Lord Of The Rings: 9 Most Heartbreaking Separations | ScreenRant
The tale of the Lord of the Rings may start with the forging of a Fellowship, and a plan to stick together to help Frodo deliver the ring to Mordor, but every fan knows that it doesn't take long before everyone starts to go their own ways. Some do so by choice, but the majority of the separations in this epic trilogy happen by force - and involve a lot of pain and heartache along the way.
Whether it is Frodo's repeated attempts to carry his burden alone, the workings of Sauron and Saruman to tear apart the people of Middle Earth, or the friendships that get pulled apart by happenstance, these are some of the most gut-wrenching moments that our favorite groups splintered apart in the films.
9 Frodo & Sam (At The River)
Frodo struggles with the burden he carries throughout the trilogy, and Sam is always there to keep him going. It's no secret that Sam is really the hero of the tale, and that Frodo (and with him, Middle Earth) would have been lost without him. However, he attempts to leave Sam more than once along the way, feeling that his journey is too dangerous, and it is always heartbreaking to see. The first time, when Frodo attempts to row out and away from the Fellowship alone, Sam actually runs into the water after him - despite the fact that he can't swim. His determination, his fear, and his love for his friend are painfully clear in this moment.
8 Merry & Pippin Are Taken By The Orcs
The Fellowship is broken in essentially one moment - when Frodo and Sam leave, followed almost immediately by an attack by the Orcs, who kill Boromir and kidnap Merry and Pippin, leaving Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli to hunt them down.
This is a moment that strikes fear into the hearts of every viewer, as Merry and Pippin seem doomed, and the trio struggle to catch up to them, even with all their considerable skills.
7 Eomer Is Exiled
Apart from the Fellowship, it is revealed that the land of Rohan has fallen under the influence of Saruman, through Grima Wormtongue and a spell cast on the King. During this time, the most painful separation comes in when Eomer is exiled from his home, and sent to the furthest reaches of Rohan, along with so many other fighting men. Not only is this heartbreaking for his sake, as an exile would be painful, let alone such an unfair one, but it is painful to see Eowyn now at the mercy of Grima, and then to see the impact this has at Helm's Deep, and how many men died without the exiled fighting force of the Rohirrim to protect them.
6 Faramir Is Sent Away By His Father
Faramir's father, the Steward of Gondor, is a harsh man who makes no secret of the fact that he favored Boromir over Faramir - and after Boromir's death, outright states that he would have preferred it if Faramir had died. After this brutally painful moment between father and son, Denethor sends Faramir out to fight an impossible battle, presumably to die. It's difficult to watch, and to see Faramir's willingness to do his father's bidding, even though it will kill him - and while it doesn't, it does end up killing Denethor, separating father and son in the end.
5 Aragorn Leaves The Army
Aragorn is a true hero, and inspires the people around him wherever he goes - which is what makes it so difficult to see him leave the gathering army behind to go seek out the King of the Dead under the mountains. The rest of the people getting ready to defend Middle Earth do not understand that he is going to try and find a way to save them all, and think that he is giving up and leaving them, running away from the coming battle. His departure leads to many of them losing hope, even if it saves them in the end when he returns.
4 Pippin Goes To Minas Tirith
Merry and Pippin are a perfect pair of friends, and manage to stay together almost for the entire trilogy - which is what makes their eventual separation so much harder to bear. Pippin, after letting his curiosity get the better of him and looking into the palantir, is rushed to Gondor for his own protection, without Merry.
Their parting is heartbreaking, as Merry gently gives him the last of his smokeleaf, and Pippin doesn't realize at first that Merry won't be coming. Hearing Pippin begin to panic, and call out his best friend's name as he rides off, is devastating.
3 Aragorn & Arwen
One of the only love stories in The Lord of the Rings is that of Aragorn and Arwen, and for a time, it seemed as though they would not be getting a happy ending. The two were separated when Aragorn left to accompany the fellowship, and Arwen's father almost convinced her to head to the Undying Lands with the rest of her people, leaving Aragorn behind. In the end, of course, she has a glimpse of the son that she would have with Aragorn, and turns around, but it is still heart-rending to see her struggling to imagine leaving him behind.
2 Frodo & Sam (At Mordor)
The second time that Frodo attempts to leave Sam behind is when they are almost at their goal, traveling through the Stairs of Cirith Ungol, and Gollum manages to convince Frodo that Sam is stealing their food. Seeing Frodo so far gone with the power of the ring that he would dismiss Sam, and tell him to go home, is hard enough - but it is the visible devastation on Sam's face as he leaves that really does the viewer in. Of course, everyone knows that Sam will turn back and save Mr. Frodo yet again, but watching him sob his way down the mountain (and knowing he may well die on his way home, as well) is tragic.
1 The Fellowship & Gandalf
Gandalf is the first to leave the Fellowship, when he is pulled down by the Balrog under the mountains. At the time, it's assumed that he is killed, but of course, he returns much later as Gandalf the White. This separation is still a wrench, though, especially as (without having read the books) it does seem as though this is the end for the venerable old wizard. This is also a moment that really shifts Frodo's state, sending him more and more toward the hopelessness that nearly overwhelms him in the end.