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The National Interest

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Resetting U.S. West Africa Policy

The National Interest 

The United States’ defense strategy in North and West Africa seldom gets the media attention it deserves. A recent decision by Niger’s ruling military junta to suspend its military cooperation with the United States, and its pivot towards Russia, signals that it’s at a critical juncture. Taking the correct steps to address this development is crucial.

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U.S. Navy Essex-Class Aircraft Carrier USS Bennington Was a World War II Warrior

The National Interest 

Summary: The USS Bennington, part of the U.S. Navy's Essex-class aircraft carriers, played a pivotal role during World War II and beyond. With a displacement of 34,000 tons and capable of speeds up to 17 miles per hour, the Bennington was a formidable presence, enhanced by innovative deck-edge elevators that increased flight deck area and operational efficiency.

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VIDEO: The Gulf States and Central Asia: Converging Foreign Policies?

The National Interest 

The growing ties come due to shared religion and culture, alongside burgeoning trade, investment, and development initiatives from the Gulf region. This turn of events comes as a very welcome development for Central Asian states, offering them another direction for their various multi-vector foreign policies and, in particular, for mitigating the leverage that Russia and China wield in the region.

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Спорт в России и мире

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