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Новости за 09.08.2021

YKS Tercih yap! ÖSYM Üniversite taban puanları 2021 boş kontenjanlar listesi


ÖSYM 2021 YKS tercih yap ekranı adayların erişime açıldı. 5 Ağustos’ta başlayan YKS tercihleri 20 Ağustos tarihine kadar uzatıldı. ÖSYM tarafından adaylara tanınan tercih hakları sıralama ve taban puanları dikkate alınarak yapılacak. Peki, YKS tercihleri nasıl yapılır? İşte, 2021 YKS taban puanları ve üniversite boş kontenjanlar listesi

Prosecutors offer plea deal to Cowboys for Trump founder

ABC News 

Federal prosecutors have offered a confidential plea agreement to Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin that might resolve misdemeanor criminal charges against him linked to the Jan. 6 siege on the U.S. Capitol

‘He’s electric’: Spurs land a fearless, old-school winger in Bryan Gil

Scissors Kick 

“The way the story is told at Sevilla, the first time Bryan Gil turned up at the club’s training ground, one November evening when he was 11, they put him up against the biggest, strongest, hardest kid they could find. That would show how good he really was. Tall and blond, they called the kid […]

SeaRAM Ship Defense: The U.S. Navy's Warship 'Shields'?

The National Interest 

Kris Osborn

SeaRAM, Americas

This weapon system has a Phalanx gun system that fires a twenty-millimeter cannon at close-in threats such as small boats.

The Navy plans to further upgrade, integrate and “fire-off” its SeaRAM ship defense deck-fired interceptor weapon now arming a wide range of its surface fleet.  

The SeaRAM weapons system, designed to fire Rolling Airframe Missiles out of a Close-in-Weapons System (CIWS), is now installed on many Navy ships to include destroyers... Читать дальше...

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Сергей Собянин: Создаем места приложения труда в шаговой доступности

Спорт в России и мире

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Новости тенниса

Карен Хачанов выиграл девять из последних десяти матчей на турнирах ATP

Шили форму из дешёвого тряпья! Продавали МО, как элитное обмундирование. Арестован топ-менеджер швейной фабрики по делу "Военторга"

Российская молодежь назвала условия переезда в сельскую местность

Россиянам назвали максимальный размер выплаты по больничному в 2026 году

«Может, у них серьезно?». Молодого географа арестовали за связь с ученицей