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Новости за 15.11.2016

Author speaks at U of SC about Arab, Muslim stereotypes

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — An author and lecturer who has published six books on Middle Eastern issues as well as stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims is speaking at the University of South Carolina. The visit is sponsored by the university's International Student Services group, the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Information and Communication.

Social-Media Confronts Misinformation and Harassment


Ongoing complaints about misinformation and hate speech on the internet are forcing social-media companies to confront whether they need to take more responsibility for the content on their sites.

Russia's economy minister arrested on bribery charge

United Press International (UPI.com) 

Ed Adamczyk
MOSCOW, Nov. 15 (UPI) -- Russian Economic Development Minister Alexey Ulyukayev was arrested and charged with accepting a $2 million bribe, Russia announced.

Turkey-backed rebels are closing in on a key ISIS-held city in Syria


Thomson Reuters

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey-backed rebels are nearing the Syrian city of al-Bab and the area will be cleared of Islamic State militants soon, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Tuesday.

Yildirim made the comment to members of his ruling AK Party in parliament in a speech shown live on state broadcaster TRT Haber.

The rebels were poised to begin an assault to drive Islamic State from al-Bab, two of their commanders said on Monday, a battle that could... Читать дальше...

Their dad is getting deported. Now they live in fear.

McClatchy DC Bureau 

Leonardo Morales was about to drive his children to school one September morning when federal agents in bulletproof vests arrested him for violating a deportation order. “They said that they … Click to Continue »

Bills putting some jobs on the line in practice this week


After giving his team a week off, Rex Ryan is going to make some of his players fight for their jobs this week. Via Sal Maiorana of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Bills coach Rex Ryan said there was going to be competition for some starting jobs as they return from their bye in advance of their…

Youp van 't Hek weigert kinderboek Jochem Myjer


In een promotiefilmpje voor het nieuwe kinderboek van Jochem Myjer De Wereld van de Gorgels wilde de komiek collega Youp van 't Hek verrassen. Hij dacht het eerste exemplaar aan de 62-jarige cabaretier uit te reiken, die zat daar echter niet op te wachten. ,,Ik ben niet dement ofzo."

Dijkhoff schrapt vertrekbonus Marokkanen


Staatssecretaris Dijkhoff (Asiel) wil zo snel mogelijk de vertrekbonus voor afgewezen asielzoekers uit Marokko en Algerije schrappen. Asielzoekers uit Noord-Afrika zorgen momenteel voor overlast in onder meer Groningen, de afgelopen weken zijn zeker zeven van hen opgepakt voor zakkenrollerij.

Winston Gerschtanowitz: Mijn relatie met Renate is beter dan ooit


Presentator Winston Gerschtanowitz zit in een gelukkige periode. Het gaat beter met zijn gezondheid (na de ziekte van Pfeiffer, red.), hij zit bij RTL Boulevard op de goede plek en zijn relatie met zijn vrouw Renate (37) is 'beter dan ooit'.

Новости России

Куда сходить москвичам и гостям столицы 13 июля - Мытищинский форсаж: часть вторая

Watch: Obama speaks to reporters in Athens

Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) 

Trump names top aides as he begins laying out a White House strategy Nov. 15, 2016, 6:48 a.m. This is our look at President-elect Donald Trump's transition and the outgoing Obama administration. Here's what's happening in Washington right now:Trump's elevation of Stephen K. Bannon to top White...

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