The Virtual Terrace • Re: New rule changes. What do you think
MorePlaymakersNeeded wrote:
I didn't miss the scrums and wonder if it will be the end of them.
I don't think they miss the Maul in Rugby Union, and their rucks are more like a play the ball nowadays.
I thought the lack of scrums (which are uncontested anyway) gave our game a fluency, I think your right to wonder if League will look to keep ahead of Union by scrapping scrums.
In the end if we succeed Union will only follow. Scrums in union are tedious and predictable, and damaging physically..
Take this "trend" all the way and I wonder if it will result in the end of two differing Rugby games and lead to one.
Wiganv.Bath in an actual competitive fixture in the same league set up in a few years?? I wouldn't say no...
Statistics: Posted by Donnyman — Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:12 pm