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Новости за 06.07.2023

To Save the Planet, Should We Be Moving Slower?

Real Clear Politics 

John Maynard Keynes once observed that dating from "say, to two thousand years before Christ-down to the beginning of the 18th century, there was no very great change in the standard of life of the average man living in the civilised centres of the earth. Ups and downs certainly. Visitations of plague, famine, and war. Golden intervals. But no progressive, violent change." At best, he calculated, the average standard of living had no more than doubled in the previous four millennia, essentially because... Читать дальше...

Table for Two and a Half: Restaurants Add Handbag Stools


Middle-tier restaurants have found a new way to emulate the trappings of fine dining — adding stools for handbags — but as higher-end restaurants strain under the pressure of inflation, it is unclear whether this trend of sacrificing valuable dining room space to customers’ handbags will have staying power. High-end restaurants across Europe, and a […]

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Новости России

Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

Спорт в России и мире

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США впервые за 40 лет возобновили производство ядерных боеголовок

Безработица в России в марте снизилась до исторического минимума в 2,7%

По делу экс-замминистра обороны Иванова арестован его подчиненный Филатов