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Новости за 29.10.2014

Halloween costumes for the 1%


From "Lloyd Vader" to "Sexy Janet Yellen," here are Raj Mahal's idea for Halloween costumes for the 1%.

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

If the payoff is high enough, universities are happy to award degrees based on political connections, writes Predrag Rajšic. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Politicians and the mainstream media have faith in the central banks to manipulate and manage the global economy. Unfortunately, things are not so easy, writes Patrick Barron. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

When it comes to your local police, there is no shopping around, there is no customer service, and there is no choice, writes Jeff Deist. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Allan Davis.

This audio Mises Daily is the transcript from a talk delivered at the 2014 Houston Mises Circle. 

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Ludwig von Mises Institute 

An economy cannot be successfully planned with computers and technicians. Mises and Hayek proved this decades ago, writes Nicolás Cachanosky. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Allan Davis.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Supporters of government interventions like minimum wages. Careful analysis reveals another story, however, writes Kenneth Zahringer. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

The Fed and it's friends blamed cold weather for much of the year's lackluster economic growth. But cold weather does not explain the economic slowdown because cold weather does not stop economic activity, it merely shifts it to other activities and products, writes Devin Leary-Hanebrink. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Allan Davis.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Political consultants and mainstream reporters are fixated on electoral politics, as if no other form of societal change were conceivable, writes Lew Rockwell. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

10 best tablets

The Independent 

They're thin, they're light, you can use them for work on the move or keeping entertained

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Supporters of minimum wage hikes claim they have little or no effect on employment, the law of demand makes it clear the effects of price controls are very real, writes Josh Grossman. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Drug warriors rely on bad and manipulated data to make the claim that respecting private property rights in Colorado is “terrible public policy,” writes Mark Thornton. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

The modern health insurance industry, a by-product of government regulation and tax policy, has led to a system in which the consumer of medical services doesn’t know the costs or final prices charged for services. Without a functioning system of price signals, prices cannot be contained, writes Willem Cornax. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Woman Hears Over 100 Cat Calls Walking Through NYC


Hollaback!, a harassment awareness group, released a short film of a woman walking solo throughout New York City and being cat called over 100 times in a day. Photo: Rob Bliss Creative

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

In a free market, entrepreneurs profit by providing something of value that people will voluntarily purchase, writes Hans-Hermann Hoppe. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Add Feature To Registered Post Type


All of our lovely content in WordPress (except widgets) is stored in our database as a “post type.” This could be a page, post, navigation menu or something custom like a staff member, food menu item or product. Most of the time these work great out of the box, but occasionally you may need a […]

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Ludwig von Mises Institute 

The NCAA ensures there is no functioning job market for athletes and no competition to which students might go seeking higher pay, writes Andrew Syrios. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Historical revisionism is the process of unmasking government excuses for war and war-making, writes Ralph Raico. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

The smaller the size of government, the less power it has to hobble free enterprise with taxes and regulations, writes Ron Paul. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Новости России


Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Although it's clear that they offer no economic net benefit, American cities are building taxpayer-funded sports stadiums every chance they get. Billionaire team owners and politicians benefit greatly while ordinary taxpayers do less well, writes Salmaan A. Khan. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Politicians and regulators usually don’t know what they don’t know about everything from health care to your small business, but that sort of compound ignorance won’t stop them from regulating the minutiae of everyday life and commerce, writes Gary Galles. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Not unlike governments, ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff used his victims' money to exhibit his "generosity" through charitable giving projects, writes Brandon Dutcher. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

In "The Theory of Money and Credit", Mises provided the basics for the long-sought explanation for that mysterious and troubling economic phenomenon — the business cycle, writes Murray Rothbard. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Robert Hale.]]>

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Don't expect sustained opposition to war to come from either side, writes Andrew Syrios. This audio Mises Daily is narrated by Keith Hocker.]]>

Спорт в России и мире

Новости спорта

Новости тенниса

Немец Зверев выбил россиянина Медведева из топ-4 ATP

Ефимов: тоннель на южном участке МКАД готов почти на 80%

Политика: Эксперты оценили пользу России от вхождения Монголии в ШОС

Свыше 600 навалов мусора устранили в Подмосковье за неделю

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