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Новости за 03.06.2021

How long have Elon Musk and Grimes been together? 

LEARN all about Elon Musk and Grimes’ relationship, including how long they have been together. Deep dive into the billionaire and the musician’s interesting relationship. Who is Grimes? Grimes, 33, is a singer-songwriter from Vancouver. She is of Québécois and Ukrainian and her real name is Claire Elise Boucher. Her mother, Sandy Garossino, is a former Crown prosecutor […]

Новости России

Несокрушимая сила: названы пять самых властных женщин по знаку зодиака

U17/18 Colts End of season update

Wharfedale RUFC 

Our Colts have had a very much shortened season, which has now ended – HOWEVER – it is great to share that after only a few weeks of training they took on and beat Morley, West Park Leeds and Harrogate both home and away!

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Рублёв проиграл Накашиме и вылетел с турнира ATP в Барселоне

Шойгу: Минобороны создаст научно-производственный центр БПЛА

Выставка «Фотографиня Городецкая» открылась в Нижнем Новгороде

Шойгу представили перспективные БПЛА и стрелковое оружие

Туристы отреагировали на курортный сбор в Петербурге