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Chat log from R17 of 2023: Western Bulldogs vs Collingwood


Chat log for Western Bulldogs vs Collingwood, R17 of 2023

bushranger: Good evening all, looking forward to a cracker game and VC Bont going large
soup: play it safe with daicos vc or go for a cheeky libba vc?
Cottees: soup go away. Libba VC is mine please
Cottees: Going for POD VCs to try gain positions more but risky as. Bont and Daicos probably safer
exatekk: im going Libba only as my opponent doesnt have him
Beast_Mode: Ziebell owners thoughts?
BigChief: Will Libba tag Naicos?
Pavs: Going Neale VC and either Rozee or Laird C
Ash777: putting the C on rozee. had the vc on TT
Yelse: lost patience with oliver picked up libba
Stu7: Evening all
Social: fair dinkum Libba, get a kick already
Stu7: Go Naicos C
navy_blues: lol social
TheLegend6: Ziebs getting on, needs a breather, have Seamus to cover him this week
Social: oh good evening m0nty
Doggie Doo: Go dogs
Stu7: Offf the pine helmet head
Baldfrog: MacCraes turn to get points by the looks
TheLegend6: Poulter omg hahaha
navy_blues: lol poulter
Stu7: Go Macrae
bhg26: Lmao Poulter
Nurfed: Poulter kermit!
NickyD: <3 Poults
Stu7: Nice work helmet
exatekk: hahahaha
Social: aaah that’s why they call Gardner the Rhino
soup: classic poultergeist
Baldfrog: Nicky givin us the silent treatment
beerent11: Love watching naicos play footy.
circle52: Hope I do not regret not VCing Naicos or Bont
Baldfrog: You can only VC one circle
soup: switched it off daicos last minute fml
BigChief: Pies can’t get hands on the ball.
bhg26: Wowee Dogs are on
NickyD: NickyD VC. Finally something going my way. I own Lloyd ????
circle52: Tossed up all week Baldy and decided agauint either,
Baldfrog: Wobbles gettin the umps favour atm
Social: Libba hasn’t even marked his run up yet
TheLegend6: Johnson having a mare
Social: Joe the Root gorn
Stu7: 2nd ball Rooted!!
Baldfrog: Need stokes now
Raspel31: Evening ladies.
Nurfed: two excellent entries from pendles
lana2146: Roots hopeless these days lol
beerent11: Just kept it simple. Vc naic c Neale.
lana2146: Keep up the solid start Cameron
Pavs: Agree lana better start than last week Cameron
lana2146: Cameron to make up for last weeks shat show in a big way
OffaStep: Same, beer. I’m guessing it was a pretty popular option.
Beast_Mode: cameron giving english a bath
Social: oppo had naicos so I went Libba.. paying off handsomely so far
soup: libba getting stuck on the bench for half the quarter doesnt help
Yelse: ffswhy did i choose libba over serong to enjoy the pine
pcaman2003: Need Libba to outscore Cameron.. Lol! Libba to stink it up for sure now.
beerent11: Five nil fuck off!
Raspel31: So- who’s held on to Dunks?
OffaStep: Ouch, Aocial. My closest H2H had Naicos so I negated, Was thinking Libba or Bont but a C blowout looked the only danger.
pcaman2003: Raspel. I’m holding. Will be back for my finals.
beerent11: Anyone else got Nick daicos?
Ash777: dunks will likely be back next week
pcaman2003: beer. I may have him. ????
OffaStep: Holding, Raspel. Flower all trades left but I think I’d hold anyway.
BigChief: I think you are on your own with Naicos @beer
beerent11: Brizzy have the bye this week anyway.
wadaramus: 5 for.
Baldfrog: Rather have Johnson Beer
beerent11: Catch ya Johnny!
dodgybros: Need 100s from Dale and Daniel
Raspel31: Agreed llads- Dunks a hold- but taking a sexy French girl for lunch tomorrow. Any suggestions?
Baldfrog: Just the spirit of cricket to go
Pavs: Snails
