SRC kinase drives multidrug resistance induced by KRAS-G12C inhibition | Science Advances
Targeting SRC overcomes G12Ci resistance in KRAS-G12C mutant cancers.
Targeting SRC overcomes G12Ci resistance in KRAS-G12C mutant cancers.
The structure of the Nipah virus polymerase complex reveals key structural features essential for viral transcription.
Learning-induced changes in primary sensory neurons support concentration-invariant perception of an odor.
Light exerts circadian-independent effects on glucose and lipid metabolism.
ANTs contribute to cardiac ischemic injury by regulating mitochondrial dysfunction through the mPTP independently of CypD.
Machine learning force fields reveal correlated water motion as the key to understanding salt-induced water diffusion anomalies.
Framework nucleic acids provide precise and specific spatial manipulation tool for programming cell-cell interactions.
Genetic identity of ventral pallidum cell types is conserved across rodents and primates at the transcriptional level.
Engineered polymer electrodes create a close interface with single living cells.
The optimization of the rotavirus vaccine dosing schedule has the potential to further increase vaccine impact.
Paramagnetic nuclear spins, once thought undetectable by NMR, are now observable using hyperpolarized NMR at 1.4 K.
A signal peptide that directs Wnt secretion on EVs was identified, and the structural mechanism for this secretion elucidated.
p53 phase separation is associated with its life cycle and function.
A nanoengineered immunosensor uses machine learning to detect multiple biomarkers for rapid prediction of acute thrombosis.
MLL/WDR5 complex recruits centriolar satellite protein Cep72 to regulate microtubule nucleation at the centrosome.
Nanometer-sized clusters are designed with different fluoroaryl groups to enhance the interaction with both perovskite and C60.
COF membranes with controlled stacking and Turing surface morphologies were synthesized using reaction-diffusion theory.
S-RACE enables automatic Raman image–activated cell sorting with >10 eps throughput.
Cryofixation and low-temperature Raman observation allows the accumulation of Raman signals for highly sensitive chemical imaging.
Spatiotemporal release of dopamine at dopaminergic neurons is reported using fast-scan voltammetric electrochemical microscopy.
INSPIRE microscopy offers complimentary chemical imaging by concurrent IR and Raman detection in cells and tissues.
Parallel ultraviolet photoacoustic microscopy with needle-shaped beams for rapid slide-free photoacoustic histology.
Pump-probe microscopy, coupled with a support vector machine, identifies carbon-based black pigments in various mixtures.
Two-photon autofluorescence images reveal oscillatory behavior of astrocytic antioxidant metabolic responses to neuronal injury.
Droplet microfluidics paired with diamond quantum sensing enables sensitive analyte detection for chemical and biological systems.