5 очень зимних и незаслуженно забытых блюд русской кухни
For those who are big fans of Romania's recent cinematic renaissance, Corneliu Porumboiu is major. He's the director behind the lauded likes of "12:08 East Of Bucharest," "Police, Adjective" and "When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism," and his latest "The Treasure" is receiving equivalent plaudits. Today we've debuting the U.S. trailer and poster for the film. READ MORE: New Romanian Cinema Review: Slim, Sly & Funny '12:08 East Of Bucharest' Starring Cuzin Toma, Adrian Purcarescu, Corneliu Cozmei... Читать дальше...
L’Etat, Renault et Nissan tentaient de finaliser jeudi un texte de sortie de crise. Dans la difficulté...
L’Etat, Renault et Nissan tentaient de finaliser jeudi un texte de sortie de crise. Dans la difficulté...
Jeudi 10 Décembre 2015 - 19:57
Apologie du terrorisme: un lycéen condamné à deux ans de prison ferme
Dans le Calvados, un jeune homme de 18 ans a été condamné ce jeudi à trois ans de prison, dont deux ferme pour apologie du terrorisme sur Twitter et menaces de mort envers un imam modéré sur le même réseau social.
Several studies have shown that motorcycles could be worst polluting vehicles after diesel trucks entering Delhi from other states, even more harmful to the environment than cars and heavy duty vehicles.
Jamia Millia Islamia vice chancellor Talat Ahmad has told TOI that the decision to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the best interest of the university.
A group of prominent conservatives recently released an ObamaCare replacement plan that would replicate many of that law’s worst features. As I explain in a new post at Darwin’s Fool, conservatives need to examine this proposal closely against the alternative. An excerpt:
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Красноярский банк «Енисей» завершил присоединение московского Н-Банка, свидетельствует информация ЕГРЮЛ. Запись в отношении последнего о «прекращении деятельности юридического лица путем реорганизации в форме присоединения» внесена 9 декабря.
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Трое военных сирийской армии погибли и несколько десятков солдат были ранены в результате авианалета на полевой лагерь сирийской армии международной коалиции. Об этом заявил официальный представитель ВС Сирии бригадный генерал Али Майхуб.
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Поставки коксующегося угля на Украину уже начались. Об этом в четверг, 10 декабря, сообщил министр энергетики РФ Александр Новак, передает«Интерфакс».
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China National Nuclear Corporation general manager Qian Zhimin yesterday outlined the potential for nuclear energy growth through the implementation of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Those initiatives will "fuel" China's nuclear industry, he explained. He said that the export of every nuclear power plant involves more than 200 companies, creating about 150,000 jobs, and over 100 billion yuan ($15 billion) for equipment manufacturing, uranium mining, reactor fuel production, maintenance, etc. Читать дальше...
El Presidente propuso el nombramiento de Álvaro Vizcaíno Zamora, quien desde marzo de 2013 a la fecha se desempeña como coordinador del Sistema de Desarrollo Policial de la PF.
National Stock Exchange (NSE), the country’s largest stock exchange, has joined hands with the London Stock Exchange (LSE) to collaborate on setting up a research centre in India, to study emerging opportunities at the international financial hub at the GIFT city in Gujarat, including setting up of a trading platform at the upcoming financial hub and also to launch new products and services for the market.
See more photos at Wink Fun.
King Ludwig II of Bavaria, having built Neuschwanstein, has tasked players in their role as builders to build him the most extravagant and amazing castle ever. You'll have both open and secret goals based on the king's desires, and every round, someone will take a turn as the master builder setting prices for the individual rooms that are available. If they're not chosen, they'll be discounted on the following turns.
Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a superb game. Читать дальше...
La diputada electa Delsa Solórzano, a cargo del proyecto, asegura que la Asamblea tiene facultad para promulgar ''La ley va porque va''
When air pollution hits a certain danger mark in Beijing, the government issues a red alert that automatically puts curbs on factories, construction work and vehicles.
Valve says Steam account theft has increased roughly 20x since the company began allowing users to trade items in 2011, and it now sees ~77k Steam accounts "hijacked and pillaged" every month. ...
In Los Angeles sind die Nominierungen für die 73. Verleihung der Golden Globes im Januar 2016 bekannt gegeben worden. Diese Filme und Schauspieler dürfen auf eine der Auszeichnungen hoffen.
Cinquecento i presenti, tra i politici Gasparri e Bergamini. Ancora le storie degli obbligazionisti che hanno visto finire i loro soldi in fumo
Vicente del Bosque no cree que la acción que protagonizaron Casillas y Diego Costa en Stamford Bridge tenga paralelismos con situaciones del pasado. Leer