Under French law facial recognition is still banned through surveillance meaning authorities can’t spot a person’s identity.

With several fresh systems also in place from QR codes to specialist tickets which are all implementing new forms of technology.

Maria Opre, a senior analyst at tech specialists EarthWeb, told The Sun: “Major events like the Olympics attract a massive influx of visitors, presenting unique challenges in terms of crowd control, potential threats, and maintaining public order.

“By leveraging AI-powered surveillance systems and advanced facial recognition technology, authorities aim to bolster their ability to monitor and respond to potential security incidents swiftly and effectively.”

Despite the positives of using AI, experts like Maria also have big concerns over how citizens could become controlled by the tech and potentially fall into a China-like state.

Achieving the status of an ‘AI city’ will require a delicate balance between technological advancement and safeguarding fundamental rights

Maria Opresenior analyst at tech specialists EarthWeb

Critics such as Amnesty International and EU Parliament members have voiced concerns about how the new system’s level of intrusion – with locals and tourists already making complaints.

Katia Roux, advocacy officer for technology at Amnesty International, said: “The scope of this law is worrying because it goes far beyond the Olympics – until June 2025.

“For years, we have seen French authorities have been trying to expand the surveillance power of the police and we fear these Olympics could be used as an excuse to do so.”

From a security standpoint the increased usage of AI may be a key way cops can stay ahead of trouble from large crowds to terror attacks.

But experts have told The Sun it may only lead to more trouble through online scammers, hackers and cyber attacks.

Security expert Will Geddes claims there are “serious concerns about how criminals are going to find their way to circumvent the technology” and wreck havoc on the event.


Fears are mounting that an increase in surveillance through AI could put a dampener on the games with the public wary of the new technology.

Maria said: “While the prospect of Paris embracing AI is enticing, it’s crucial to address the ethical and privacy concerns that come with such a transformation.

“The city’s investment in AI could enhance various aspects of the event, from security measures to crowd management and even the overall spectator experience.

“However, achieving the status of an ‘AI city’ will require a delicate balance between technological advancement and safeguarding fundamental rights.”

Some of these crucial rights issues revolve around how Paris may become similar to China with their tight surveillance operations.

AI video monitoring is a surveillance tool which allows the state to analyse our bodies, our behaviour, and decide whether it is normal or suspicious

Noémie LevainDigital rights activist

Digital rights activist Noémie Levain has already blasted tech companies for the potential of the new technology.

She told the BBC: “AI video monitoring is a surveillance tool which allows the state to analyse our bodies, our behaviour, and decide whether it is normal or suspicious.

“We see it as just as scary as what is happening in China.

“It’s the same principle of losing the right to be anonymous, the right to act how we want to act in public, the right not to be watched.”

AI company chief François Mattens hit back at the comparisons to Xi Jinping‘s state saying that Paris will not turn into “Big Brother“.

He also ensured the public that they won’t use the tech for facial recognition due to French laws prohibiting it.

China’s extensive use of AI to keep tabs on its civilians has undoubtedly influenced global perceptions of the systems, says Maria.

She added: “Comparing the situation to China underscores the fear of losing fundamental rights, such as anonymity and the freedom to act without constant oversight.

“The Chinese model is often cited as a cautionary tale, contributing to fears about the potential for similar systems to be implemented in democratic societies.

“This comparison drives the opposition to AI surveillance in Europe and Paris, where citizens are keen to protect their freedoms.”

Paris' patchwork of steel

AI is just one of several security measures being used at the Olympics to ensure the safety of athletes, international diplomats and the public.

Paris 2024 is set to become the most guarded Games ever with over 60,000 cops and soldiers, drones, helicopters all deployed after months of growing safety concerns.

Over 43 countries are involved in ensuring the Olympics are kept secure with French officials claiming the “unprecedented” operations are at least three times larger than at London 2012.

Organisers are preparing for all possibilities during the event with terrorist attacks and protests all looming over the Games.

Paris has been rocked following the recent election chaos that saw tens of thousands of riot cops battling with opposing political supporters.

Political candidates and activists were attacked in the streets with cars and buildings set alight after the country’s most divisive vote ever.

