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Новости за 06.07.2023

Donald Trump Wants to Deport US Marxists “That Grew Up Here”


Probably the stupidest and creepiest thing I’ve run across in all my years as a radical US American socialist and communist is the Trumpenleft. By the Trumpenleft I mean among other things all the very disproportionately white and male left-identified so-called socialists who accused me and other anti-fascist radicals of supposed hysterical Trump Derangement Syndrome and who mocked and otherwise attacked us for making the elementary observation that Donald Trump is a fascist – and who idiotically... Читать дальше...

Новости России

Жара? Пейте горячее! Доктор Кутушов назвал метод спасения от жары

Letter from London: Whither Goest Thou, America, in Thy Shiny Car in the Night?


Here’s a weird question. Should we as Brits be so arrogant as to blame ourselves for some of these changes in the US? There are some over here wacky enough to believe the improbability of our own Brexit result was partially responsible for encouraging Republicans to vote for someone like Donald Trump, thereby setting off the ricochet of disgruntlements not so dissimilar to our own. Some even more madcap observers go so far as to say Brexit also emboldened Putin, playfully citing ‘Comrade Chaos’ ... Читать дальше...

Failed Fukushima Fixes Falling Like Dominoes


In the 12 years since the meltdowns, Tepco’s disaster response efforts, always heralded as fixes, have been a series of hugely expensive failures: the “advanced” wastewater filter system “ALPS” has failed; the buried “ice wall” groundwater barrier has failed; containers made for the radioactive sludge produced by ALPS have failed; and plans to deal with millions of tons of collected debris -- now kept in plastic bags — are being fiercely resisted by Japanese citizens. More

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Россиянка Мирра Андреева завоевала первый титул WTA в карьере

Комиссия проверила качество содержания домов на улице Рассветной в Мытищах

Сто наследников. Смогут ли дети Павла Дурова претендовать на его богатство

Администрация Мытищ проверила качество содержания дворов по трем адресам

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