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Новости за 23.03.2016

Dow Jones Industrial Average Today Tumbles 79 Points on Oil Supply Increase

Daily Caller 

Dow Jones Industrial Average News, 3/23/2016: With volumes low during this short week of trading, financial news outlets are getting repetitive: falling oil prices, bull market speculation, President Obama’s travels. The real problem is they aren’t telling you where to put your money and how to play defense against the growing number of forces that […]

The Brazilian President Has Now Entered A World Of Full-On Panic

Daily Caller 

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff “will never resign” she stated Tuesday in remarks to various lawyers who support her, according to Reuters. Rousseff made her emphatic statement in response to political leaders of the opposition in Brazil’s Lower House of Congress — the equivalent of the U.S. House of Representatives — moving forward with impeachment proceedings against […]

Obama’s Plan To Destroy ISIS: Hurt Their Feelings

Daily Caller 

It seems like President Barack Hussein Obama gives some variation on the same speech whenever Islamic terrorists shed innocent blood. Just because it never works, that’s no reason to switch things up in the last few months of his administration. Here’s the Greatest President in American History, speaking in Argentina today about the Brussels attack: […]

Новости России

Можно ли стирать шторы: возможные риски

Cruz-Fiorina?: The Case For Ted Cruz To Pick His Partner Now

Daily Caller 

LAS VEGAS — Last night in Utah, caucusgoers did something that doesn’t usually do in the U.S. Senate: They compromised. I’m not suggesting that Cruz wouldn’t have won The Beehive State were it not for strategic voting (he garnered nearly 70 percent!), but it’s hard to deny that many Mormon voters (who might otehrwise prefer Kasich’s temperament) […]

Спорт в России и мире

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