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Новости за 20.09.2023

Anaheim Ducks’ Standouts from 2023 Rookie Faceoff

Wildcats Youth Hockey Website 

The Anaheim Ducks wrapped up the 2023 Rookie Faceoff Tournament with a 2-1-0 record. The Ducks’ prospects outscored their competition 11-9, which included squads from the Vegas Golden Knights, Colorado…

College athletes experience worse post-injury outcomes for concussions suffered outside of sports


Researchers found that college athletes had worse post-injury outcomes related to concussions they experienced outside of sports than those they experienced while playing sports. Additionally, female athletes who sustained their injury outside of sports had more severe symptoms and more days in sports lost to injury relative to male athletes. These findings suggest the need for improved concussion recognition, reporting, and monitoring outside of sports.

Exercise and muscle regulation: Implications for diabetes and obesity


How do our muscles respond at the molecular level to exercise? Researchers have unraveled the cellular basis and signaling pathways responsible for the positive impact of physical activity on our overall health. Regulatory T cells, a type of immune cell, play a critical role in ensuring proper muscle function. These novel insights are paving the path towards precision medicines targeting metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes, as well as muscle-related illnesses.

Structure of crucial receptor in brain development, function


Scientists have revealed the molecular structure of a type of receptor that's crucial to brain development and function. 'This study shows the dominant assemblies and states of the GABA receptor. That's really the huge breakthrough -- nobody had been able to figure out which of the hundreds of thousands of these assemblies are most highly populated,' said the senior author.

How to tackle the global deforestation crisis


New research examines the 'revolution' in the study of deforestation brought about by satellites, and analyzing which kinds of policies might limit climate-altering deforestation.

Genetic biomarker may predict severity of food allergy


Researchers reported for the first time that a genetic biomarker may be able to help predict the severity of food allergy reactions. Currently there is no reliable or readily available clinical biomarker that accurately distinguishes patients with food allergies who are at risk for severe life-threatening reactions versus more mild symptoms.

Stabilizing precipitate growth at grain boundaries in alloys


Materials are often considered to be one phase, but many engineering materials contain two or more phases, improving their properties and performance. These two-phase materials have inclusions, called precipitates, embedded in the microstructure. Alloys, a combination of two or more types of metals, are used in many applications, like turbines for jet engines and light-weight alloys for automotive applications, because they have very good mechanical properties due to those embedded precipitates. The average precipitate size... Читать дальше...

Fed keeps interest rates steady as inflation cools

United Press International (UPI.com) 

The Federal Reserve said in a Wednesday statement it will leave interest rates unchanged but indicated one more interest rate hike is expected by year's end.

Новости России

От заморозков к плюс 20: какой будет погода в Москве в последнюю неделю сентября

Sustainable energy for aviation: What are our options?


Scientists and industry leaders worldwide are looking for answers on how to make aviation sustainable by 2050 and choosing a viable sustainable fuel is a major sticking point. Aerospace engineers took a full inventory of the options to make a data-driven assessment about how they stack up in comparison. He reviewed over 300 research projects from across different sectors, not just aerospace, to synthesize the ideas and draw conclusions to help direct the dialogue about sustainable aviation toward a permanent solution.

'Garbatrage' spins e-waste into prototyping gold


Building on work in human-computer interaction that aims to incorporate sustainability and reuse into the field, researchers introduce 'garbatrage,' a framework for prototype builders centered around repurposing underused devices.

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Надежда Гуськова

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом

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