World’s best dads: Bullfrog protects tadpoles
The African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) is a large amphibious species that holds the title of Africa’s largest known frog. African bullfrogs must also be some of the world’s best dads. Watch in the video above, as this African bullfrog protects tadpoles in a drying pool.
In this video via Nature on PBS, you first see a bullfrog dad settled near a small pool close to a larger water source. Tadpoles need shallow pools like this to develop, and the father stays behind to watch them. But, as the hot sun beats down on the frogs’ home, it becomes evident the water in the pool won’t last forever. And as the tadpoles crowd together in a drying pool, the father must be quick to think on his feet. How will he save his tadpoles?
His instincts let him know their best chance of survival: transfer to the nearby pond.
The father uses his powerful hind legs to dig a channel between the two bodies of water to save his tadpoles. The channel grows, and water begins to flow into the larger pond. The tadpoles swim with the flowing water, to the larger pool and safety.
Happy Father’s Day to all you great dads out there!
Bottom line: In this video via Nature on PBS, the hot sun beats down on an African bullfrog’s home. And as his tadpoles crowd together in a drying pool, the father must be quick to think on his feet. How will he save his tadpoles?
Read about the African bullfrog at the Oregon Zoo
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The post World’s best dads: Bullfrog protects tadpoles first appeared on EarthSky.