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Новости за 11.02.2014

Would you like a blizzard with that?

«The Quad-City Times» (qctimes.com) 

On Tuesday, the day the Quad-Cities beat a 129-year-old record for the most obnoxiously low temperature for the date, the 18th Street Dairy Queen in Bettendorf reopened for the season.

Understanding the Continuing Violence in Iraq

Cato Institute 

More than three years after the departure of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, a determined insurgency rages against the government led by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Violence has claimed thousands of lives. Some question whether the Iraqi government can maintain control of several major cities, including Fallujah, the scene of some of the toughest fighting during the eight-year-long U.S. war in Iraq. Some of Maliki’s critics accuse him of stoking the unrest by refusing to make concessions to minority groups in Iraq... Читать дальше...

Mother searches for answers in Okinawa Marine's death

Stars and Stripes 

"It is very difficult for me to come back to the place where my son died... but I need the reason," said Angela Carnero of her only son, Lance Cpl. Manuel B. Carnero, whose body was found in a narrow Naha city alley.

What's the real difference between what men and women post on Facebook?


File this under "reinforcing stereotypes": these scientists use word clouds created from the Facebook messages of 75,000 people to reveal not only the differences between men and women (fighting,  football and xbox vs. babies, emoticons, and shopping), but between introverts and extroverts (anime and computers vs. parties and 'chillin').  If this hasn't paralyzed you from depression, continue reading for a peek at the rest of the word clouds in all their glory. xD  Personality, Gender, an

Global Sustainability & Planetary Boundaries


In this World Economic Forum discussion, Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, proposes a new scientific framework called Planetary Boundaries—a way of thinking about consumption and sustainability that could help keep Earth habitable.

WIRED Live - Global Sustainability & Planetary Boundaries


In this World Economic Forum discussion, Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, proposes a new scientific framework called Planetary Boundaries—a way of thinking about consumption and sustainability that could help keep Earth habitable.

Спорт в России и мире

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Рафаэль Надаль

Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку

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Перед покупкой мяса его следует пощупать

Пьяный 19-летний водитель на Mercedes устроил смертельное ДТП под Москвой

Карлсон опубликовал интервью Дугина. Шац*: "Мы готовимся и ждём" возвращения в Россию. "Коррозия металла" приостановила свои концерты