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Новости за 02.12.2015

Stanford kicker Conrad Ukropina relives game-winner against Irish

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Stanford kicker Conrad Ukropina relives game-winner against Irish When Conrad Ukropina was lining up his game-winning 45-yard field-goal try against Notre Dame on Saturday night, he was as calm as a weekend duffer on a driving range. While the rest of Stanford Stadium braced in anticipation, the most intense spot was in the stands where the Stanford football parents sit. “Everybody knows a 45-yard field goal is his sweet spot,” Linan (pronounced Lynn-Ann) said. Every kick is the same kick — at a practice field in my hometown... Читать дальше...

Fire at hospital, staff abandon patients

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Relatives of patients admitted to Uluberia State General Hospital had a nightmarish experience on Tuesday when a fire broke out inside the meter room of the hospital and the staff ran out to save themselves, leaving the helpless patients behind.

Fire at hospotal, staff abandon patients

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Relatives of patients admitted to Uluberia State Ge neral Hospital had a nightma rish experience on Tuesday when a fire broke out inside the meter room of the hospital and the staff ran out to save themselves, leaving the hel pless patients behind.

Bill Gates Isn’t a Climate Savior

The Big Money 

On the eve of the Paris climate talks, Microsoft founder Bill Gates made splashy news by announcing that he and a group of fellow billionaires would create a new fund that would invest in clean energy research. Gates alone would kick in up to $2 billion. The Breakthrough Energy Coalition has been hailed as a great breakthrough. Many of today’s smartest and richest industrialists are teaming up to bring their capitalist-superhero powers to bear on a world-threatening problem.

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Ethicists square off over editing genes in human embryos


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Debate over the use of powerful new gene editing tools in human eggs, sperm and embryos grew heated on Tuesday as scientists and ethicists gathered at an international summit to discuss the technology, which has the power to change the DNA of unborn children.

Ethicists square off over editing genes in human embryos


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Debate over the use of powerful new gene editing tools in human eggs, sperm and embryos grew heated on Tuesday as scientists and ethicists gathered at an international summit to discuss the technology, which has the power to change the DNA of unborn children.

Ethicists square off over editing genes in human embryos


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Debate over the use of powerful new gene editing tools in human eggs, sperm and embryos grew heated on Tuesday as scientists and ethicists gathered at an international summit to discuss the technology, which has the power to change the DNA of unborn children.

Ученые выяснили, что просмотр порнографии вызывает привыкание и зависимость

Блог сайта «Игры» 

Ученые из Кембриджского университета в результате нового исследования пришли к заключению, что просмотр порнографии в сети вызывает зависимость. Как стало известно Gamebomb.ru, по словам нейропсихологов, зависимость от просмотра материалов для взрослых стоит в одном ряду с алкоголизмом и наркоманией.

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Правительство утвердило список запрещённых турецких продуктов

ИА «Амур.инфо» (Благовещенск) 

Правительство РФ утвердило перечень турецкой сельскохозяйственной продукции, сырья и продовольствия, которые запрещены к ввозу в Россию с 1 января 2016 года. Томаты, лук, цветная капуста и брокколи, огурцы, апельсины, мандарины, виноград, яблоки, виноград, груши, абрикосы, персики, сливы, земляника и попали под запрет. В перечне, кроме того, о чём уже сообщалось, также вошли мясо птицы (замороженные части тушек и субпродукты кур и индеек), соль и свежие гвоздики.

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ЖЕСТЬ! (Сергей Георг Сретенский)



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