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Newsletter: Trapped in a Wingstop bathroom


A Wing Stop sign. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom left corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: A viral video detailing how someone got trapped in a Wingstop bathroom, how a Grammy performance sparked a conspiracy theory, and a former Taco Bell worker sharing the horrors she faced while working there. 

Plus, you all seemed to really enjoy our recent report about a robot server fail. Well, there's yet another viral video showing an "embarrassing" moment for one

After that, our Culture Reporter Michelle has her weekly "Now Streaming" column. 

See you tomorrow! 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today's top stories

‘Why do they have that type of lock on a bathroom?’: Customer gets trapped in Wingstop bathroom

A new fear has been unlocked for many people online after a recent video went viral


‘Too cheap to pay their servers but will have a human clean a robot’s mess’: Customers record robot server dropping drinks on the floor

Robot servers are taking the restaurant industry by storm, and some consumers continue to question their efficiency. One recent viral video puts the new phenomenon in the spotlight.


Pfizer ad after Sam Smith, Kim Petras’ Grammy performance sparks QAnon-esque fear of ‘Satanic’ Hollywood-vaccine alliance

Conservatives are freaking out.


Fired Taco Bell worker shares the horrors she endured while at her job

A former Taco Bell worker shared a slideshow of the horrors she endured while working for the fast-food company in a viral TikTok.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

📺 Now Streaming

By Michelle Jaworski

james cameron (left) with kristine zipfel and josh bird (who are recreating the floating debris scene from titanic in an experiment, in titanic 25 years later with james cameron

James Cameron is so annoyed by your ‘Titanic’ door theories he used its 25th anniversary to try to prove you wrong

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Wednesdays our Culture Reporters Audra Schroeder and Michelle Jaworski review or analyze the latest streaming content in their “Now Streaming” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to you inbox.

🕸️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

📹 A former Walmart employee is warning people about the store’s self-checkout cameras, claiming that they’re harvesting personal information — even taking photos of customers as they’re ringing up purchases.

❄️ A user on TikTok has gone viral after showing another aspect of working in fast food: operating in the snow.

💼 In a time when employees do not feel as obligated to be tied to a specific employer, it’s no surprise that workers feel emboldened to speak out about inadequate training.

💰 From our friends at Passionfruit, the Daily Dot's creator economy newsletter: "10 of the richest Twitch streamers and what their success can teach us.

☕ One TikToker is detailing her experience of dealing with microaggressions related to her body size while frequenting a Starbucks

🛏️ Ready to end your toxic relationship with Airbnb? Here are three alternatives that will treat you the way you deserve.

🥪 A TikTok user called out a Subway location for serving a customer what appears to be a loaf of bread that “didn’t rise properly.” 

📦 In what seems like a storyline straight out of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, a FedEx driver shared how he received his “first complaint” driving for the delivery service.

🌐 From the Daily Dot archive: These students are ditching college to run an NFT business.

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

👋 Before you go

Glitches in food apps seem to be more common lately, from a woman who accidentally ordered 10 slices of cheese at Chick-fil-A to one where Chick-fil-A piled a woman’s sandwich with pickles.

Now, in a viral video, a man claims McDonald’s accidentally listed their chocolate milk as “free” on Uber Eats, resulting in him ordering 13.

“Me when mcdonald’s accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats,” the user wrote in the overlay text, zooming in on all the mini bottles.

bag with chocolate milk in bottles with caption "me when macdonals accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats" (l) Uber ats on phone in hand outside (c) bag with chocolate milk in bottles with caption "me when macdonals accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats" (r)

🎶 Now Playing: "On The Nature Of Daylight" by Max Richter 🎶 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Trapped in a Wingstop bathroom appeared first on The Daily Dot.

A Wing Stop sign. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom left corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: A viral video detailing how someone got trapped in a Wingstop bathroom, how a Grammy performance sparked a conspiracy theory, and a former Taco Bell worker sharing the horrors she faced while working there. 

