Today in Data: Facebook Facing Multi-State Antitrust Suit; Apple Fined by Dutch Regulator
Today in Data, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants an appeals court to reject an effort by 46 U.S. states to sue Facebook for antitrust practices. Plus, Apple is facing $55 million in fines for not opening Dutch dating apps to alternative payment options, and the Department of Justice supports the Biden administration’s efforts to limit the power of Big Tech.
$55M: Amount the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets has fined Apple in 10 weekly fines
15%-30%: Commission Apple charges on digital goods purchases
1: Legislative measure — the American Innovation and Choice Online Act — that would end the practice of tech firms favoring their own products and services over those of their rivals
46: Number of states — plus Guam and the District of Columbia — that filed an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook
$100B+: Penalties sought in Texas lawsuit against Facebook over its facial recognition practices