High Republic's Force Training Would Have Prevented Darth Vader
Warning: contains spoilers for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5!
Jedi from the High Republic era just came up with a solution to help a powerful young Force-user named Zeen Mrala overcome her anger in a way that could have prevented Anakin Skywalker from becoming Darth Vader centuries later. In the prequel trilogy, Yoda originally opposes Obi-Wan Kenobi training Anakin because the Jedi Master believes the boy is too old and feels too much fear. Yoda eventually relents, however, when Obi-Wan mentions that this was his late master Qui-Gon Jinn's dying wish and that he will train Anakin even without the support of the Jedi Council. At the time, Yoda seems to be under the impression he only has two choices - train Anakin as a Jedi, or reject him entirely. But the Jedi of the High Republic just proved there could have been a third option.
Zeen Mrala shares many similarities with Anakin Skywalker, even though she lived 200 years before his time. She is incredibly sensitive to the Force despite never receiving any formal training, is much too old to become a Padawan when the Jedi first find her, and is filled with fear. However, unlike Anakin, who initially fears for his mother's well-being, Zeen is fearful of the Force itself, due to how she was raised. While all of these factors undoubtedly played a major role in the Jedi originally refusing to make Zeen a Padawan, their main concern is that she's much too old.
But in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #5, from Daniel Jose Older and Harvey Tolibao, the Jedi rethink their decision. Leading up to this pivotal moment, Zeen has been struggling to stay on good terms with her childhood friend Krix, who feels betrayed by the fact that Zeen decided to wield the Force, going against everything they had been taught growing up. When Zeen later attempts to meet Krix on the junk moon Quanxi of Ord Mantell, Krix accidentally shoots down her ship and then leaves her in the burning wreckage after receiving orders to retreat from the Nihil, a group of marauders he had aligned himself with. This fills Zeen with so much anger that she soon succumbs to all of the negative feelings that have been bubbling up inside of her by first using Force Choke on him before her Padawan friend Lula Talisola intervenes, after which Zeen resorts to shooting lasers at him instead as he tries to escape.
Rather than abandon Zeen, the High Republic Jedi later come up with the idea of helping Zeen focus her skills so that she can use the Force for good, without providing the complete training of a Padawan. In other words, they opt to try and help the young Force-user control her abilities without asking her to embrace the strictures and limitations of the Jedi Order. Given it was Anakin's duties as a Jedi that gradually compounded his cynicism with the Order, and their rules about close attachments that first drove him to rebel, it seems like the flexibility to offer this third path was a big loss from the age of the High Republic, as such a method would likely have prevented the rise of Darth Vader.
Would Obi-Wan have pushed for Anakin's Jedi training had this option existed? It's possible he would have felt compelled to honor Qui-Gon Jinn's last wishes, but Obi-Wan had his own doubts about Anakin's suitability, and may have jumped at a less extreme option had it existed. Of course, this raises the question of why Jedi like Yoda didn't suggest this High Republic option centuries later, and the dark possibility that Zeen's training may have its own tragic outcome - one which contributes to the creation of Darth Vader, and the Empire's stranglehold on the galaxy.