Plus, you all seemed to really enjoy our recent report about a robot server fail. Well, there's yet another viral video showing an "embarrassing" moment for one

After that, our Culture Reporter Michelle has her weekly "Now Streaming" column. 

See you tomorrow! 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today's top stories

‘Why do they have that type of lock on a bathroom?’: Customer gets trapped in Wingstop bathroom

A new fear has been unlocked for many people online after a recent video went viral


‘Too cheap to pay their servers but will have a human clean a robot’s mess’: Customers record robot server dropping drinks on the floor

Robot servers are taking the restaurant industry by storm, and some consumers continue to question their efficiency. One recent viral video puts the new phenomenon in the spotlight.


Pfizer ad after Sam Smith, Kim Petras’ Grammy performance sparks QAnon-esque fear of ‘Satanic’ Hollywood-vaccine alliance

Conservatives are freaking out.


Fired Taco Bell worker shares the horrors she endured while at her job

A former Taco Bell worker shared a slideshow of the horrors she endured while working for the fast-food company in a viral TikTok.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

📺 Now Streaming

By Michelle Jaworski

james cameron (left) with kristine zipfel and josh bird (who are recreating the floating debris scene from titanic in an experiment, in titanic 25 years later with james cameron

James Cameron is so annoyed by your ‘Titanic’ door theories he used its 25th anniversary to try to prove you wrong

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Wednesdays our Culture Reporters Audra Schroeder and Michelle Jaworski review or analyze the latest streaming content in their “Now Streaming” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to you inbox.

🕸️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

📹 A former Walmart employee is warning people about the store’s self-checkout cameras, claiming that they’re harvesting personal information — even taking photos of customers as they’re ringing up purchases.

❄️ A user on TikTok has gone viral after showing another aspect of working in fast food: operating in the snow.

💼 In a time when employees do not feel as obligated to be tied to a specific employer, it’s no surprise that workers feel emboldened to speak out about inadequate training.

💰 From our friends at Passionfruit, the Daily Dot's creator economy newsletter: "10 of the richest Twitch streamers and what their success can teach us.

☕ One TikToker is detailing her experience of dealing with microaggressions related to her body size while frequenting a Starbucks

🛏️ Ready to end your toxic relationship with Airbnb? Here are three alternatives that will treat you the way you deserve.

🥪 A TikTok user called out a Subway location for serving a customer what appears to be a loaf of bread that “didn’t rise properly.” 

📦 In what seems like a storyline straight out of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, a FedEx driver shared how he received his “first complaint” driving for the delivery service.

🌐 From the Daily Dot archive: These students are ditching college to run an NFT business.

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

👋 Before you go

Glitches in food apps seem to be more common lately, from a woman who accidentally ordered 10 slices of cheese at Chick-fil-A to one where Chick-fil-A piled a woman’s sandwich with pickles.

Now, in a viral video, a man claims McDonald’s accidentally listed their chocolate milk as “free” on Uber Eats, resulting in him ordering 13.

“Me when mcdonald’s accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats,” the user wrote in the overlay text, zooming in on all the mini bottles.

bag with chocolate milk in bottles with caption "me when macdonals accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats" (l) Uber ats on phone in hand outside (c) bag with chocolate milk in bottles with caption "me when macdonals accidentally lists their chocolate milk for free on uber eats" (r)

🎶 Now Playing: "On The Nature Of Daylight" by Max Richter 🎶 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Trapped in a Wingstop bathroom appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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Папа хотел забодать. Маленький як появился на свет в Московском зоопарке

Навка: На прощальной церемонии на Заворотнюк не было гримма

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Новости спорта

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Кирилл Скачков

Кирилл Скачков из Новокузнецка стал победителем Игр стран БРИКС-2024

Папа хотел забодать. Маленький як появился на свет в Московском зоопарке

Спортсменка из Мытищ завоевала золото чемпионата России по пляжному самбо

Фигуранты по делу о взятках в МГМСУ записывали свои разговоры на диктофон

Глава Чехова Михаил Собакин проверил работу котельной в поселке Новый Быт