Smart beta products risk being misleading
Investors may be surprised by two fundamentally different approaches under one smart-beta label
Investors may be surprised by two fundamentally different approaches under one smart-beta label
The Levi’s Stadium field was covered in sunbursts for the Super Bowl 50 halftime show. Violinists and cellist from the Youth Orchestra LA wore matching red and blue wind breakers as they performed live with British alternative pop-rock band Coldplay. Lead singer, Chris Martin, really pumped up the crowd on the kaleidoscope floral stage and got the audience hot and ready for Bruno Mars and the Queen B herself, Beyonce.
Shawn Price
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- A record number of people, some U.S. citizens and some green card holders, renounced their citizenship or gave up their green cards in 2015, the Treasury Department said.
'Ello ello ello, what's all this then?' - Eagles.
WIERDEN - De overstap naar SVZW is voor Frank Eulderink niet geworden wat hij ervan verwacht had. De talentvolle aanvaller vertrekt na een seizoen alweer bij de club uit Wierden.
Actress Shaleen Surtie Richards's luck has turned after a robber grabbed her valuable necklace while she sat in traffic.
Читать дальше...A Canberra man accused of calling a woman a "dirty f---ing slut" as he struck her and kicked her in the face during a prolonged attack has been kept behind bars after he allegedly breached his bail conditions.
Harry Redknapp's pick of the top flight stars this weekend
Het is violiste Elise Besemer (21) uit Heinenoord net niet gelukt. Ze werd afgelopen weekeinde tweede tijdens de finale van het prestigieuze Oskar Back vioolconcours. Haar grote wens kwam daarmee wel uit: musiceren met het Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest. Dat was voor Elise bij voorbaat al de absolute hoofdprijs.
De Eerste Kamer gaat morgen vrijwel zeker akkoord met de komst van het Huis voor Klokkenluiders. Het kostte 6 jaar om de wet hiervoor erdoor te krijgen. Pieter van Vollenhoven vertelt waarom hij volop meestreed. ,,We zijn allemaal gebaat bij de moed van klokkenluiders."
Jason Myers, boss of London-focused Busaba Eathai, has ambitions plans to open sites across the country
FREDERICK, Md. (AP) — If this was Civil War hospital food, today's medical centers should take note. A fundraising feast Monday for the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick starts with smoked apple pancakes, followed by codfish hash, Irish lamb stew and an almond custard dessert.
They’re suing the post office for seizing their ‘sacred medicine’
To mark Chinese New Year, we've unearthed some of the country's strangest attractions
To mark Chinese New Year, we've unearthed some of the country's strangest attractions
It’s official: Adele was the most popular recording artist around the world last year. In a surprise to absolutely no one, the British...
Fundamental issue at heart of saga and why it matters
Men who read erotica that featured male dominance over women reported higher acceptance of rape myths in real life, a Queensland research paper has suggested.
Genetics team believes it has the remedy: a modified strain of a mosquito that, by inter-breeding, will render the rest of them sterile.
Genetics team believes it has the remedy: a modified strain of a mosquito that, by inter-breeding, will render the rest of them sterile.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says one improvement he'd like to make at the White House for his successor is to upgrade the WiFi system.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says one improvement he'd like to make at the White House for his successor is to upgrade the WiFi system. Speaking during an interview with CBS News on Super Bowl Sunday, both Obama and his wife, Michelle, said getting better quality connectivity for the Internet is a serious issue at the Executive Mansion.
Muizenberg’s ward councillor plans to meet law enforcement to discuss a strategy to deal with criminals following another attack at Sunrise Beach.
Читать дальше...NEW YORK - China's top envoy to the United Nations on Sunday suggested that there may be some progress on the h...
Bulls coach Nollis Marais says their brief tour of Zimbabwe was successful in spite of their 28-10 defeat at the hands of the Cheetahs.
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