beerent11: You?re such a playa rasp!
navy_blues: snails?
Social: Jonny the walker gorn
BigChief: Bubbly, strawberries, cheese and crackers @Raspel
Baldfrog: Hairy umpits yum Rasp
beerent11: Turns out taking catches is a bit important in cricket.
Pavs: So cliche Navy. lol
Raspel31: Snails it is- lol.
Social: a respectful hush comes over headingley
wadaramus: Frogs legs.
frenzy: snail trails
beerent11: That?s a great catch
wadaramus: Shallow fried with a dipping sauce.
duckky: Rasberry Ripple body custard paired with edible Chocolate body paint
Raspel31: Asked her to shave Bald- step up English.
Baldfrog: Duckky a french lady would think she’s getting a wax treatment
Baldfrog: Good man Rasp
soup: johnson straight back to the magoos next week
duckky: Candles as well?
thommoae: Try talking to her , Raspel – there’s an idea for ya.
navy_blues: omg johnson will get at this rate
Stu7: Nice work helmet cmon Macrae
gazza39: Try reality lol
navy_blues: dropped
Raspel31: How does a French woman hold her liquor- by the ears. But seriously wish me luck.
pcaman2003: Time to engage the gears Libba and get cracking.
pcaman2003: How has English gone from 25 to 50 with only 2 possies and 2 tapouts in that time?
beerent11: Daniel is out naicossing naicos
duckky: Goodluck Rasp
NickyD: lol @beer
Social: Difference between a basketball team and a French woman?
Stu7: Cmon Naicos
Raspel31: She is steaming duckky- such is life.
TheLegend6: There’s the Libba we love
Yelse: seriously pies lift wtf is this
Yelse: english my ass u on 50
Raspel31: Picked this as the upset game- but long way to go.
beerent11: Cracking midfield game.
DrSeuss: Is Darcy out jumping English in the ruck? Not watching – but numbers look average for Big Tim
beerent11: Shades of young budwa
Social: one hits the showers after four periods
DrSeuss: Ruck numbers not SC numbers – just for clarity
Yelse: wtf diazos seriously stuck on bench way too long
Ash777: JUH is almost a star forward already
Stu7: Looks like my VC Taranto & C Naicos have failed
Social: hey looky there, Libba caught up to naicos
OffaStep: Don’t write off Naicos yet, Stu. Couple of hot quarters and a match winning goaal?
Raspel31: Well, anything better than being syuck with Laird last week Stu.
Stu7: Hope you?re tight OffaStep
OffaStep: Oleg flowering Markov caught up to Naicos…
Stu7: True that Raspa
beerent11: Naic?ll be fine
Stu7: Cheers beer
NickyD: Cracking game this
beerent11: Mad dog Murphy on
Raspel31: Getting back to French women?
NickyD: Wee.
beerent11: Coming off a little desperate rasp.
Baldfrog: Hope you have a baguette Rasp they dont like hot dog rolls
J.Worrall: Timmy’ss going fine.
Raspel31: I’m a professional Bald- je vais coucher avec elle. Come on Bont.
navy_blues: french letter rasp?
Social: I asked a french girl if she likes video games…
beerent11: 3 runs an over. Cumball has a hold of bazball.
J.Worrall: Watch it, Social!
Wo0lfeee: @social ‘Nintendo Oui’
Stu7: Cmon Naicos big quarter please
Social: hehe
Social: Stokes is looking a little ginger
pcaman2003: Move your score higher Libba, not lower.
Yelse: whats wrong with B smith now days
bhg26: He goes alright this nick daicos
beerent11: So bloody good
Stu7: Off the pine Naicos
Yelse: wtf dicos need you most possies get off the pine
TheLegend6: Well done Pendles, what a player
duckky: Well… that’s 9,658 disposals to Pendles
TimT14: Legend Pendles
bhg26: Good stuff pendles
Ash777: yelse you bet on a game where they’ll feed it to pendles for a record?
