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Newsletter: The best ‘eat the rich’ moments of 2023


A $100 bill burning. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom right corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: Why First Lady Jill Biden's holiday video is causing right-wing outrage, a look at the best "eat the rich" memes of 2023, a man going viral for sharing a hack to lower your internet bill, and a seasonal Nordstrom worker saying that everyone else quit during her first week on the job

After that, our Senior Reporter Tricia has a "Problematic on TikTok" column for you. 

See you tomorrow! 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today's top stories

Jill Biden’s holiday tap-dance video called secret plot to undermine Christmas

A tap dance video is the newest source of right-wing outrage.


???? MEMES
The best ‘Eat the Rich’ moments of 2023

The rich keep getting richer. And we keep hating them. These are the best “eat the rich” moments of 2023.


???? HACKS
‘Lowered it from $70 down to $30’: Man shares how to trick workers into lowering your internet bill for you

As inflation continues to rise, people are trying all the life hacks they can in an attempt to save those pennies.


???? LABOR
‘I don’t have a manager’: Seasonal Nordstrom worker says everyone else quit on her first week, she doesn’t know what to do

A seasonal Nordstrom worker has sparked discussion after claiming that every other worker quit the job, leaving her to figure out what she’s supposed to do by herself.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? Better living through tech

An ad in the Daily Dot newsletter


An integrated health tracker that fits on your finger

The RingConn smart ring is a one-of-a-kind accesory blends sleek designs with robust functionality. A big brain in a tiny package, this smart ring monitors your heart rate, blood oxygen, sleep, and stress level to help you elevate your health and upgrade your lifestyle. Invest in your wellbeing with RingConn today and get $30 off your purchase plus a free ring protector.


???? Problematic on TikTok

By Tricia Crimmins
Senior Reporter

Tate McRae

Tate McRae’s facing consequences for singing and dancing at the same time

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Tuesdays our IRL Reporter Tricia Crimmins breaks down the trends on the popular app that will make you cringe in her “Problematic on TikTok” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

???? The familiar practice of tipping has spread to unfamiliar spaces, frustrating customers who might not ordinarily be upset about being asked to tip if they were being served by a human being.

???? This skit is going viral for depicting the sometimes absurd interactions between restaurant staff and customers over food orders—in particular, pizza orders.

✈️ In a new TikTok video, a flight attendant served up a story that have her 432,000 viewers hooked. The video is a hilarious montage of what it’s really like dealing with passengers in the sky. Spoiler alert: It’s weird and wild.

???? Did you know you can download your order history on Amazon so you can determine exactly how much you spent over the course of the year? 

???? These are the top 5 vehicles that are the most expensive to repair, according to a mechanic. 

???? A grocery shopper posted a viral video after shopping for milk, chicken, frozen vegetables, and bread at Publix. She can't believe how much it cost

???? From the Daily Dot archive: Here’s why Netflix action movies always suck

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

A dumpster diver hit the “jackpot” after going through the garbage near a mall’s Sephora.

In a video that has racked up over 9.2 million views, TikToker Ella Rose (@glamourddive) shared the moment she discovered her “most expensive score ever” and got away with the goods taken right from the dump.

INSANE hidden jackpot dumpster diving at Sephora,” read an on-screen caption.

In the clip, the woman first notices a Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler that appears to be in good condition. The item typically retails for $599 at Sephora but is currently on sale for $100 off.

Woman gets blocked after finding $600 Dyson Airwrap in dumpster outside Sephora

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: The best ‘eat the rich’ moments of 2023 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

A $100 bill burning. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom right corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: Why First Lady Jill Biden's holiday video is causing right-wing outrage, a look at the best "eat the rich" memes of 2023, a man going viral for sharing a hack to lower your internet bill, and a seasonal Nordstrom worker saying that everyone else quit during her first week on the job

After that, our Senior Reporter Tricia has a "Problematic on TikTok" column for you. 

See you tomorrow! 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today's top stories

Jill Biden’s holiday tap-dance video called secret plot to undermine Christmas

A tap dance video is the newest source of right-wing outrage.


???? MEMES
The best ‘Eat the Rich’ moments of 2023

The rich keep getting richer. And we keep hating them. These are the best “eat the rich” moments of 2023.


???? HACKS
‘Lowered it from $70 down to $30’: Man shares how to trick workers into lowering your internet bill for you

As inflation continues to rise, people are trying all the life hacks they can in an attempt to save those pennies.


???? LABOR
‘I don’t have a manager’: Seasonal Nordstrom worker says everyone else quit on her first week, she doesn’t know what to do

A seasonal Nordstrom worker has sparked discussion after claiming that every other worker quit the job, leaving her to figure out what she’s supposed to do by herself.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? Better living through tech

An ad in the Daily Dot newsletter


An integrated health tracker that fits on your finger

The RingConn smart ring is a one-of-a-kind accesory blends sleek designs with robust functionality. A big brain in a tiny package, this smart ring monitors your heart rate, blood oxygen, sleep, and stress level to help you elevate your health and upgrade your lifestyle. Invest in your wellbeing with RingConn today and get $30 off your purchase plus a free ring protector.


???? Problematic on TikTok

By Tricia Crimmins
Senior Reporter

Tate McRae

Tate McRae’s facing consequences for singing and dancing at the same time

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Tuesdays our IRL Reporter Tricia Crimmins breaks down the trends on the popular app that will make you cringe in her “Problematic on TikTok” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

???? The familiar practice of tipping has spread to unfamiliar spaces, frustrating customers who might not ordinarily be upset about being asked to tip if they were being served by a human being.

???? This skit is going viral for depicting the sometimes absurd interactions between restaurant staff and customers over food orders—in particular, pizza orders.

✈️ In a new TikTok video, a flight attendant served up a story that have her 432,000 viewers hooked. The video is a hilarious montage of what it’s really like dealing with passengers in the sky. Spoiler alert: It’s weird and wild.

???? Did you know you can download your order history on Amazon so you can determine exactly how much you spent over the course of the year? 

???? These are the top 5 vehicles that are the most expensive to repair, according to a mechanic. 

???? A grocery shopper posted a viral video after shopping for milk, chicken, frozen vegetables, and bread at Publix. She can't believe how much it cost

???? From the Daily Dot archive: Here’s why Netflix action movies always suck

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

A dumpster diver hit the “jackpot” after going through the garbage near a mall’s Sephora.

In a video that has racked up over 9.2 million views, TikToker Ella Rose (@glamourddive) shared the moment she discovered her “most expensive score ever” and got away with the goods taken right from the dump.

INSANE hidden jackpot dumpster diving at Sephora,” read an on-screen caption.

In the clip, the woman first notices a Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler that appears to be in good condition. The item typically retails for $599 at Sephora but is currently on sale for $100 off.

Woman gets blocked after finding $600 Dyson Airwrap in dumpster outside Sephora

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: The best ‘eat the rich’ moments of 2023 appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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Людмила Самсонова

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Неделя восточной культуры "Караван Парад" на ВДНХ

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Глава Следкома Бастрыкин поручил разобраться в деле подростка в Улан-Удэ