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Новости за 12.02.2016

#NotAllMuslims Attack Ohio Deli Patrons With Machete

Daily Caller 

Not all Muslims committed the following crime. It’s just a coincidence that the perpetrator was a Muslim. Last time I checked, in America we have this little thing called freedom of religion. Besides, Christians kill people all the time. Etc. CBS News: Police shot and killed a man who stormed into a central Ohio restaurant […]

West Virginia Right-To-Work Bill Vetoed But Not Dead

Daily Caller 

West Virginia Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin vetoed a bill Thursday aimed at outlawing mandatory union dues, but supporters still have a chance of overriding his block. The policy is more commonly known as right-to-work and thus far it has been passed in 25 states. West Virginia Republicans made it a priority after securing the […]

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Анастасия Потапова

Теннисистка Потапова: считаю Квинси Промеса одной из легенд «Спартака»

ДТП с участием двух грузовиков произошло на 10-м километре МКАД

Все пострадавшие при теракте в «Крокус Сити Холле» были выписаны из больниц

Россия призывает к оценке эксгумации останков солдат в Эстонии

Мужчина выбросил знакомую в мусоропровод в Ростовской области