Alongside the huge security teams a number of aerial units will also be in operation.

Rafale fighter jets, AWACS surveillance flights, Reaper surveillance drones and helicopters with high-level snipers on board will patrol the Paris skies throughout the event.

The Paris Police Prefecture has also declared a four mile metal barricade along the River Seine ahead of the opening ceremony.

Dubbed the SILT, or the “belt of steel” the anti-terrorism barrier is set to act as the first line of defence.

Passersby will need to scan a QR code to pass through the makeshift gated wall.

Around 20,000 people live and work inside the zone with them all being forced to get a pass to enable them to move around central Paris.

The strict rules have left thousands feeling let down by how the Games have taken over the city.

The latest security issues have come as Olympic bosses held an emergency meeting ahead of Friday’s opening ceremony following France’s rail network coming under attack.

Officials say the ceremony will go ahead after a wave of “sabotage” hit the French rail network overnight with a series of fires bringing trains to a halt hours to go before the opening ceremony.

Amnesty International also claims AVS is actually not effective in deterring crime.

Several worried digital rights campaigners have also slammed the AI systems saying they could erode people’s privacy who spend a lot of time outside in public.

One of the largest anti-AI groups, Saccage 2024, have repeatedly blasted Olympic organisers for the size of the invasive security they feel is being used in Paris.

Describing it as a “repressive arsenal” in a passionate statement to The Associated Press.

The posed the question: “Is it reasonable to offer one month of ‘festivities’ to the most well-off tourists at the cost of a long-term securitization legacy for all residents of the city and the country?”

Despite the concerns, security whizz Will Geddes is hopeful that the increased use of the automated systems will be a huge positive at the Olympics.

He told The Sun: “AI is something that can be used both as a threat, but also as a protective measure when applied in the best sense.

“And AI is certainly something that will play a very major role in the securing of the event in terms of protecting, but also analysing any kind of data threat that could potentially be presented.”

Millions of international visitors are set to descend on Paris over the next few weeks with officials looking to maintain each person’s safety[/caption]

Will has helped with security measures at three separate Olympics in the past.

He says at each event the technology has drastically improved and enhanced what security teams are capable of doing.

With Paris’ security being at a greater level than he has ever seen before.

Will is more concerned by how an increase in the use of tech on such a global scale could play into the hands of criminals.

Scam artists and hackers may look at the Olympics for a chance to disrupt history – especially with the Games going mostly online through the AI assisted policing.

Will continued: “There are serious concerns about how criminals are going to find their way to circumvent the technology that is going to be applied in this particular event.

“One of these that certainly Paris, and especially France has around the Olympics is the threat financially against individuals.

“Whether that be through emails offering tickets, special deals or hospitality.

“These are all the types of threats that will be related to the Paris Olympics that everybody needs to be concerned and suspicious for.”


The other main issues with AI being used freely in a major city like Paris revolve around how it can be used in a unjust and dangerous manner.

Cameras will collect a huge amount of data which can be safely stored within the systems involved.

Meaning proper management of the sensitive information needs to be kept in the right hands.

Further problems stem from the AI systems themselves as they can occasionally be clouded by built-in biases.

This can lead to the targeting of certain social groups based on looks and location.

Maria says these concerns “cannot be ignored”.

She has strong concerns over how these perceived inequalities may become magnified through the technology and erode trust in the public.

“As a cybersecurity professional, I understand the importance of balancing security needs with the protection of civil liberties and individual privacy,” she added.

“We must be vigilant in ensuring that these technologies are implemented with robust safeguards, transparency, and accountability measures in place.

“Transparency, clear guidelines, and robust oversight mechanisms are essential to ensure that these technologies are not misused or abused.”

Maria revealed her other concern to The Sun saying that the Olympics may be the catalyst for further technological advancements in Paris.

With the thousands of extra cameras installed and the new systems locked in place across the capital the authorities are unlikely to slow down their usage after the closing ceremony.

Even when the millions of tourists, locals and some very important international athletes, diplomats and celebrities flee home after the Games their data will still remain in Paris.

People need a QR code to access parts of Paris during the Games[/caption]
Armed soldiers have been deployed across Paris amid unrest in the city[/caption]

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