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Новости за 31.05.2016

Does Trump's plan to drill more oil make sense?

CNN Money 

Donald Trump wants to cut regulation and encourage a lot more oil and gas drilling. But it's hard to see how that would cure what's ailing the energy business, especially the coal industry Trump promised to save.

European governments are cracking down on the sharing economy, and it's worrying the EU


REUTERS/Charles Platiau

BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - European Union governments should not ban services like home-rental site Airbnb or ride-hailing app Uber except as a last resort, the EU says in new guidelines, seeking to rein in a crackdown on the "sharing economy".

In guidelines seen by Reuters, the European Commission said any restrictions by EU member states on these new online services should be justified and proportionate to the public interest at stake.

"Total bans... Читать дальше...

Boko Haram’s latest atrocity against Nigerian IDPs revealed

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

 – Nearly 1 million children have been forced from their homes by Boko Haram  –  772,224 kids living in IDP camps have been registered by NEMA across the north-east  – Millions of Nigerians have been forced to flee their homes to due the terror group’s campaign of hate No fewer than 772,224 children registered by […]

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Pilots reveal what it's like to fly an incredible solar-powered airplane around the world


Solar Impulse

Flying around the world fueled only by sunshine, the Solar Impulse is now two-thirds of the way through the first-ever attempt to fly around the world in a solar-powered aircraft.

The plane is currently making final preparations for its trip across the Atlantic from the eastern United States.

Swiss pilots Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, who have alternated legs since the attempt began in Dubai in March of 2015, told Business Insider that although flying the strange... Читать дальше...

Cops Were Called to Drake's Memorial Day Party, Fights Reportedly Broke Out

«Just Jared» 

There were some fights and noise complaints from Drake‘s big party yesterday – TMZ Here’s the latest in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce case – Radar See this exclusive photo from the Baby Daddy premiere – Just Jared Jr Kit Harington says he faces sexism – Huffington Post Katy Perry’s Twitter account was [...]

'The opposite of free markets': Bernier wants to end dairy, egg and poultry quotas


Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier says there's no way to reconcile his free-market principles with support for Canada's supply-managed agriculture sector, so he's parting company with longstanding party policy. He wants other Tories to join him in a vigorous debate leading up to next year's leadership contest.

The US government is pouring money into the Internet of Things


BI Intelligence

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The U.S. government is forging ahead into the Internet of Things.

The federal government spent $8.8 billion in the fiscual year of 2015, up from $7.7 billion in the fiscal year 2014, according to a report from Govini, which collects and analyzes data about government contracts. Overall, the federal government spent almost $35 billion on IoT... Читать дальше...

Lawyers say Johnny Depp's wife gave statement to police

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Johnny Depp's estranged wife has given Los Angeles police a statement to support her account of an alleged domestic violence incident involving the actor, her lawyers said Tuesday.

Australia approved for $302 million SM-2 missile deal

United Press International (UPI.com) 

Richard Tomkins
WASHINGTON, May 31 (UPI) -- Australia has received State Department approval for acquisition of as many as 80 SM-2 missiles through the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program.

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White House: Obama Doesn’t Share Holder’s View of Snowden


Days after an interview where former Attorney General Eric Holder appeared to praise former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden for sparking a debate on government surveillance and privacy, the White House said that President Barack Obama did not share his assessment that the disclosures were a "public service."

Acteur Michael Jace voor moord op vrouw veroordeeld


The Shield-acteur Michael Jace is dinsdag schuldig bevonden aan de moord op zijn vrouw April Jace. Op 10 juni krijgt de acteur te horen hoeveel jaar celstraf hij krijgt. De gevangenisstraf kan oplopen tot ruim veertig jaar.

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