TX Midland/Odessa TX Zone Forecast
TX Midland/Odessa TX Zone Forecast for Tuesday, January 15, 2019_____304 FPUS54 KMAF 160927
Zone Forecasts for West Texas/Southeast New MexicoNational Weather Service Midland/Odessa TX327 AM CST Wed Jan 16 2019Zone forecast text represents an average of conditions over anentire zone. For point-specific forecasts, please refer to thePoint Forecast Matrices product, issued by the National WeatherService Office in Midland/Odessa, WMO header FOUS54 KMAF.
Including the cities of Odessa and Midland327 AM CST Wed Jan 16 2019...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM CST THIS MORNING....TODAY...Warmer. Mostly cloudy in the morning then clearing.
Areas of dense fog in the morning.