Dear Abby: Girlfriend won’t wear lingerie to hide her tummy
Girlfriend won’t wear lingerie to hide her tummy
Dear Abby: I have dated a lot of women over the years — including actresses, beauty contest winners and models.
Every one of them, except my current live-in, “Amanda,” would dress up in lingerie when I asked them to.
Dear Hal: I’d love to know what attracted you to Amanda in the first place, since your “type” seems to have always been women who are arm candy.
At some point, age, pregnancies and the pull of gravity can cause them to sag.
If physical perfection is what you need to feel aroused, then you and Amanda may be a mismatch because nobody’s perfect.
Dear Abby: I have started using an effective coping skill when I get upset about something or someone at work.
[...] instead of it going to my home, I mistakenly sent it to her, and it hurt her feelings.
There’s nothing wrong with having a judge preside over the ceremony, but to have a fake minister preside makes the whole ceremony a fraud.
If I say anything, I know it will cause hurt feelings, so I’m keeping my mouth shut.