Global Forecast-Fahrenheit
Global Forecast as of 18:00 GMT Tuesday, February 19, 2019_____
City/Town, Country;Tuesday's Weather Condition;Tuesday's High Temp (F);Tuesday's Low Temp (F);Wednesday's Weather Condition;Wednesday's High Temp (F);Wednesday's Low Temp (F);Wednesday's Wind Direction;Wednesday's Wind Speed (MPH);Wednesday's Humidity (%);Wednesday's Chance of Precip. (%);Wednesday's UV IndexAbidjan, Ivory Coast;A p.m. thunderstorm;90;78;A stray a.m. t-storm;89;79;SW;12;76%;66%;9Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;Clouds and sun;73;63;Sunny and breezy;73;61;WNW;18;49%;0%;6Aleppo, Syria;Mostly sunny;60;41;A shower in the p.m.