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Новости за 14.07.2019

Sanctions meant to paralyze production but it grew 1% in Q1


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Despite all pressures from US sanctions which aimed to hamper Iran's economy, domestic production has increased by 1% in the first three months of the year, Iranian Industry Minister Reza Rahmani said on Sunday.

VIDEO: French Pres. Emmanuel Macron gets booed by protesters


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – France’s major national holiday didn’t proceed smoothly for President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, as dozens of protesters booed him and demanded his resignation ahead of a massive military parade in central Paris.

Trump left JCPOA in act of 'diplomatic vandalism' to spite Obama: leaked docs


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Kim Darroch, the former United Kingdom ambassador to the United States, said the Trump administration was "set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism" in its decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal, the Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing leaked cables.

The US and the JCPOA: Carrot-and-stick diplomacy without the carrot


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Led by an unprincipled president who has shown himself to be an arrogant abrogator of agreements, a duplicitous demolisher of deals, and a tyrannical trasher of treaties, the United States appears well on its way towards setting a new world record in behavior as a rogue state.

The Jeffrey Epstein case could sink US elites and induce real change


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – If anything can get worse, like the corruption among the powerful and wealthy in the US in recent decades, it just has. Epstein was returning from Paris on his private jet when the FBI nabbed him and charged him with various grave offenses that could land him in jail for the rest of his sordid life.

France sees risk of stumble into US-Iranian conflict


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Iran’s increasing its uranium enrichment level after the United States pulled out of world powers’ nuclear deal with Tehran was “a bad reaction to ... (a) bad decision”, raising fears of a stumble into war, France’s foreign minister said according to Reuters.

Is Trump afraid of the future?


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – While some polls in the US announced the decline in the popularity of Donald Trump, the president is still trying to keep his hope for the future! However, Trump knows well that he will no longer remain in the White House in the case of failure in key and sensitive states and Democrats will be at the head of the political and executive equations of the US.

Iran’s olive production to reach 120,000 tons per annum


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Iran’s olive production is envisaged to reach 120,000 tons per year by the end of the current fiscal (March 2020), a senior official at the Ministry of Agriculture said.

$2.4bn of investments made in power industry in 6 years


SHIRVAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian announced on Sunday that during the past six years, some 230 trillion rials (about $2.4 billion) of investments have been made on power and electricity industry.

Closing ceremony of 17th Imam Reza Intl. Festival


MASHHAD, Jul. 14 (MNA) – The closing ceremony of the 17th edition of Imam Reza (AS) International Festival was held in Mashhad on Sunday in the presence of Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Abbas Salehi.

The failure of Yemen invaders


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – It has been four years since the Yemen war started, but the Saud Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other invaders have not been able to succeed even in a small part of their plans in Yemen.

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Police seize 47 tons of illicit drugs in SE Iran


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – The police forces of the Sistan and Baluchestan province, southeastern Iran, have seized 47 tons of illegal drugs during the first four months of the current Iranian calendar year (ending July 22, 2019) in the province.

EU, Iraq supporters of peace proposal over US, Iran tension


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – In a joint press conference between Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hakim and EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini in Baghdad, Iraq, on July 13, both sides showed their support for holding 'peace conference' to de-escalate Iran-US tension.

Govt. to prepare budget bill biannually: Nobakht


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Head of the Plan and Budget Organization Mohammad-Bagher Nobakht said on Sunday that the government is to prepare budget bill biannually to provide a clearer image of and higher confidence about the future.

Two phases of combined-cycle power plant launched in N Khorasan


SHIRVAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – The first and second steam units of Shirvan Combined Cycle Power Plant in Shirvan County, North Khorasan province, with a combined capacity of 320 megawatts were launched on Sunday morning in a ceremony attended by President Hassan Rouhani.

Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque, stunning whirling colors


TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – One of the most beautiful and photographed pieces of architecture in southern Iran, is Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque. It is one of the tourist attractions of Iran’s historic city of Shiraz which is known for its colorful lights that are formed by stained glass windows.

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