DukeNewc: Agree pca, disposal eff has been shocking, he has 18 odd touches.
dodgybros: What time is Naughtons Wimbledon game tonight
Stu7: Come on Macrae
Stu7: 24 since quarter time
beerent11: He?s playing Stuart broad dodgybros
Ash777: or against dogs who have players who dominate disposals
DukeNewc: This is embarrassing from libba
Stu7: Pendles needs 14 possessions for the record which he has now
Stu7: Nice Naicos
gazza39: Burnt a trade on you Cameron get moving
pcaman2003: duke. ep! He’s having a dog of a game.
beerent11: They might need to put Keira knightly on jamara
DukeNewc: Libbas been outscored by Caleb poulter
Gotigres: Well controlled ball by Cox then
Raspel31: Lot of anger here- deep breath and say come on Englland.
Manowar: Bulldogs gone, not up to it
Nurfed: naicos!!!
Stu7: Naicos on fire 🔥 beer and raspa
Gotigres: Has that got something to do with Bend It Like Beckham
Stu7: Yes!! Nurfed yes!!!
beerent11: Back on stu!
Raspel31: My vc Stu.
DukeNewc: I don’t think we expected anything else in a big game stu
beerent11: Stu?s up and about!
Pavs: 6 fer
Nurfed: moeen out
Stu7: Not wrong Beer!!
Raspel31: Foootball only – no cricket please?
Stu7: Anyone know why Macrae has stopped scoring?
Yelse: cmonnnn cox one goal mate one goal
Napper: Cameron getting no points for anything he does. Naicos does the same and gets triple
beerent11: Why don?t you want to hear about the cricket rasp?
Nurfed: hasnt touched it stu
Social: (shhh he’s a little bit british beer)
Pavs: No one mentioned the word Cricket Rasp? ????
dodgybros: Pendles will hit10000 possessions at this rate
Stu7: Cheers Nurfed
pcaman2003: Nice going Libba with a massive 3 pt qtr..
Nurfed: no worries mate just figured you should know
Stu7: Naicos is a gun
DukeNewc: Moeen could be a unknown rezzie who is omitted pavs
Pavs: Spelling error Duke
navy_blues: naicos ball hog wont even let team mates have it
beerent11: I?m well aware social
beerent11: Good one navy
Harambe: I thought Moeen Alisa was a famous painting
Pavs: I thought Rasp was Brazillian
clay007: navy-he is a great player, who wants the ball in his hands. If you want to stain him. go for it
Raspel31: Social- how on earth did you out me? Yes, Naicos a gun- no other poms here?
DukeNewc: Sound familiar harambe
DukeNewc: Sounds*
navy_blues: omg clay settle are u watching game if so u know what im talkin about
duckky: McCrae nearly always has a 3rd quarter fadeout
Raspel31: And no problem with Brazians Pavs.
beerent11: Stokes is pretty good. He might even get a spot in the Australian team if he was from here.
clay007: navy-are you watchin the game. There are so many moments. Some people just love drama…are you that guy?
Pavs: History Rasp think French
beerent11: I think he?s fishing clay
DukeNewc: He’d replace Cam Green beer
clay007: agree beer…some people love to be outraged.
Raspel31: Stokes more English than Lauabs is Ozzie- but back to the footy.
beerent11: Nah Mitch has that covered duke
navy_blues: beer forget it above himl
Stu7: 49 point quarter from Naicos
BigChief: Stokes is a kiwi
Harambe: Turks and Naicos Islands
Pavs: Born in New Zealand Stokes
navy_blues: macrae 1 and mitchell 2 possies plz
Raspel31: But grew up and learned his cricket in England. Where you are born matters not. We own him.
DukeNewc: I’d hope libba is next in line for that stu
Social: another one
Social: woakes they call that one
Stu7: Macrae 2 points for a bench
Stu7: You bet Duke
Pavs: Wish we had someone that withholds the spirit of the game like Stokes. Get moving Macca
Yelse: libba having a mare
