Trump's rough handling of rally dissenters stirs questions
To Rakeem Jones, flanked on all sides by uniformed sheriff's deputies, it was more than just the shock of being ejected from a political rally for Donald Trump.
[...] today, he said Wednesday in Fayetteville, they walk in and they put their hand up and they put the wrong finger in the air ... and they get away with murder.
Because we've become weak.
[...] he said he hopes he hasn't played a role in inciting the violence with some of his provocative language.
Rouse said his group was reacting to an insult against one of their party when they were suddenly swarmed by officers, and Jones was thrown to the floor.
Jones said the man who hit him was allowed to stay, but on Thursday, the Cumberland County Sheriff's Department charged John Franklin McGraw of Linden, North Carolina, with assault and disorderly conduct.
Crowd control expert Paul Wertheimer, who has been keeping track of Trump events, said he hasn't seen any instances where law enforcement or private security have overstepped.
Kephart, the ex-police chief, agrees that Trump should be a little more willing to take the boos and heckling.