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I can’t forgive my sister Lauryn for second affair with Kyle… I have no sympathy, says Chloe Goodman


REALITY TV star Chloe Goodman fell out with her sister Lauryn when she “covered up” her second affair with footballer Kyle Walker — and they are still not speaking.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, glamour model Chloe tells how the feud saw her disinvite Lauryn from her dream wedding, claiming she had been “kept in the dark”.

Sisters Chloe and Lauryn Goodman are not currently on speaking terms, and she has revealed why
Chloe disapproves of Lauryn’s decision to take her children to Euro 2024, and was shocked she had a second child with Kyle Walker
Walker with wife Annie and three of their four children

She says she had no idea the England and Manchester City defender had been secretly romping with Lauryn until she called and told her she was pregnant.

Chloe said: “I don’t think it’s a case of forgiveness, it’s a case of timing. I’m not ready to sit down and discuss things with her yet.

“I feel I would get emotional and angry and I could say things I might regret.”

Chloe had previously been assured that influencer Lauryn had resumed contact with Walker, 34, only so he could see their first son Kairo without his wife Annie Kilner finding out.

But Chloe said: “I was shocked when I found out Lauryn was pregnant a second time because I didn’t know they had rekindled things.

“I knew Kyle had been seeing Kairo privately and I was happy because all children should have a father in their lives.

“I hadn’t asked him if he was back seeing my sister, because I’d assumed nothing was happening.

“Lauryn hadn’t told me either. I told her, ‘I have no sympathy for you and Kyle now.’

“That was the start of our relationship becoming strained.”

Chloe, 31, has since tried to ensure her children Isla, four, and two-year-old Hudson maintain a relationship with their cousins at the same time as trying to protect her own family.

But today she reveals that she expressed concern for both Lauryn and her son’s safety when she saw they had flown to the Euros in Germany in June, with four-year-old Kairo wearing his dad’s favoured number two shirt.

She also argued with Lauryn about how she informed 32-year-old Annie on Boxing Day last year that Walker was the father of her daughter Kinara.

Lauryn’s text message to Annie sparked such a bitter war of words that former Celebrity Big Brother star Chloe has been deluged with vile abuse on social media along with Lauryn.

In June, she made the decision to disinvite her sister from her wedding in Portugal to Swindon Town footballer Grant Hall, 32.

Lauryn was due to be her bridesmaid while her children would have been page boy and flower girl — but the sisters have not discussed the situation since.

Celebrity Big Brother star Chloe Goodman told sister Lauryn she had no sympathy for her after having a second child with Walker
Ben O'Connor/The Sun

Wedding ban

Chloe is giving this interview to set the record straight on their falling out — and to call on £160,000-a-week Walker, who also has four children with Annie, to take more responsibility.

Mum-of-two Chloe said: “Kyle has stayed quiet and let the two women go at each other — and people always want to blame the woman. But bringing a child into the world is a shared responsibility.

“Kyle and Lauryn are two adults. They both made choices and they should both take accountability for them. And the fact is that Annie, Kyle and Lauryn have all chosen to be in this situation.

“My sister lives down the road from me and we see each other when my mum suggests I pop over with the kids.

“But we haven’t properly spoken since she told Annie about Kinara on Boxing Day as I didn’t condone that.

“Our relationship became strained over all the tit-for-tat and how she has acted.”

I stand by my decision because I don’t think the wedding was the best place for Kairo and Kinara and I will explain that to them when they are older

Chloe Goodman

Chloe’s friendship with Walker dates back to when she was an 18-year-old model clubbing in London.

She had become part of the footballer’s friendship circle and introduced him to Lauryn.

In 2019 Walker was thrown out of his £3.5million Cheshire mansion after being accused of romping with Ex on the Beach star Laura Brown.

Chloe said: “I knew that Lauryn was there for Kyle as a friend when Annie kicked him out and that led to them becoming closer.

“But I didn’t know they had become more than friends until Lauryn rang me and told me she was pregnant with Kairo.

“I asked, ‘Who is the dad?’ She told me it was Kyle and I was in shock. However, once the news sunk in, I was delighted.

“All children deserve to be celebrated and Kairo was such a beautiful baby.

“Lauryn hadn’t done anything wrong at this point. He was single and she had helped him through a hard time and a baby came of it.

“Kyle eventually went back to Annie, which was expected as they had been together for so long, and things calmed down for a while.

“Grant proposed to me in 2019 and we started planning the wedding in 2022.

“We’re a close knit family and I asked Lauryn to be my bridesmaid. But in the build-up to the wedding we just weren’t getting on.

“It’s like having a friend that will never take your advice and you have to suffer the consequences.

“I eventually realised I had to be selfish to protect my own family.

“I stand by my decision because I don’t think the wedding was the best place for Kairo and Kinara and I will explain that to them when they are older.

“Lauryn and I were constantly arguing about multiple things. I didn’t agree with the decision to take the kids to the Euros because it was not safe for them given everything that was going on.

“I do feel awful and I wish I could have had them all there, but I know I made the right decision.”

Chloe says she has tried to ensure her own children have a good relationship with their cousins
Instagram @lauryngoodman91

Court battle

Last month, Chloe was left shocked again after a judge accused Lauryn of “insatiable greed” and of using Walker as an “open-ended cheque book”.

A court heard that as well as £150,000 in annual maintenance, Lauryn had demanded a £31,000 astroturf pitch for one-year-old Kinara, as well as £33,000 for air conditioning at her seven-bedroom mansion in Hove, Sussex.

At the end of the day the most important thing is that six innocent children are at the heart of this

Chloe Goodman

Chloe said: “To me the demands showed she was angry and hurt and was going for the jugular.

“She’s been seen as the bad person and that’s justified with some of her actions so she probably thinks she has nothing to lose.

“And people are looking at this from the view of an ordinary household income and saying, ‘That’s a disgraceful amount of money.’

“I’m not excusing her behaviour and there’s a lot that she’s done that I struggle with and that upsets me.

“I often want to speak out — and if I bite my tongue people criticise me for remaining silent.

“I’m damned if I speak and damned if I stay quiet because everyone has an opinion on this.

“At the end of the day the most important thing is that six innocent children are at the heart of this.

“I fear people have lost sight of that fact.”

Lauryn explosively revealed Kyle was the father of her second child late last year
Tim Stewart

Timeline of 5yrs of tots, rows and texts

2019: Lauryn comforts Kyle Walker following his split from Annie Kilner. After a brief relationship their first child is conceived.

April 2020: Kairo is born and Kyle moves back in with Annie two months later — having proposed.

November 2021: Kyle and Annie get married.

2022: Kyle agrees to see Kairo in secret and his second child with Lauryn is conceived.

March 2023: Lauryn announces she is pregnant but refuses to name the dad.

August 2023: Kinara is born with Lauryn describing the father as being “another footballer”.

December 26, 2023: Lauryn sends Annie a text telling her Kyle is the father of her second child.

January 2024: Annie, pregnant with her fourth child with Kyle, dumps him again.

April 2024: Annie takes Kyle back.

June 2024: Chloe disinvites Lauryn from her wedding as they argue about her taking Kairo to the Euros.

July 2024: A judge criticises Lauryn for treating Kyle like an “open-ended cheque book”.

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