soup: guess its captain neale tomorrow
Stu7: Who did you have as VC SOUP?
Raspel31: My inititial thoughts soup but Naicos doing fine.
beerent11: When do the do I take naicos vc questions start? Can?t be too far away.
Beast_Mode: mitchell 0 clangers at 94% is unheard of
Harambe: Titch always been quality over quantity Beast
Raspel31: Lol beer.
soup: stu, went from naicos to libba last minute..
Stu7: Come on Naicos keep the thing on the gas
Stu7: Thong
Stu7: Bugger soup
TheLegend6: Yikes bad night to back a Cox goal
beerent11: That?s better than gas on the thong
Raspel31: As for me I’m sticking with Laird as cap’
Pavs: Going to be on 1000 on a Friday night. 10 players used already
Stu7: Good luck Raspa
Social: Neale C for me
Social: He’s the classic downhill skier
DukeNewc: Same social
TheLegend6: Libba score pretty harsh based on numbers
Pavs: Good call Legend
dodgybros: Nealcos
DukeNewc: Based on disposals, it looks like a good night Legend
Cottees: I mean compare Bonts stats and Libba. Bont so far ahead but stats tell should only be just
Raspel31: Is anyone in their right mind not going to cap Naicos from here? i
beerent11: Deshitblokey back with a vengeance
TheLegend6: 12 contested, 9 clearances and his DE% isn’t bad… idk, looks like a 90+ game to me
Stu7: Off the bench Naico
OffaStep: Got the C on Neale who is extremely likely to go extremely large but I’m taking Naicos, Rasp.
Gotigres: Should I get Mullin +$60k or Cunningham
pcaman2003: Looking a Libba’s and Daniel’s stats, hard to find why 30pt diff
DukeNewc: When you say it that way legend, he’s been completely stiffed
Raspel31: Had it the samne way Offa- but after Laird last week.
Yelse: bont on bench when game on the line dumb
Social: I’m a big wrap for Mullin tigres
Gotigres: Thanks Social. He seems like a bit of a goer
Social: great athlete and has picked the skills up very quickly
ballbag: a bird in the hand. anyone who doesnt take 110 usually gets fucked
Stu7: Disappointing 11 point quarter fantasy Naicos
BigChief: Cuningham better job security GoTigres
Cottees: Social – Take 69 from Melican or put Mullin on?
OffaStep: Yeah. Mad not to take 140+ I reckon. Even with a Neale blinder you’d only realistically be looking at 60ish more.
soup: mullin only getting game with bews and kolo out, cant see him holding unless more injuries tbh
ballbag: @offa neale aint getting 200 sound you aint getting 60 more. neale will get 120 or under with no Dunks
Yelse: another 3 votes
Social: take the 69, Mullin’s only a bit part player for now
Social: I’m expecting 50-60
OffaStep: 60 including C double points, ballbag. I’m saying take Naicos. Neale could conceivably go 165 on a massive night.
OffaStep: Massive day, actually. But not worth the risk.

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Дорогу, в провале которой в 2014 году погибли 6 человек, снова закрыли

Круиз-викторина "Твоей истории негромкой мне дорог каждый уголок"

В Твери вновь выступит Игорь Бутман и его джазовый оркестр

Минздрав: трое пострадавших в «Крокус Сити Холле» остаются в больницах

Саудиты заявили об ответке Западу встав на защиту России

Россия становится страной новых и скоростных дорог

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Алькарас уверенно переиграл Джоковича и выиграл Уимблдон

Технологию управления беспилотником через спутник реализовали в России

Трамп указал на главную ошибку Байдена в отношении России и Китая

В Твери вновь выступит Игорь Бутман и его джазовый оркестр

Россия становится страной новых и скоростных дорог