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Daily Caller

Новости за 25.09.2019

Trump Phone Call Transcript Appears To Undercut Two ‘Bombshell’ Reports About Whistleblower Complaint

Daily Caller 

A rough transcript of President Donald Trump’s phone call appears to undercut two major news stories that helped fuel interest in a whistleblower complaint against him. The Washington Post reported Trump made a “promise” to the Ukrainian president during a phone call central to the complaint. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump “repeatedly […]

A Hunt That Is More Than A Hunt

Daily Caller 

The hunt actually started a year before. A nonprofit veteran organization with which I’ve volunteered, AHERO (America’s Heroes Enjoying Recreation Outdoors), asked me to meet Paul and Dee House, founders of House in the Woods.

Firearms And Hearing Loss

Daily Caller 

Your hearing is a big part of your life. Don’t gamble with it. So make sure to wear ear protection every time you use a firearm — regardless if you’re target shooting or hunting.

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