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Новости раздела «Другие города» за 22.04.2022

You Can-t Be Lean, Strong AND Natural!

PR soft 

Have you ever been told that it is impossible to be lean, strong and natural at the same time? In other words, you can be two of these things but you can-t be all three. In this video, I-m going to show you whether it is achievable. Whether you can have ripped, low levels of body fat while still…

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The REAL Reason Your Biceps Look Flat!

PR soft 

If your biceps look flat when you flex them, I am going to show you the REAL reason why. In this video, I-m going to show you how you can get bigger biceps that don-t look deflated when you flex your arms. With Just a simple tweak to the exercises you are doing now, you can grow those biceps peaks…

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The Secret To Bigger Shoulders - Shoulder Workout

PR soft 

Have you ever watched an NBA basketball game and seen guys like Dwight Howard and wondered. what the heck does he do to get big shoulders like that? Well. wonder no more as celebrity fitness trainer and the creator of the AthLEAN-X Training System, Jeff Cavaliere shows you the secrets of the pros…

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PR soft 

Alright today we're going over some Science-Based tricep workout tips!
I thought it would be a good idea to make one of more of these because so many people liked the last one but this will be the last because things got a little out of hand but the point was to get you to realize that you've got…

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2 Workout Mistakes That KILL Muscle Growth!

PR soft 

Not growing like you should be? Then you're probably making at least one of these two mistakes.
First mistake has to do with choosing exercises that aren't a good fit for YOUR body. This doesn't mean that you're forever unable to do these but you have to take a systematic approach to fixing your…

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PR soft 

This was a long video to film, seems like a full leg workout is one of the hardest things to film because you can't just demonstrate exercises. you have to really get in a workout.
Started out with a variation for hamstrings that not only warms up but primes you for the squats to come. It's funny…

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PR soft 

Ready to learn about the science-backed optimal way to train your legs for muscle growth!
Let-s start with quads, - I-m sure you-ve heard someone say it-s IMPOSSIBLE to train your inner and outer quads.
- And their arguments absolutely make sense. Because when you look at how the innermost…

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How To Easily LOSE FAT Even Around The Holidays

PR soft 

To make sure my diet doesn-t completely fall off a cliff and I-m able to continue to make progress, I do a version of intermittent fasting, but I do it in a very specific way to make sure I maximize the results.
My eating window is in a window. It's a meal. Some people like to call it OMAD. For…

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How To Build More Muscle Mass (CHEAT)

PR soft 

Need to build more muscle? Then you have to start pushing past the point of failure + getting more time under tension and cheat reps are one of the best ways to do that.
So we've all seen arnold do those classic cheat curls but there are more ways than that to extend the life of a set. You can…

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Workout motivation - get after it - get growing!

PR soft 

Need a little workout motivation or are you just getting started in the gym? Then I made this video for you. I know how hard it is when you're first starting out and you have to justify to everyone in your life why you're spending so much time in the gym. You don't yet look the part so you have to…

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Материал, погибшей от менингита акулы, прольет свет на вопросы старения


На побережье Корнуолла (Великобритания) был найдет труп 100-летней гренландской акулы, согласно вскрытию, животное погибло от менингита. Как сообщает The Guardian, это первый выявленный случай подобной болезни у этого вида акул.

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Лекарства от COVID-19 и их эффективность


Существуют ли на сегодняшний день средства лечения от коронавируса, насколько они эффективны и безопасны и всем ли в мире они доступны? На эти вопросы дает ответы эксперт из Европейского регионального бюро Всемирной организаации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) Дина Пфайфер.

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Насколько опасна сальмонеллезная инфекция?


После крупного отзыва продукции производителя кондитерских изделий Ferrero многие задаются вопросом: насколько опасно заражение сальмонеллезом и по каким основным признакам можно распознать заболевание? 

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Отказ от смартфона: даже ежедневное сокращение на час, стоит этого


Проводить много времени в день со смартфоном вредно. Но очень немногие  представляют, что полностью смогут отказаться от него. Однако в этом нет необходимости. Согласно новому исследованию, чтобы чувствовать себя лучше, достаточно только на один час в день сократить время работы со своим мобильным телефоном. 

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What happened to trial by jury? - Suja A. Thomas

PR soft 

In the United States today, juries decide less than 4% of criminal cases and less than 1% of civil cases filed in court. At the same time, jury systems in other countries are growing. So what happened in the US? And could the disappearance of juries be a good thing? Suja A. Thomas explores both…

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Новости России

Москву и Санкт-Петербург назвали лучшими городами для подработки

Аргентина: дан старт «Программе исследований и разработок каннабиса»


Министерством науки, технологий и инноваций Аргентины (исп. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación; MINCYT), в рамках исследований и разработок в области медицинского применения каннабиса (конопля), представлена программа финансирования в размере $250 млн. Как сообщает пресс-центр MINCYT, проект называется «Программа исследований и разработок в области каннабиса» и направлен на продвижение исследований, направленных на получение знаний и достижений в отношении свойств растения и его производных... Читать дальше...

В Японии изобрели палочки для еды, усиливающие соленый вкус


Японский производитель продуктов питания и напитков Kirin Holdings и исследователи из университета Мэйдзи (Meiji University) разработали палочки для еды, улучшающие с помощью электрической стимуляции и мини-компьютера браслета, вкус пищи, сообщает пресс центр университета со ссылкой на агентство Reuters.

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Even an A Student Can't Solve All 18 Riddles

PR soft 

Are you ready for a new portion of riddles? Riddles, brain-teasers and all sorts of puzzles have such a long-lasting and immense effect on the power of our brains that solving them on a daily basis can actually turn out to be a great brain training. Not only do they improve our problem-solving…

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Survival Riddles Session For A Quick Brain Boost

PR soft 

Are you good at cracking survival puzzles? Cracking various brain-teasers is fun but solving survival riddles also helps you get ready for any unpredicted or dangerous situation out there. Which way would you choose, which food is safer or which of the persons in the riddle is a liar? Answer these…

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Просматривали в разделе «Другие города» 22.04.2022

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