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Новости за 22.11.2024

North American Trade Dynamics: Canada’s Stance on Mexico and China

«The Rio Times» 

In recent developments, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expressed concerns about Mexico’s trade practices. Trudeau’s comments come as the North American trade agreement nears renegotiation. The Prime Minister emphasized Canada’s commitment to protecting its workers and economy. Trudeau acknowledged the current trade agreement’s success but hinted at potential changes. He stated that while maintaining […]

Six ways to cut inheritance tax on pensions, by money expert GARY SMITH - This is Money

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Six ways to cut inheritance tax on pensions, by money expert GARY SMITH  This is Money
  2. The chart that proves Labour needlessly launched an inheritance tax raid on farmers  The Telegraph
  3. I have a £1m house and £500k pension. How can I shield them from inheritance tax?  inews
  4. Aberdeen tax expert says get married and ‘gift, gift, gift’  The Press & Journal
  5. Homeowners face £100,000 hit after 'double whammy' tax raid  GB News

Новости России

Рустэм Султанов представляет альбом «На осколках декабря»: smooth jazz в преддверии зимы

Спорт в России и мире

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Зарина Дияс узнала хорошую новость от WTA

Из-за снегопада в Благовещенске несколько рейсов перевели на запасной аэродром

НБКИ: средний срок автокредитов в октябре достиг 5,57 года

В Москве суд оштрафовал за молчание приятеля террористов

Завершается капитальный ремонт здания 1926 года постройки, возведенного в стиле неоклассицизма